Chapter 4: Master Fung

Previously, on Xiaolin Showdown:

"Now you have my friend to help, you no longer need me. I will keep an eye on you," the boy said, and disappeared.

"Wait!" Omi cried after him, but there was no hope.

"I'm sorry for stealing all the Shen Gong Wu, guys," she said. "Chase Young hypnotized me."

"I reckon its okay," said Clay. "You didn't mean it."

"I am glad you are back, Kimiko," said Omi. "But we must try the Upgraded Gem of Invulnerability. We have eaten the pill of the normal one, which we could not use because of life-force sucking. Now that problem is over, but the effect is now permanent. I will try first!"

Omi opened it, and took the pill and slowly ate it. It tasted bad, but he felt incredible energy surge through his veins.

"Master Circle Grandmaster, WATER!" he shouted, readying a huge ball of water. He then calmed, and absorbed it through his hand. "It works!"

Chapter 4: Master Fung

Kimiko, Clay, and Raimundo have also tried the Gem of Invulnerability. They now have infinite powers.

"Come!" said Omi. "If Master Fung is possessed like Clay was when we fought Sabeeny, all we must do is exhaust his body!"

But there was no need to attack Master Fung. The powerful Stage 100,000 attacked THEM with his Shen Gong Wu Boom. Even though the warriors were infinitely strong, they were hurtled back into a wall.

Standing up quickly, Omi said, "You will not defeat us, possessing spirit!"

Omi struck Master Fung across the cheek only to be returned by a megaton kick that threw him into a Raimundo in the air.

Slowly they got up to see Clay throwing a lasso at Master Fung. Master Fung easily reflected it and in moments Clay was tied up on the ground. Kimiko hurried to untie him.

"Are you OK?" she asked. Clay nodded.

"Clay! Kimiko!" Omi shouted. "You must go and try to find the solution to winning against Master Fung!"



Omi let out a spring of water at Master Fung, who deflected it although it was the top attack on the level 400 times his. They all did that attack, and combined their power into Omi's.

"Now, you will fall!" shouted Omi. "Full Attack!"

Omi combined his attack with Raimundo's, Clay's, and Kimiko's. The jet of power struck Master Fung. This time, there was no physical effect but Master Fung fell backwards for a few seconds.

Next, Master Fung charged up a huge energy ball.

"Stupid little boy!" he said, throwing the energy ball.

Omi tried doing a Full Dimension x Infinite Super Soul with all other 10 Dimensionals x Infinite counted , but even that was not enough when he sent a million every second. Whatever he threw at the huge, powerful energy ball just bounced off. The ball was getting closer every second, and Omi didn't have the chi to run.


Omi was lying flat on his back. Blood oozed out of his mouth slowly, as Master Fung looked at him from 7 feet above.

"Hello, mighty Dragon of Water," he said calmly. "Its not a surprise that you, once again, cannot harness any where near the power of a Shen Gong Wu. Especially the Gem of Invulnerability."

Omi would have gasped if his muscles could summon the energy.

Suddenly, Kimiko came out from no-where and struck Master Fung across the cheek many times, simply pushing him back temporarily.

"Here, combine the Gem you have and the Gem on the paper!" she said quickly, before Master Fung kicked her right into an oncoming Clay. She was, of course, not enough to knock Clay down.

"Seismic Kick, EARTH!" he said, and he kicked Master Fung directly with his leg. Master Fung allowed one hit, which did not hurt him, and then quickly spun around Clay and head butted him.

In the meanwhile, Omi was taking the Gem of Invulnerability and he placed it on top of the Gem on the paper.

There was a huge explosion, and the living quarters of Clay, Raimundo, Omi, and Kimiko, split up into mid-air. Thankfully, they landed back right where they were in the first place.

The Xiaolin Warriors now had each double that power. Before Master Fung could attack, they all sent millions of millions of Full Dimension x Infinite Super Soul with all other 10 Dimensionals x Infinite counted every second. Master Fung blocked them all, but eventually one struck him and allowed thousands of others to get him. Soon, Master Fung was down on his knees but he looked forever strong. The warriors did not have the chi energy to build up another.

Master Fung jumped into the air and struck the warriors down using 4 quick tackle moves. They now had even chi, but whilst Master Fung's was growing, there's was going down.

"HAHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYAAH!" screamed Omi, hitting Master Fung thousands of times using his chi-gainer move.

Omi did another large use of trillions of trillions of trillions of Full Dimension x Infinite Super Soul with all other 10 Dimensionals x Infinite counted every second, and his friends followed his lead. This time, they held their attack for a long time, and by the end Master Fung had very little chi left, and was loosing it fast.

"HAAHYA!" shouted Omi, striking Master Fung quickly with his leg one last time.

Master Fung fell on the ground, bleeding, unconscious.

"Stop!" shouted Kimiko. "We only need to make him unconscious so that we can re-trance him! One of us needs to stand guard over Master Fung. Keep a safe distance so that we have more time to come, and hit him as soon as he shows signs of movement. The rest of us need to find out how to trance people-"

"In one minute?" said Raimundo. "Lets just go get one of Master Fung's friends and tell him some gibberish!"

"I will stay here!" said Omi. "Kimiko, go and see Master Fung's fire friend! Clay, go and see Master Fung's earth friend! And Raimundo … Go and see Master Fung's wind friend!"

"Excuse me, but could you please tell me where Master Yang is?" Kimiko asked a kindly looking Xiaolin Apprentice who was practising a flying leopard attack.

"Sorry, -uh," he said.

