A Summer to Remember

Pairings: Lily & James

Rating: M

Summary: Lily, on orders of Dumbledore, has James spend the summer before 7th year at her house.

Disclaimer: I don't own any original Harry Potter character, although I wish I owned Draco Malfoy. Shame I don't...

Lily's P.O.V.

Chp. 1- Smashed

"What," I asked in disbelief, "you've got to be kidding me!"

"I'm sorry Lily, but I feel it is for the best," Dumbledore replied back.

"Have you lost your MIND? What did I ever do to deserve this?"

"Believe me Ms. Evans normally I would never do this, but I feel it will help you two get along better, and we need the heads to be united to lead our school through another wonderful year."

"Does it have to be the whole summer though?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so."

I sigh from deep within myself. The one person I hate most will ruin maybe the best summer of my entire life.

"I'm only agreeing because you asked me to. I just want you to know though, that if my summer is ruined, it rests on your shoulders Headmaster."

"I guess I will have to accept the consequences then," Dumbledore replied and smiled ar me, "now Ms. Evans if you will please excuse me, I need to inform Mr. Potter of our arrangements."

I nodded in reply, and slowly got up from my chair. What had I just gotten myself into?

I walk towards the Gryffindor common room, wishing this was just one of my nightmares. Why does everything bad happen to me? I can't think of anything that would make me happier than that talk with Dumbledore never happening.

"Hippogriff," I tell the fat lady before she can ask me the same question she always does.

I walk into the common room. I can see my best friends Kiara across the room, by the fire. I don't feel like talking to her though. Too late...

"Lily! Over here."

I take my time walking over to her.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Oh nothing."

"Bloody hell Lily. You look like someone just died."

"I wish I had."

"Why? What did Dumbledore say?"

"Well alright. He told me that I was to have James spend the ENTIRE summer at my house."

"Damn! I'm so sorry Lils. I know you hate him. Geez that's really bad luck."

"I know. James is going to be back any minute now, and he's going to know. I can't believe I agreed to this!"

I'm on the verge of tears when Kiara gives me a big hug. She knows exactly what to do to make me feel better. I hug her back, knowing I'm going to need the hug later, after I see James. Just as I'm pulling away from Kiara, James strolls into the common room, looking smug.

I can see James out of the corner of my eye walking over to his friends. They talk quietly for awhile, and just when I think it's safe, they make their way over to me.

Bloody Hell!

"Kiara," I hiss, "they're coming this way!"

"Just act cool Lil."

"So as I was saying, that's exactly why the summoning is the best one to use."

"Hey Lily."

"James," I reply coldly.

I lock my eyes with his, and prepare to stare him down. I'm standing my ground. He's coming to MY house, and he's not going to be a pain in my arse.

"So...I'm spending all summer at your house."


"Come on Lily, play nice with the big boys."

"Stuff it Sirius."

"Meow. You're a feisty little thing."

I roll my eyes. These boys can't possibly be 16! Did their mothers drop them on their heads.

"Can I help you?"

"Why yes you can, but I don't think these boys' ears are old enough to hear what I have planned for you."

"Uhhh..." I scream.

I walk away, and head upstairs. Those boys do that just to get on my nerves, and I let them get under my skin.

"Damn it Lily," I whisper to myself.

I go up and lay on my bed. I stare up at the ceiling, and eventually fall asleep. I wake up to the sun rising through my window. I rub my eyes, and stare outside. It is gorgeous here, at Hogwarts.

Too bad that tomorrow we'll be leaving. Tomorrow is the start of my summer from hell. I don't think I'll last to see my 7th year here. I go into the bathroom, and turn on the shower. What I need right now is a hot steamy shower to get my ready for my last day here.

I get into the shower, feeling the warm water cascade down my body. I run my hair under the water, loving the way it goes from curly to straight and turns 10 shades darker. I wish my hair always looked lit it did in the shower. It looks so much better when it's not all frizzy and bright red.

The deep red brings out my bright green eyes. Everyone I've met has said that my electric green eyes are my best feature. Personally I agree, because I don't like the way anything else on me looks.

