Thank you all for your amazing reviews and for sticking through with this story! (I'm glad some of you think it's like Meg Cabot, considering she is my favorite writer!)
Sequel coming soon! KEEP AN EYE FOR IT! "With Or Without You"

Disclaimer: I do not own "With You" Jessica Simpson does (the song, not my story ) And I do not own Card Captor Sakura, but I'm guessing you already knew that.

With You
Chapter Nineteen: Final Telling

I sighed, walking into the house, which was empty except for Kero and I, and closed the door slowly, grudgingly, behind me.

Syaoran was gone. Meilin was gone. Mostly…Syaoran was gone.

They'd just left, just got on a plane back to Hong Kong, and I wouldn't see them again for two months.

I think, over those two months, I'd die.

It was raining heavily outside, a thick layer of rain pouring down on the city, bright flashes of lightning lighting up the sky, loud jolts of thunder shaking the ground.

And there I was, standing in my front entrance, silent tears running down my cheeks.

"Syaoran I…I need to talk to you." I said softly, grabbing his arm, just as he was about to board the plane.

He turned to me, his dark eyes confused. "What's wrong Sakura?"

I quickly looked over my shoulder, making sure that Tomoyo, Eriol and Meilin were out of ear shot.

They were. Good.

Time to get this over with.

I took a deep breath and turned back to him, but didn't look him in the eyes…I couldn't.

"I…I have something I need to tell you," I breathed. "Something I should have said a long time ago."

Syaoran smiled and nodded. "Go ahead, I'm listening."

Why was I so nervous? I mean, my hands were sweaty and shaking and my heart was going about a million miles an hour.

Wait, I know why I was so nervous! Because I was about to admit my feelings to the boy I was desperately in love with.


"Flight one-oh-four to Hong Kong, now boarding." a voice said over the sound system.

Okay, now or never. Time to go Sakura!

I sighed, clutching my hands together tightly to keep them from shaking.

"Syaoran I…" I managed to croak. "I'm sorry…about what happened…in Hong Kong."

"What happened?" he asked, looking confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Come on Syaoran!" Meilin shouted from the gate.

"In a second Meilin." Syaoran said over his shoulder, turning back to me. "Sakura?"

Ah! I was such a coward! Just go out and say it!

"I'm sorry for hurting you." I said quickly. "I didn't want it to be like that, I really didn't. I-I love you. I should have told you this sooner, but I love you! I really do, with all my heart."

Then I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek, turning and running from the area.
End Flashback

I had left him there, standing there in the airport, staring after me, his eyes wide in shock.

Yes, shock. He had been shocked.

And I didn't even stick around to hear his answer.

Now I was going to sit here in Tamoeda for two months, twitching.

Literally, twitching, all because I couldn't stand there for two more seconds for his answer.

No, I had been so shocked with myself, shocked and embarrassed, that I had to run.

In the rain, no less.

I had run home, all the way from the airport, except when I took the bus once, in the rain.

So I was standing there, in my front entry, soaked.

With a strangled sigh I turned on the lights and walked upstairs, straight into my bathroom.

The same bathroom where, not so long ago, I had helped Syaoran when he was hurt…and got caught when Touya walked in.

Ah yes, such fond memories.

I turned on the shower and stripped off my clothes, getting in.

Washing my tears away…

A few minuets later, I was in my room, fully dressed in a white tank-top and baggy gray sweat-pants.

I was so going to make macaroni and cheese for dinner, then sit by the TV for hours with a box of chocolate ice-cream watching re-runs of I Love Lucy or Gilmore Girls.

Yes, American channels. We had a dish.

I walked back into my bathroom and pulled out my blow-dryer. No sense in having wet hair.

No sooner had I turned the dang thing on, however, did the power go out.

I have to admit, I was so out of it that this startled me, so I screamed.

But only a little.

"Damn storm." I growled as a huge boom of thunder sounded over-head.

With a strangled sigh, I walked out of my room, down the stairs, and into the tiny room beside the kitchen that held the breaker box.

But no matter how many times I flicked those stupid switches, the power would not go back on.

I hated walking in the dark, I really did, so the sooner I got candles lit, the better.

I walked, rather slowly so as not to run into anything in the dark, into the kitchen and pulled open the drawer that held the candles and matches.

When lighting struck overhead, however, I noticed something in that instant out of the corner of my eye.

A figure, standing in the doorway.

This made my heart jump into my throat, it scared me so much.

But then I was plunged into darkness again, and I tried to convince myself that I was just seeing things. No one can get in the house…I mean…we had locks…

My eyes widened suddenly as I remembered the group of people I'd pissed off when Syaoran was attacked.

