
With a tremendous amount of fortune, his chance had arisen only a few days later. He and Ginny had been put in detention together. Their punishment was to clean all the trophies, without magic. Normally Malfoy would have been outraged that he, a pureblood would be asked to do such a menial task. But today was different. This chance meeting gave him the perfect opening with Ginny.

After they had sat in silence for half an hour, Draco finally broke.

"So, what did you do?"

Shocked by the civil tone he had used, Ginny replied,

"Oh, Filch caught me setting off Dungbombs on the third floor."

In spite of himself Draco let out a bark of laughter, the idea that Ginny, someone he had regarded as a goody two shoes, had set off Dungbombs was unbelieveably funny!

His response, evoked a smile from Ginny.

Once again they fell into silence, but the tension between them had evaporated. Ginny had just finished cleaning an extremely large trophy, when something wet hit the side of her face with a dull thud.

Shocked she looked down to see a sopping sponge beside her. Looking over at Malfoy she saw him grinning.

Spluttering she asked,

"What was that for?"

"Just wanted to see what you'd do."

At this, Ginny grinned back at him, just as evilly. Picking up her bucket of water she moved over to Malfoy. Seeing a flicker of horror in his grey eyes, she smirked, then promptly poured the entire bucket over his head, suds and all.

"Well now you know!"

She started to turn around, but felt a sharp tug on the back of her shirt. Before she knew what had happened, she found herself, lying on her back in the midst of all the soapy water.

Looking up she found herself staring into steely grey eyes. She felt herself blush, embarrassed she started to get up, but she found that she was being restrained by a strong, albeit pale forearm.

"What are you doing? We don't have time for this, we need to finish cleaning the trophies."

Malfoy did not reply. Instead he turned her body around, so that she was facing him, then kneeling he bent towards her and kissed her. It was the same kiss he and given Hermione. Soft, filled with longing.

Moving away, he watched Ginny, she remained in the same position, eyes closed and mouth slightly puckered. He smirked to himself. Oh God this is too easy, don't tell me she's a virgin too!

He wiped the smirk off his face as Ginny opened her eyes and replaced it with an earnest expression.


"I like you Ginny, I don't know why and God knows I've tried to deny it, but seeing you here tonight! I couldn't help myself, I'm sorry,"

With this Malfoy turned away from her and picked up the sponge that had fallen from Ginny's bucket. Just as he was about to begin cleaning the trophy again, he felt a gentle touch on his arm. Turning around he saw a look on Ginny's face. The look reminded him of that Hermione had given him only a few nights before.

Taking the sponge from his hand, Ginny placed it on the floor, then wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed him.

Malfoy reciprocated, wrapping his arms around her waist. Their tongues danced, moving in intricate patterns, Her hands ran through his hair, pulling his mouth closer to hers.

She rose and fell, delivering a passionate kiss. Draco was surprised. He had misjudged. This girl was no virgin, she was experienced. Mentally smiling, he wandered who had taught her how to kiss.

They broke apart, both desperate for air. Draco watched Ginny's cheeks fill with colour, which rose from somewhere, beneath the covering of her shirt.

"You look flushed, are you hot?"

Before waiting for a reply, Draco took up the sponge once more he dipped it into his bucket of water and then brought it over to Ginny. The he squeezed gently, allowing the cool water to run from it and down her neck.

Some of the water reached her white school shirt. The places it touched became transparent. Grinning he repeated the action, taking care to place the sponge above her breasts.

As the water fell down her torso, Ginny let her head roll back in pleasure.

The now transparent shirt, revealed to Draco, the lack of bra beneath. Instead he was greeted with pert nipples.

He bent his head to Ginny's moist neck. He gently kissed his way down until his lips met her shirt. He began to suck and lick the skin exposed, just above the opening of the material. As he did so, he let one hand, cup her left breast, running his thumb back and forth across her nipple.

The sensation, sent shivers through her body and she allowed a soft moan to escape from between her lips.

Unable to refrain any longer, Draco unbuttoned her soaking shirt and let it fall away from her body. Gleefully, he took in the sight of her bare, wet breasts. They were larger than Hermione's, but just as full and pert. The nipples were a darker pink and had hardened long before his touch.

Oh yes, it was obvious that Ginny Weasley was no virgin. Slowly, he laid her down on the stone flooring, her upper half exposed. Then he lowered himself down on top of her. As he did so, her hands came up to greet his chest, She quickly and skilfully unbuttoned his shirt, removed it slowly and then ran her hands across his hard abs.

Then she reached across for the still wet sponge and squeezed the remaining water, over his back and neck. Disregarding the sponge she wrapped her arms around his neck once more and pulled him closer to her mouth. As they kissed, the water ran from his back and down, onto her bare chest.

Leaving his neck, her arms found his trouser's zipper and she slowly and deliberately began to undo it. All the time looking him straight in the eye. Once she had completely removed his trousers she started on her skirt. She was stopped by one of Draco's strong and capable hands.

Kissing her again, Draco masterfully removed her skirt. They writhed around in the water, hands running all over each others body, tongues exploring each others mouths, then Ginny flipped Draco over, so that she was on top.

Silently she kissed her way down, his stomach, following the trail of hair until she reached his boxers. Then smiling at him, she moved down until she was directly over his penis and then breathed on it, through the material.

Draco found himself inhaling sharply at this unusual but pleasurable tactic.

Ginny grinned as she saw a large bulge appear in the front of his boxers. She then removed the boxers completely to reveal, the full extent of his erection.

Then slowly and purposefully, she began to lick and suck the tip, causing Draco to groan with pleasure. One hand was used to steady his penis, the other was free to massage the orbs below.

Never had Draco, had a girl, who knew exactly how he wanted to be touched. The experience was amazing, but soon he found himself getting too excited. Feeling the need to regain control, he found Ginny's shoulders and pulled her up from her position, then flipped her back over, so that he was once again on top.

The he kissed his way down her stomach and softly spread apart her legs. He began to lick and kiss the inside of her right thigh, moving close and then pulling back, just as she arched her back, begging him to continue up her leg.

He repeated this action with her left thigh, all the while, massaging her buttocks.

Then just as she looked like she was about to explode with anticipation he moved back up her body, allowing his penis to graze the small pearl of pleasure, between her legs. He could feel the ripples of pleasure this sent through her body, and could not help but smile with pride.

When their eyes met, he could see the shamless begging in hers. She wanted him…needed him. And he complied.

Thrusting himself into her, he was pleased with the cry of pleasure she gave. He thrust over and over again, deeper every time. She did not scream his name like Hermione had. But her heavy panting and moaning was just as gratifying.

When she came, she arched her back, causing her hardened nipples to graze his moving chest. This connection, caused him to explode with pleasure.

They lay together, their sweat mixing with the water surrounding them.

Later that night, he reflected on the two encounters so far. Hermione, virginal and compliant. He had been in control…and he had loved it. But Ginny was just as exciting, her experience had almost caused him to lose control, but that made her begging all the better. She had bent to his will.

He smiled to himself, thinking that this had to be, by far, the most pleasurable mission he had ever been given by the Dark Lord…and it wasn't over yet.

OK hope you enjoyed, I'm not sure that scene was as good as the first, but I'd sort of run out of ideas…soz!

REVIEW! Like I said I'm hooked on reviews!


x x x