I wish I were a bit taller, because I'm only 5'6". I don't hate my hair, but I do dislike it. It's bright red, and it has loose spiral curls in it. My figure is decent. I'm not flat, but I'm not big. Just the right amout of curves. Overall I'm ok with my looks.

I don't see any boys complaining either. They fall all over me, which they think I like, but I really don't care. Right now I'm just worried about my schooling, and not about a boyfriend. I mean great if one comes along, but I'm not going to kill myself to get one.

I wash up, get out of the shower, and wrap the towel around me. I dry my hair, and see that it has once again turned bright red. I sigh.

I walk quietly into the dormitory, as to not wake up the other girls. I open my wardrobe, and pull out a pair of shorts, and a tanktop. The past month it has been in the 80's and 90's.

I grab my cloak and walked down into the common room. I pulled my cloak closer to me, feeling the cold chilling my bones. I reached the portrait, when a hand came from behind me, and clamped over my mouth. I was about to scream, when I heard James breathing in my ear.

"Going somewhere love?"

I can feel my face begin to burn. How dare he? I bit his hand, and start walking. I can hear him running to catch up with me.

"Bloody hell Lily. That freaking hurt."

"Don't do stupid stuff like that. Serves you right," I reply, "you're luck I just bit you."

"What else did you have in mind? We can go into an empty classroom," James suggested and winked at me.

"Oh please. Like I'd ever be stupid enough to do that with you. Dream on."

All of a sudden I feel an arm sneak its way around my waist. I try to get away, but he's too strong. I sigh. I give up on everything. He's going to hit on me all summer, so I better get use to it.

We walk down to the great hall, and I sit down at the Gryffindor table, and grab a muffin. I don't feel like sitting down, so I decide to go for a walk instead. I'm positive James won't follow me, because then he will miss an opportunity to stuff his face. I walk into the corridor and open the front door.

I can feel a light breeze on my face. I step out, and the sunshine hits my face. I take my time while I walk to the lake. My afternoon plans are to chill out all day, and take it easy, then tonight I'm going to pack my bags, and then relax. I can't believe it's my last day.

I walk to the edge of the lake, and take a seat, looking across to the sun. It's still early, and the sun has barely gotten over the horizon. I feel like one with nature when it's quiet and peaceful like it is at this moment. I could stay here all day. I don't want to leave Hogwarts tomorrow.

"After this summer, it's going to be your last year at Hogwarts, so you better make it the best," I say to myself.

I sit there for an hour at least, just staring at the sun. I better pack my bags, so for the rest of the day I can do whatever I please. I will probably go around the castle with Kiara, so we can talk, and say our goodbyes. Tomorrow all we have is the train together, so I want to spend today with her.

I walk towards the castle, and reach the door before I realize it. I open it, and walk inside. I can see people streaming into the great hall to eat breakfast. I slowly walk towards the Gryffindor common room. I finally get to the portrait.



I go in before she shuts the door. No one is in the common room, so I head right upstairs. It's deserted in there too, so I open my trunk and grab my clothes from the wardrobe, and start folding them. I leave an outfit out to put on tomorrow. I grab my books, and lay them gently on top of my clothes. I stuff my shoes in the corner, and close my trunk again.


I decide to go find Kiara. She's probably in the great hall. I start off for the great hall. On the way there, I run into James and the gang.

"Well if it isn't Lily..."

"Well if it isn't James and his little hooligans."

"Ouch babe."

I start walking and their little group parts to let me through. I have nothing against Remus and Peter, but I can't stand James and his best friend Sirius. They are SO annoying.

Sirius walks after me, and wraps his arms around my waist from behind, and pulls me up against him. He moves my hair away from my neck and starts kissing it.

"Come on baby. Let's go somewhere private."

I can feel his hand start going towards my inner thigh. My body automatically locks up, and I turn around, and slap him across his cheek. He lets go of me, and grabs his cheek.

I walk off, and head towards the great hall again. I need to find Kiara.

I look inside the great hall, and see Kiara talking to Josh. Josh is this guy that Kiara has had a crush on for a while. He's really nice. I know she's too scared to ask him out. I also know that he likes her, but he's shy too. I have a plan though to get them together.


"Lily. Where have you been?"

"Places. I need to talk to you."

