
Pairings: Draco and Hermione

Rating: M

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters so far!

Summary: One meeting in Diagon Alley could change their lives forever!

Draco's P.O.V.

Chp. 1- Change

Draco woke up at 9:30.

He took a shower and got dressed in a pair of jeans and a hunter green t-shirt.

He slipped on a pair of black sneakers, and looked at himself. He looked pretty good.

He had cut his hair so it was short. Now he spiked it up with gel. He checked to make sure it looked good.

He smiled to himself.

He was going to Diagon Alley today.

He grabbed his wand and apparated to Diagon Alley. He roamed around.

He usually went to Diagon Alley every day just to have something to do. He had already bought his school stuff awhile ago.

Draco went into the Quidditch shop and looked around. Just then he spotted Potty, Weasel, Weaselette, and Granger...and Granger was looking good.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

She had to be around 5'8" and her hair had tamed down and was now straight. She was laughing at something the Weasel had said.

She was wearing a short skirt that showed off her long slender legs. She had a tube top on as well. Then she had some flip flops on.

All in all she was looking pretty HOT!

Draco shook his was Granger!

But Draco kept looking at her, he could feel his heart racing.

He left the store, and waited outside it. The golden trio and the Weaselette left, and Granger looked back at him.

He smiled at her, and was surprised when she smiled back. He winked and she giggled slightly. They walked into the ice cream shop.

Draco moved over to the ice cream shop and stood in the shadows. He saw Ron, Ginny, and Harry leave, trailed by Hermione.

He stepped out and motioned for her to join him.

She yelled to the boys, and Ginny that she would meet them in the bookstore in a bit.

They left, and Hermione stepped into the shadows with him.



Draco just looked at her, and Hermione blushed slightly. Why would she stay here with him? Didn't she know it was him?

Then it dawned on him...she had no clue it was him. He had changed in appearence.

He decided to have a little fun. He reached over and kissed her on the lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

She had to stand on her tippy toes to reach him. He had grown to be 6'4".

Draco rested his hands on her hips. He broke apart from her after half an hour and stared at her. She was so different now.

She smiled slightly at him. She was under his charm.

"So where do you go to school?"


"Hmm...I don't think I've seen you before..."

She just stands there thinking.

"Well I got to go catch up with my friends...I guess I'll see you on the train."

" about we meet up on the train?"

Hermione bite her lip.

"Sure...why not?"

"Ok see you then."

Draco smiles at her as she rushes off. He can feel his mouth turn into a smirk.

She had no clue who he was...perfect!

He apparated back home.

He had 2 days left till he had to get on the train.

He looked at the clock and saw it was 2:30.

Wow time did fly by fast! He grabbed a book and read till he turned in early.

The next dat went by quick. Draco woke up early on the morning to go to the station to get on the Hogwarts Express.

He took a shower.

Then he got dressed in a new pair of boxers, a pair of pants, and then looped a belt through the holes.

He slipped a shirt over his head.

He looked through his shoes and decided on a pair of white sneakers with black stripes on them.

He slipped them on, and then went into the bathroom.

Draco grabbed his gel and spiked his hair up. He made sure it was perfect, and then went into his room and threw the gel in his trunk.

He checked to make sure he had everything.

He grabbed his wand out of his pocket and minimized his trunk.

He slipped the trunk into his pocket.

Draco took one last look at himself, and smiled.

He was ready for Hermione.

Well I know it's short, but I wanted to leave it there...Please R & R!