What if they stalked me out and now they're back for revenge because they know I'm alone? I thought frantically, still pretending to search for candles. I don't want to die alone in this stupid dark house!

I felt my fingers run along something sharp, then. A knife.

Ha, yeah right, like I wanted to become a murderer.

Lighting lit up the skies again, and I turned to look at the figure.

Yup, there definitely was someone there.

So, doing the only thing I could do in the situation, I screamed.

And ran.

Oh come on, like you wouldn't do the same.

So yeah, I ran, as fast as I could through the darkness, the only light provided was the lighting that flashed every half-a-minuet or so.

Basically, I was running blind.

But hell, I knew my house a lot better than the person in it, as I could tell from their clumsy footsteps after me.

"Get out of my freaking house!" I shrieked, trying to decide whether or not to run to the front door, which would take me a while to open considering it was bolted, or to my room, where I could safely lock myself in.

Room. Definitely room.

Then, I could sneak out my window…

I shrieked as I felt warm fingers brush against my arm, and I ran faster, slapping the hand away.

I was scared, really scared. I mean, I had only hit these guys with my umbrella, but God, they were scary even when provoked in such a trivial manner!

I almost fell as I rushed up the stairs and down the hallway to my room.

My pursuer, however, did not.

I felt his, or her, hand grip my arm tightly, pulling me to a stop just outside my room.

"No!" I shrieked, fighting against their strong grasp, waiting for the knife that would, most likely, sink into my side at any moment. Hey, the people who attacked Syaoran were, most likely, in a gang, so they probably carried around knives…or worse…guns.


"Let me go!" I continued to scream, fighting against the strong grip. "Let-"

My words were cut off, however, when lips pressed against mine.

Great, they were going to rape me, then kill me! What a great way to die.


Wait…I recognize those lips…

"Syaoran?" I growled as the person pulled away, chuckling slightly. "Oh my God you retard! Scare the shit out of me why don't you?"

If I could see him, he probably would have been smirking. "Sorry."

"Why didn't you tell me it was you? Then I wouldn't have run and-"

"It was more fun this way." Syaoran said, his voice filled with amusement. Fun? He thought that was fun? I was going to have a heart-attack and he's having the time of his life?

"W-What are you doing here anyway?" I sighed, feelings his warm breath against my cheeks. He was close, very close…though I couldn't see, I could still feel the static between us. "You should be half way to Hong Kong by now!"

"I know, I should be." Syaoran sighed. "But I rescheduled."

"Rescheduled?" I breathed. "Why?"

"Because of what someone said to me before I got on the plane." Syaoran said.

"Eriol…said don't go?" I said, confused, remembering how the blue-haired boy had tried to convince Syaoran to stay over the holidays.

Syaoran laughed. "No."


"What you said." he answered softly, resting his forehead on mine, his grip on my arm loosening so much that his fingers slid down the length of my arm, resting when his fingers laced with mine.


I felt my cheeks burn and I was glad for the pitch-black we were in. "O-Oh."

"About that." Syaoran said, his free hand slipping behind my neck, the warm feeling of his fingers against my skin was very pleasant, very pleasant indeed. "Well I-"

His words were drowned out when thunder boomed overhead, causing me to shudder and cover my ears.

Syaoran laughed, "Scared?"

"Um, just a bit." I swallowed, hard.

His hand moved from mine and slid around my waist and I felt him pull me tightly against him, his nose touching mine.

"I didn't hear what you said," I said nervously. "B-Before. You know, thunder."

"I don't know how I can say it again." Syaoran breathed, his breath hot against my skin, or maybe it was just that my skin was hot, his arm was delightfully possessive around my waist.

What? Oh my God.

"So you're not going to tell me now?" I frowned, mad that he couldn't see me pout.

"No." he said softly. The hand that was behind my neck gently started to stroke just under my ear, sending sweet shivers down my spine.

Damn him. He was good.

"I'm going to show you." he whispered, connecting his lips to mine.

Well, I guess this was a little, okay a lot, better than him just telling me.

The hand that was around my waist, gently slid along my hip, his other hand that was on my neck slid down to join his other hand on my other hip, all the while his lips working their magic on mine.

Ode to joy.

"I love you Sakura." Syaoran breathed, holding me tightly against him, as if he were afraid I was suddenly gonna jump up and run away. "I love you."

I smiled sliding my hands behind his neck, guiding his lips back to mine.

The next thing I knew, he was pushing me back into my room, closing the door behind us.


"I don't want to go." Syaoran sighed, wrapping his arms tightly around me, placing butterfly kisses on the curve of my neck. "You still have one more day until your dad and brother get back, right?"