"Alright. See ya later Josh."

"Bye Kiara."

"Kiara, can you go make sure James, or Sirius isn't out there."

"Umm ok."

Kiara leaves Josh and I alone, and heads to the door.



I take his quill and parchment, and write down Kiara's phone number.

"What's this?"

"It's Kiara's number. Call her over the summer."

"Thanks Lily. You're a great friend."

"I know," I reply and smile.

"Well the coast is clear Lily, so I guess we better get going. Bye Josh."

"Bye Kiara, bye Lily."

Kiara and I walk out, and start up the stairs.

"Why did you want to know if dumb and dumber were out here?"


My mind does an automatic recap of this morning's events.


"James scared the crap out of me this morning, then he hit on me. Then when I was coming down here, all of them were upstairs, and I started walking. Sirius came up behind me, and started kissing on me, and feeling me, so I smacked him."

"Geez, they never leave you alone. Too bad I like Josh, or I could take Mr. Black off your hands. He's fine. But Josh is finer!"

"I wish you could take Sirius AND James off my hands. I'm sick of them all up on me. They never leave me alone. Ever since first year."

"Well you are pretty Lily. I can understand, but they are way too extreme. I wish Josh would give me that attention."

"Trust me it gets old fast Kiara."

"Alright, well let's make the most of our last days. Hey, I should pay James to have sex with you!"

"Ha ha ha. That's hilarious! NOT!"

"Ok. Well we need to do something fun. Let's get drunk!"

"Fine. Let's go get some firewhiskey from the kitchen."

Kiara and I head towards the kitchens. I should have some fun on my last day, so why not get smashed? Sounds like a plan to me!

"So how many bottles?"

"I'd say at least 6."

"Better make it 10, just in case."


We reach the portrait, and I tickle the pear, so that the handle will appear. Kiara and I figured this out in 2nd year, when we were exploring. I open the portrait, and step in.

"Hello misses. Can we help you?"

"Yes, we were wondering if we could have 10 bottles of firewhiskey."

"Of course misses. Would you like anything else?"

"How about a cake, and some butterbeer as well?"

"Yes. Here is your things miss."

"Thank you."

"No problem miss. Prema is happy to serve you."

"Goodbye Prema."

"You is too kind miss."

Kiara grabbed the firewhiskey, and I grabbed the cake and butterbeer. We were going to party tonight. Just me and her, and maybe some cute boys...

Kiara starts running towards the common room. I race after her. I can't wait to get started.

"Where are we going to party?"

"You know that room off of the common room? Well that's where."

"Alright. Hippogriff."

We walk into the common room, and go ino the empty room off the common room. It's the place to get smashed.

"Let's get the party started!"

"Accio shot glasses."

"Thanks Lils," Kiara says as a shot glass flies into her hand.

I reach out and snatch mine.

"Alright first to down 10 shots is the winner."

"You're on!"

I pour firewhiskey into my shot glass.

"Ready, set, go!"

I down the glass, and pour another. I down all 10 before Kiara has even finished 8.

"Damn Lily."

"Been practicing!"

"I'll bet."

"What another try?"

"Yea. Load your glass. First to 10 wins."

I pour a full glass of firewhiskey.

"Alright, begin."

I guzzle my glass, and keep going till I get to my 9th glass. Kiara is already on her 10th. I know I'm beat.


"I almost had you. Alright best out of 3."


"Fill your glasses. Start!"

I race through my glasses, and reach number 10 when Kiara is only on her 5th. I think the alcohol is taking affect on her.

"Done," I yell, and slam my glass down.

"Man this sstuff iss taking effffect."

"Now what?"

"Crank up some music."

"Alright," I reply and summon my stereo, and turn it up full blast.

Drop it like it's hot blares out from the speakers. Kiara gets up on the table, and starts dancing. I take a couple more shots, before I start dancing too. I feel so alive right at this moment. Kiara and I keep dancing for awhile, when Kiara gets off the table and shoves me up there. I grab a full bottle of firewhiskey and start dancing with it in my hands. I'm ready to party. All of a sudden I hear someone whistling as Freak a Leak ends. I look over and meet the eyes of James Potter. I look behind him and see Sirius, and Josh.

