Xiaolin Showdown Story

Lords of Shen Gong Wu

Chapter 1: Supernatural

It was a lovely day. Kimiko strolled through her favourite rose garden. The roses were blooming and letting out pure scents. Then, she heard a sound from the Xiaolin Temple.

"Kimiko!" she heard Omi calling.

"Just coming!" she shouted back. Just as she was about to walk towards the arena where Omi, Clay, and Raimundo were waiting, she saw a shadow hiding behind the bushes. She crept behind it.

"He-hello?" she asked.

The figure stepped out.

"Hello, Kimiko," said the figure, and touched her quickly with his hand before she could say anything. He then disappeared.

Kimiko hurried to the arena … Master Fung was there, with some new targets in place! She was a WUDAI WARRIOR!

"Sorry, Master Fung!" she said, sitting down next to Omi.

"You are now all Wudai Warriors … Including you, Raimundo" (he added because Raimundo looked turned down) "And you are all ready for the next level of signature moves. Kimiko, come up first."

Kimiko walked to Master Fung's side.

"Kimiko, throw your strongest attack at the target and feel as much anger and rage as you can," said Master Fung.

"Okay, but just before that Master Fung," she asked. "Could you let me go to my room?"

"I am sorry, Kimiko," said Master Fung. "But very few things are more important than advancing a stage. You may go to your room after we're done. Now, begin!"

Kimiko threw a huge amount of fire at the target, but the shots of arrows and throws of water were able to overpower it … Next came the wind: It send Kimiko flying and she hit against the back of the arena.

"I am slightly displeased, Kimiko," said Master Fung. "Try again later. Omi!"

Omi was a brilliant success, but the wind defeated him. He had, however, beaten the earth!

"Very good, Omi! Now, Raimundo!" said Master Fung.

Raimundo passed the entire course, and just about defeated the wind with his own wind.

"And, of course, Clay!" said Master Fung, and gathered up a new arena.

Clay had the same results as Omi: He defeated his "worst enemy" (fire) but lost against wind.

"Only Raimundo has managed to complete the entire course … However, all of you are worthy of the title of Wudai Warrior! You have earned another step in the race to become Circle Grandmaster. Now, you are free to go where you wish from now," said Master Fung and walked away casually. Kimiko, Raimundo, Clay, and Omi walked into their rooms; But only Kimiko found a man there that handed her a scroll. There were three things on the scroll: A vault, some writing that was probably printed, and a tiny red dot … Wait … A tiny red dot? There was a blast of light and Kimiko left the room, an evil smile playing on her lips.

"Shen Gong Wu alert!" said Dojo Kanojo Cho, the Xiaolin protector of the Shen Gong Wu scroll and a 40-foot dragon (usually 4 foot, and NOT Dragon Warrior).

"I reckon that we want to know what it is?" asked Clay.

"It's a really hot one, according to two facts: Most Shen Gong Wu are REALLY important, we need to get this one. It's called God Star. It lets the user MAKE other Shen Gong Wu of any power … And a good time too, Chase Young is about to become Second Form … Once he does, nothing will be able to stop him. After that, if he completes ANOTHER ritual, he becomes Twentieth Form. Get-" Dojo broke off as he heard Kimiko's cackling, which she stopped abruptly when she noticed that Omi, Rai, Clay, and Dojo were staring at her.

"Kimiko, I'm not joking. Even Chase Young Second Form could kill 200 trillion of you plus the whole world plus ME in one hit! I'm not joking!" Dojo ploughed on and on and on about the dangers of Chase Young, and by the time they left for the Shen Gong Wu all except Omi doubted that Chase Young Second Form could destroy anything they imagined.

Dojo flew them down into the valley … It was not hard to tell where the God Star was, and that Jack was about to touch it. Omi touched it at the same time.

"Jack Spicer! I challenge you to a-"

"Mega-Bots! Attack!" shouted Jack, and a huge robot appeared, a 20-foot clone of Omi that sent him flying with the flick of a finger. Clay and Raimundo joined in, but they met the same fate as Omi. Just before Jack Spicer could laugh his evil laugh, Kimiko jumped in.

"Fire Hurricane!" she shouted, and the fire instantly destroyed all the Mega-Bots. As Kimiko landed her friends started to congratulate her, while Jack screamed his girlish scream, and ran off followed by Wuya.