I rolled my eyes. Syaoran had spent the past day with me at the house, and it seemed that he didn't want to leave.

"Right." I sighed. "But you still have to go home or Meilin and the others are going to think your plane went down or something."

"I could say it did." he smirked, looking down at me. "And then I could stay here with you."

"Last call for flight one-oh-six to Hong Kong." the voice said over the loud speaker.

"Go." I said, pushing him away from me. "Get on that damn plane."


"You're coming back Syaoran." I smiled, gripping his hand tightly in mine. "So why the fuss?"

"Because I don't want to leave you." Syaoran smirked, leaning forward, planting his lips on mine satisfyingly.

He really had to get on that damn plane, or I wouldn't be able to let him leave.

I mean, I loved him, it broke my heart to know that I wouldn't see him for two months.

"Please Syaoran," I sighed, pulling away from his kisses, those dangerous kisses that I had fallen for more than a couple of times. "Just go."

He sighed and nodded, giving my hand a tight squeeze then letting it go. "Fine. I'll call you when I get in."

"I'll be waiting." I said.

"Bye." he smiled, giving me a kiss, one last kiss, then turning and walking through the gate.

I wanted to run after him, take his hand and pull him back, but that would be stupid. He had already cancelled his first flight for me, and I wasn't going to keep him from his family, who was probably pretty worried, any longer.

I had told him how I felt, and everything had gone perfectly. Better, even.

So now all I had to do was wait. For two long months I would wait for him.


I sighed and turned from the gate, walking through the busy airport, hugging my arms around myself.

It had snowed last night, and a thick blanket of white covered the entire city. It was beautiful.

"Taxi, miss?" a man asked, standing by a small yellow car.

"No thanks." I smiled. "I'll walk."

And I would, too.

After all, I had to think of a good story to tell Touya when he came home. Who knew what he would think, or do, when he found out about Syaoran and I?

Not, of course, that I was going to tell him.


(AN-- Here's your Syaoran's POV!)

XxXxX Syaoran's POV XxXxX

I smiled lightly to myself, sitting comfortably in my seat on the plane, gazing out the tiny window at the airport, which was slowly growing smaller as the plane made it's way down the runway.

I was leaving Sakura, if only for a little while. God, I didn't want to.

I had spent the night with her, and then the day, and every second I was falling more and more in love with her, and yet dreading the moment when I'd have to leave her.

I held my breath as the plane lifted off the ground, a tradition of mine, and wondered what Sakura was doing right then, if she was already walking out of the airport, or still standing at the gate.

Wherever she was, my heart was with her.

Two months…two long months before I would see her again, the beautiful emerald-eyes goddess that had shown me love and trust. I was going to miss her.

When she'd told me that she loved me a day ago, I had to admit that I was in complete shock. I had thought that she thought of me as just some fling.

Guess not.

Now that I knew, however, there was no way in hell that I was going to leave her, ever. When I got back to Tamoeda, I'd tell her my plans of staying there, with her.

And, when the time was right, I'd give her the promise of my life.

Hope you liked it! Please REVIEW!
I just couldn't help but use this song….

Song: With You
By: Jessica Simpson

The real me is a Southern girl
With her Levi's on and an open heart
Wish I could save the world
Like I was Supergirl
The real me used to laugh all night
Lying in the grass, just talking 'bout love
But lately I've been jaded
Life got so complicated

I start thinking about it
Almost forgot what it was like
To know when it feels right

But with you
I can let my hair down
I can say anything crazy
I know you'll catch me right before I hit the ground
With nothing but a T-shirt on
I never felt so beautiful
Baby, as I do now
Now that I'm with you

With you
With you
With you
Now that I'm with you

You speak and it's like a song
And just like that, all my walls come down I
t's like a private joke
Just meant for us to know
I relate to you naturally

Everybody else just fades away
Sometimes it's hard to breathe
Just knowing you found me

'Cause I start thinking about it
I almost forgot what it was like
To know when love feels right

'Cause with you
I can let my hair down
I can say anything crazy
I know you'll catch me right before
I hit the ground
With nothing but a T-shirt on
I never felt so beautiful
Baby, as I do now Now that I'm with you

With you
With you
With you

Come and take me
Love you, save me
Like nobody else
Now I can be myself with you

I can let my hair down
I can say anything crazy
I know you'll catch me right before I hit the ground
With nothing but a T-shirt on
I never felt so beautiful
Baby, as I do now
Now that I'm with you
I can let my hair down
I can say anything crazy
I know you'll catch me right before I hit the ground
With nothing but a T-shirt on
I never felt so beautiful
Baby, as I do now
Now that I'm with you