Why of all people?

"May I help you boys," I ask as I take a sip of my bottle of firewhiskey.

"Can we join the party," Sirius asks with a smile on his face.

Before I can say no, Kiara replies yes. I want to smack her. The only reason she said yes was because Josh was there. That's probably why Sirius and James brought him along. Damn them all.

I can see James and Sirius approaching me. Damn it. My head is all fuzzy, so I can barely concentrate on what's happening. I start dancing to Confessions Pt. II, when James grabs my waist from behind, and starts dancing with me. I try to get away, but he keeps his grip. Then Sirius starts dancing with me in front, so I'm sandwiched between them. I know I should get away from them, but my head doesn't comprehend this.

I turn my head, and see Josh and Kiara dancing together. At least someone is happy. I take another sip of my bottle, and duck down, and sneak between the boys' arms. I back away from them, and make sure I watch them while I start dancing again. I tip the bottle back, and take a giant sip. I'm going to need it.

James starts walking towards me. I keep walking till I run into the wall. Before I know it, I'm sandwiched between the wall, and James.

"Bugger off Jamesss."

James wraps his arms around my waist, so there's no space between us. I try to wiggle out, but he's got a firm grip. Damn Quidditch for making him strong.

I down some more firewhiskey, and keep dancing. Maybe eventually he will let go, after he sees I'm cooperating, and then I can leave. If I weren't so drunk, I'd smack James right now.

I move forward, causing him to move back. If I can get away from the wall, I have a better chance of escaping him. I have to make him believe that I want to dance with him, so he doesn't hold on to me.

I take another big sip of firewhiskey before I wrap my arms around his neck. I can see that Kiara and Josh are making out in the corner. Sirius has left. I decide to play along with James.

"I'm smashed," I whisper in hie ear. Which is true...

"I know baby. Let me make it all better."

James starts kissing my neck. I can hardly breathe. It feels so good, yet I know it's wrong. I bring my bottle up, so I can drink from it, and in the process it hits James in the back of his head.

I drink more, and realize it's gone. I throw it down on the floor, causing it to shatter all over the place. I burst out laughing. I don't know why, but it's hilarious.

"I need more..."

"I think you've had enough."


"Alright. Don't get your knickers in a bundle."

James lets go of me, and I know this is my moment to run, but my legs stay put.

Run Lily, my mind screams, yet my body doesn't respond. James makes his way over with a new bottle, and i grab it, and suck down the whole bottle before he can grab a hold of me. I throw that bottle down on the ground too.


"Lily you better slow down. You're going to have a massive hangover tomorrow."

"Oh, sssooo, now little Jamsie poo is worried about poor old Lily. Well get the bloody hell out of my way, so I can go get smashed with someone else. Maybe Sirius."

"Wait Lily," James replies and grabs my wrist. He flashes me a smile, and I can feel myself melt.

Any other girl at Hogwarts would kill to be in my position. James is the most popular guy in Hogwarts. Every guys wants to be him, and every girls wants to be with him, and I must say, right at the moment I'm enjoying it. I look over, and see Josh and Kiara are gone. Now I start to panic a bit. I forget all about the firewhiskey when he wraps his arms aroune my waist lightly as Dilemma comes on.

I wrap my arms around his neck, and rest my head on his shoulder. We stay like this even when the song ends and a fast song comes on. It feels so good. I take my head off his shoulder, and look him in the eyes. I smile sheepishly, and look away. He turns my head towards his, and slowly moves his lips towards mine. I close my eyes, and feel his lips upon mine. I feel warm all over my body all of a sudden.

I kiss him back. I like the feel of this. James places his hand on my cheek, and strokes it. His hands feel so soft against my skin. I reach up and cup his neck in my hand, pulling him closer. I know I'm completely drunk, or I wouldn't be kissing James. I slowly pull away, and I lay my head back down on his chest.

Before I know it, it's morning, and I'm sleeping on the couch in the common room. What the hell?

All of a sudden, my head starts throbbing, and I grab it and moan. I feel something stir behind me. I look back and see a sleeping James. Oh shit...

Well hope you like it. Nice long beginning of this story. Please R & R. This story is going to be a trilogy.