"You were incredible, Kimiko!" said Clay.

"Thanks, Clay!" Kimiko replied.

"You were great! Anyway, thanks for saving our lives!" Raimundo said, and then he noticed Omi. Omi was not even looking at Kimiko.

"What's wrong, Omi?" he asked. Omi whispered into Raimundo's ear. "I do not understand how Kimiko has powers so much greater than ours? I am water, supposed to destroy machines easier than fire … Yet I cannot touch one and she kicks their backside!"

"You mean kicks their ass!" said Raimundo.

"I did not know Mega-Bots have donkeys …" said Omi.

"It's not donkey … Butt!" said Raimundo.

"But what?" said Omi.

"Never mind!" said Raimundo.

"Children, I have prepared a 40 metre chore list on the table in front of your rooms. It has all 40,000 chores for the day. Using the Shard of Lightning, you will be able to finish them within 5 seconds. Kimiko, I must talk to you!" said Master Fung.

"Yes, Master Fung!" said Kimiko, going with Master Fung.

"How come Kimiko doesn't have to do chores?" asked Raimundo. Master Fung and Kimiko ignored him, and began a walk towards the lane.

The dragons minus Kimiko quickly got hold of the Shard of Lightning and started their 5 second "work".

As soon as Kimiko and Master Fung left eye-sight of the other Dragons they began a run as fast as they could toward the Shen Gong Wu Vault. They had business there …

"When will they come? They've been 10 minutes!" said Raimundo impatiently.

"Yep … I reckon they might be in some trouble," said Clay.

"You think so?" asked Omi. "Master Fung has never been in THAT much trouble before … Should we try to help them?"

Master Fung was piling a tiny speck of dust (even through the Falcon's Eye it was only a speck of dust) into a 6 centimetre cabinet. Clay, who was watching from outside with the Falcon's Eye, was about to come in when he noticed something strange. Master Fung locked the cabinet and it slowly dissolved into "It was lucky that it's my early morning routine to eat a Shen Gong Wu Pill from every single Shen Gong Wu each day," he thought to himself. But then, the strangest thing of all happened.

Kimiko came into view, and stood next to Master Fung.

"I see you have collected some Shen Gong Wu," said a voice through thin air.

"Yes, Master. We have collected 1020,000,000,000 Shen Gong Wu from the Xiaolin Vault … They are now yours. Every 10 days we shall give you at least 10 more Shen Gong Wu until you have the entire collection, which will happen in only 10 more days. However, there is one last step after we do that … We must-"

"Yes, I know, Fung … I have sent an enhanced Mala Mala Jong to take them from the Spicer." Said thin air.

Clay was devastated … Kimiko and Master Fung were working for an unknown being … Their Shen Gong Wu was all gone … And Mala Mala Jong had been sent to get Jack's Shen Gong Wu? This was too much! He was too astounded to even move as the two came out of Kimiko's room.

As soon as Master Fung came out, he saw Clay.

"I see the young one has witnessed us!" he said, before striking Clay hard on the head.

"Clay? Clay, you're awake! Raimundo, come over here!" Omi shouted, looking at Clay with utmost care on his face. Raimundo flipped over to Clay.

"Dude, we found you just outside Kimiko's room … What were you doing there?" asked Raimundo, and before a reply came, he added something else. "Um, maybe you would be better off not knowing, but … ALL OUR SHEN GONG WU HAVE BEEN STOLEN!"

Suddenly, there was an extremely loud, girlish scream … A familiar one.

A familiar figure came running into the Temple.

"Jack Spicer! We should have known that you have come to steal our Shen Gong Wu!" shouted Omi. Then, he added, "Not that we have any … But still enough to defeat YOU!"

"You don't have any either? Did Mala Mala Jong get yours to?" Jack whimpered.

"No … They mysteriously disappeared somehow … And who would recreate Mala Mala Jong?" asked Omi.

"I don't know who, but he was seriously advanced … This time, he had all 1030,000,000,000 Shen Gong Wu powers on him and he was much stronger and faster," said Jack. "And he's coming this way! PLEASE HELP ME!" he shouted.

What is wrong with Jack? Is he lying about Mala Mala Jong? And will the warriors be able to stop an upgraded Mala Mala Jong?

Find out on the next chapter of LORDS OF SHEN GONG WU!