Harry Potter and the Green Eyed Serpent

Part One: The Battle for Azkaban

Chapter Two: Draco's Decisions

Title: Harry Potter and the Green Eyed Serpent

Part: Part One: The Battle for Azkaban

Chapter: Chapter Two: Draco's Decisions

Author: Mynamegoeshere

Category: Action/Adventure

Sub-Category: Suspence

Rating:PG/PG-13 for violence

Spoilers: SS/PS, CoS, PoA, GoF, OotP, HBP

Summary: Draco Malfoy has an exciting adventure in the Forbidden Forest.

DISCLAIMER: This story is based on the characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Author Notes: Chapter two is here! This chapter will be about Draco Malfoy's exciting adventure in the Forbidden Forest. I think I will use Draco for his name, rather than Malfoy, so we won't get him confused with Lucicus later on in the fic.

Draco Malfoy sprinted through the Forbidden Forest as fast as he possibly could. It seemed to him like he had been running for over an hour. Trees flew by as he pulled out his wand, whispered 'Lumos', and saw a small light appear at the end of his wand.

As he ran he thought about the events that had just occurred only an hour ago. He had led Lord Voldemort's Death Eaters into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There he had come face to face with the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore but for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to finish what he had planned. He was not able to kill Dumbeldore. Thankfully, for him, Severus Snape had later came and done the job for him. He next remembered Snape escorting him out of Hogwarts. Finally, they had gotten out of the school, and were running past Hagrid's cabin. That was when they saw Harry Potter. It was at that moment that Snape had yelled to Draco to run for it, and he set off to the only place he could go, the Forbidden Forest. He had expected Snape to follow him, but he did not. Now he was alone running through the trees.

Finally, after what seemed like an age, he stopped running and collapsed on the ground. As he was sprawled out on the ground, he finally realized the magnitude of the situation he was in. He was alone, lost in the middle of a forest rumored to be home of all kinds of terrible creatures, with no food or water, or any supplies at all for that matter. He lay there sprawled out on the forest floor for quite a while. While lying on the ground, he did quite a lot of thinking. He remembered those words that Dumbledore had said to him just before he died.

'Draco, you are not a killer.'

He had said them so calmly, like he had full confidence that Draco, or any of the other Death Eaters were ever going to harm him. Then a very strange thought ran through his head. What if Dumbledore was right?

'After all' Draco thought, 'I was not able to kill him. I just stood there.'

He thought that maybe he should have taken Dumbledore's advice. Maybe he should have gone with him, and faked his and his mother's death. Now he wished he had done so. He began to think more about his whole life, and everything he had done, and finally, for once, realized that he was wrong. He should never have wanted to join the dark lord. His parents had been wrong. For the first time in his life, Draco was feeling regret for all that he had done.

Slowly he got to his feet. He had to find a way out of this forest. He walked onward, thinking of the horrible creatures that were rumored to be in this forest. He looked up at the sky, and saw a full moon. He gulped. Now he was starting to really get nervous. He walked a little faster, looking all around as he went, when suddenly he tripped, and saw to his horror that he had tripped over something big and hairy. From the ground he looked up and saw a huge spider, about the size of a dog. It picked him up around his stomach and started carrying him off.

After what seemed to be an age, the spider finally dropped him on the ground. Surrounding him was a large circle of dog-sized spiders. He could see no way out of this one. It was surely over for him. Suddenly an even larger spider emerged and walked toward him.

Draco had heard rumors of something very similar to this happening at Hogwarts long ago. From what he could remember, it was that two boys had gone wandering in the forest, and met some giant spiders, but he never heard how the two boys escaped, or if the rumor was even true for that matter. He strained his mind to try and remember anything else he had heard about this crazy rumor, but could not think of anything. The only thing he could remember was that there was some kind of car involved in the story…

The gigantic spider approached him, coming closer and closer. Malfoy lay on the ground knowing the end was coming soon. He closed his eyes and braced himself for the pincers. But they never came. Instead he heard a raspy voice, speaking in English.

"Hagrid? Is that you?"

Malfoy opened his eyes and saw to his amazement that the spider was talking, followed by a clicking noise coming from the other spiders. He was rigid with fear, but somehow he managed to open his mouth and produce an answer.

"N-n-n-no, Hagrid isn't with me, he's in-n-n-n his c-c-c-cabin by the s-s-s-school" Malfoy stammered.

"Are you a friend of Hagrid?"

Malfoy found it very hard to answer this question.

"Hagrid told us not to harm friends of his, my husband almost ate two of Hagrid's friends a few years ago before he died."

Suddenly the spider made a loud clicking noise. The circle of spiders surrounding him followed suit, and clicked also. Then the gigantic spider spoke again.

"Are you Harry Potter? Or Ron Weasly? Hermione Granger? If you are, I am sorry to have to inform you that Aragog has passed away. I am his wife, Mosag."

"No," Draco said, "I'm n-n-not Harry Potter, or R-r-ron Weasley, my n-n-n-name is D-d-d-draco M-m-m-malfoy."

The spider suddenly roared.


Draco tried to explain, "Wait—no--, you don't understand, I have no problem with Hagrid anymore, that—that was a long time ago."


As the gigantic spider approached him, all the smaller (but still huge) spiders came closer. Mosag leaned forward. Draco looked up and saw her pincers coming down toward his neck. He closed his eyes bracing for his end. Suddenly he heard a blast. He opened his eyes and saw a red light flash. A handful of spiders were blasted across the sky. Then a purple light, and the gigantic wife of Aragog flew off into the horizon. Severus Snape had come, and he was battling the spiders. More spiders approached him, but they were blasted away by another flash of red light. Just when Draco thought he had been saved, he felt himself being picked up into the air and was being taken away into the darkness of the forest. Suddenly the beast dropped him. Draco fell to the ground, and immediately jumped to his feet, he saw about 10 or 15 more dog-sized spiders rushing toward him, and behind them, shooting curses like mad, was Snape. Draco had no time to pull out his wand, so he turned and ran through the dark trees. He didn't dare look behind him. Finally when he could not humanly run any longer, he stopped and looked behind him and saw, to his surprise, nothing. Where had Snape gone? He started walking back the way he came. Then without warning he saw something jump out from behind a tree in the distance.

"Snape? Is that you?" Draco called.

The figure darted toward him. Draco stepped backward in shock and tripped over his own feet and fell into a ditch. From the ground he looked up, and saw the full moon, brightly lit in the sky. Then he turned his head, and saw to his horror, a werewolf. 'Snape will come.' He thought. 'This can't be the end. The werewolf growled. It walked forward, coming toward Draco. Suddenly a bright light appeared from behind the werewolf. It jerked upright and swung around only to be knocked off its feet by a car! The werewolf went flying into the moonlight while the car flew over Draco's head. It landed on the other side of the ditch Draco was in and stopped. He got up, and walked over to it.

The car was almost a very large bush on wheels. There were vines, leaves, and brush all over every inch of it, yet somehow it still ran. Then he got a thought. What if this was Arthur Weasley's car? The same one the Harry and Ron had flew into the Whopping Willow in their second year at Hogwarts. It must have been, how else could a bewitched car be in the forest? As Malfoy approached the door, it swung open. As he sat in the drivers seat, he saw the door magically swing closed, and the car zoomed away. Eventually he found Snape, and they Disapperated away.

A/N: R&R please. By the way, starting next chapter, it will mainly be from Harry's point of view. Hope you are enjoying this so far.

Coming Up Next: In Chapter Three, Harry is on his way back home on the Hogwarts Express, but now that Dumbledore is gone, how much longer will it be before something else terrible happens? A lot sooner than most will expect.