"Kimiko!" said Kimiko.

"Sorry, Kimiko, but Master Yang is training some Stage 99,999's now. Worst time, isn't it? You must walk 999,999,999 miles to get there!" said the boy.

Kimiko almost screamed with fright. Master Fung would have to be dead to let her wait that long.

"I hope the others have better luck," she said to herself, before turning and leaving Master Yang's area (after a 20,000 mile walk which she ran as fast as possible).

"Hello?" asked Clay. "I don't suppose one of you could tell me where Master Hui is?"

Clay, who was not very fast, had only walked one mile or so through the Dragon-in-Training area, with no luck in anyone telling him where to find Master Hui.

Clay then saw a small, sweating boy and walked right up to him.

"Hi there, little fella," he said, grabbing the boy just as he ran. "Could you tell me where Master Hui is?"

"Y-yes," said the boy. "He should be coming here in 2 minutes."

Two minutes wasn't a long time, so Clay decided to wait there. However, by the time he had waited, two minutes was up and there, in front of him, stood Master Hui.

"Master Hui," stammered Clay. "I-I-"

"Tell me, young boy, why you are in this boy's group?" he asked. "I remember that you are supposed to be with your Master Fung."

"Sir," said Clay. "We need to un-trance Master Fung! Please help us!"

Master Hui's eyes widened, and a huge rock giant appeared. Master Hui jumped on top of him.

"Hop on, Clay," said Master Hui, and the giants took off. There was a master to be saved.

Raimundo wasn't hurrying to get Master Wang. He had two reasons for lounging: The greatest being that, even with his element being wind, it would take 10 minutes flying 10,000 miles at top speed, let alone 1,000,000,000 possible miles; And he knew that one of his friends would surely have success. In fact, he had decided to take a few minutes off.

Lying down, Raimundo took out a hidden cheese burger from his robes and slowly bit into it. Little did he know, he was in the territory of a group of Xiaolin Apprentice's.

Clay, Kimiko, Omi, and Master Hui were impatiently waiting for Raimundo.

"Kimiko! Master Hui!" Omi cried. "We must do it quickly! Master Fung will soon get up!"

Master Hui did something amazing. Just like Omi did when he was letting out his chi, Master Hui had whitish grills in his head. Suddenly, one of his hands turned red and he touched Master Fung. There was a flash of light. Master Hui was gone and Master Fung was standing there, looking perfectly normal.

"Well done, Wudai Warriors," he said. "You have freed me from the grip of the most powerful warrior that has ever existed. Well done."

Master Fung then looked around the group.

"Where is Raimundo?" he asked.

"He has not returned," replied Omi. "He is brave, and is trying against all odds to find Master Wang. We now no longer need to," Omi added.

"Zzzzzzzzz …" Raimundo snored lightly, still munching through his gigantic bag of cheese burgers.

"Raimundo?" Omi called. "Raimundo, is that you?"

"Huh-what?" Raimundo sat up on the bench.

"What are you doing!" Omi shouted. "Are you not supposed to be getting Master Wang?"

"Yeah, I am, but seeing as though Master Fung's fine," Raimundo looked at Master Fung. "There's no need."


"Okay, okay," said Raimundo. "I took a few minutes off. So what?"

"Master Fung could have ended the Xiaolin Temple!" Omi screamed, now close to being mad himself.

"Calm down, Omi," said Kimiko. She turned to Raimundo. "Rai, why were you sleeping?"

Before Raimundo could reply…

"A new Shen Gong Wu just revealed itself, kiddies," said Dojo, coming up to them. "It's the God Star. The one we got before was fake, implanted by that fool Jesse."

"We must leave at once! This is the greatest Shen Gong Wu!" Omi said, jumping on to Dojo.

"Yes. You will find the God Star very useful in stopping Chase Young Twentieth Form's plan, though it will not defeat him. You must get it." Master Fung said.

"Come on!" said Omi. "Ummm … Master?"

"Yes?" Master Fung looked at Omi. "Does not Dojo have the God Star?"

Dojo's tail waved in panic.

"No," he said. "Why would Dashi give me the God Star?"

"Well, we have heard that Chase Young knows that you have it," said Omi. "He has known everything so far, and therefore I trust his knowledge."

"Okay, okay," Dojo cried. "Here, take it. Just don't hurt me!"

"Come," said a voice. Master Hui appeared. "The Stage 40,000,000's are holding a meeting on how to defeat Chase Young. All the population of the entire Xiaolin Temple must go."

"Come," said Master Fung to the monks. "Stay close to me, and keep your balance. Most of all, remember how far we are travelling. We will be travelling at 10100 trillion miles a second, so you will have to hold on for 10 seconds. For the benefit of themselves, the Dragons-in-Training that are closest to me should hold on to me. Everyone else, find a Stage 99,999 to touch. Once all of them are taken up, take someone of a slightly lower rank. The higher the rank the more comfortable the ride, though only Dragons-in-Training that are touching me will feel very comfortable. Let us BEGIN! Stage 100,000 Xiaolin Master Chariot, WATER!"

Water surrounded Omi, Clay, Raimundo, and Kimiko as they found a Stage 99,999 to touch. They, luckily, got one, and the quick ten-second ride began.

Omi felt more pain than he had ever experienced before. But soon, he reached a huge area. In the distance, using his Falcon's Eye power, he saw lots of little 1 mile group areas, now free of any people. They were standing inside the Stage 40,000,000 Meeting Area. There, seated in the high chair, was the King of the Xiaolin Temple: King Jong.