Harry Potter and the Green Eyed Serpent

Part One: The Battle for Azkaban

Chapter One: Voldemort's Plot

Title: Harry Potter and the Green Eyed Serpent

Part: Part One: The Battle for Azkaban

Chapter: Chapter One: Voldemort's Plot

Author: Mynamegoeshere

Category: Action/Adventure

Sub-Category: Suspense

Rating:PG/PG-13 for violence

Spoilers: SS/PS, CoS, PoA, GoF, OotP, HBP

Summary: Catch a glimpse of Voldemort and the Death Eaters strategizing their next moves.

DISCLAIMER: This story is based on the characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Author Notes: I've decided to split this up into three parts, each part will have 6 or 7 chapters, but that could vary. Harry will come into the story in chapter three, and from then on out he will be the main character, but for the first two chapters you get to see what the bad guys are up to.

Chapter One: Voldemort's Decisions

Severus Snape felt a pain on his left arm. He pulled up his sleeve and saw the Dark Mark burning black, the skull and serpent clearer than ever before. The obedient Death Eater immediately Disapparated and instantly reappeared at the side of his master.

Lord Voldemort was standing in a cave when, with a faint pop, Snape appeared at his side. The dark lord walked forward until he abruptly stopped and pulled out a knife. He muttered an incantation and then made a small cut in Snape's finger. As his blood hit the ground, the cave wall opened and they walked through. Soon they approached a small boat that Voldemort and Snape climbed into. As they magically propelled themselves across the lake, Voldemort spoke.

"Last night," he said, "two wizards rode in this very same boat across this very same lake. Those two wizards were the only two on the entire planet that even had the slightest chance of stopping me. One is now dead. The other, I must see to myself. You have done very well, my most faithful and trusted servant, and for successfully fulfilling your duty as spy, and for destroying one of our greatest enemies, I am going to tell everything. Between us, there will be no secrets."

Voldemort proceeded to tellSnapeall about how he had survived the night he gave Harry Potter his lightning shaped scare. When he was finishedSnapelooked astonished.

"Are you sure that nobody knows of this?" Snape asked.

"I have never before told a soul." Voldemort replied. "Before he was killed, he had come to this very island, only to find thatwhat he was looking for isgone. The potion he drank here had weakened him. That was why it was so easy for you to be rid of him. Now, I will summon the rest of the Death Eaters, so that we can decide how to take advantage of this wonderful situation."

Voldemort rolled up his sleeve, and touched the Dark Mark that he himself had burned onto his skin, and the skin of all of his Death Eaters. In a matter of seconds there was a circle of his followers surrounding him.

"Welcome," said Voldemort, "Our attack on Hogwarts went very well. It was much more successful than our attempt to steal the prophecy last year."

He turned to look at Bellatrix Lestrange. He stared at her, but then decided to go on.

"Snape has successfully destroyed one of the most powerful wizards on this earth. I am, of course, speaking of Albus Dumbledore. Now there is now no doubt in the minds of anyone, that I am by far the most powerful wizard who ever lived. However I have not yet achieved what I have been attempting to do all my life, achieving immortality. I have been working on this for some time now, and I will continue to work while my faithful Death Eaters will help me destroy those who are not worthy of living in this world."

Voldemort continued, "I believe that we have a new Death Eater to welcome into the family. This wizard has done much considering his young age, including finding a way to let our Death Eaters into Hogwarts. His father is currently being held in Azkaban. Yes, Lucius Malfoy's son Draco has been of much help to us."

Narcissa and Bellatrix looked at each other.

"If it were not for him, we would never have been able to get into the school, and for that, he will be rewarded. He will also be welcomed into our family. Although he is young, he has proved worthy of entering, and becoming one of us.His whereabouts we can only guess at the moment. While Snape and Draco were fleeing Hogwarts, we believe that young Malfoy must have gotten lost in the Forbidden Forest."

Voldemort turned to Snape.

"These are my orders to you: first, you must find Draco. Once you have him, return to me so that I can give him a proper welcome into our little group here. After you return to me I will accompany you and Draco on a little trip to Azkaban, and Lucius, as well as some of our other friends will be freed. Snape, you may begin your search for Draco now."

"Yes master." Snape answered and with a pop he was gone.

Voldemort now turned to three other Death Eaters, Peter Pettigrew, or Wormtail, Bellatrix Lestrange, and Finir Greyback.

"You three have also done well," said Voldemort, "so I will send you on a very important mission. Right now Harry Potter is heading back to London on the Hogwarts express. You three will be entrusted on the mission to bring the boy to me."

Voldemort approached them and said quietly, "I will give you three more details on your mission after the rest of my Death Eaters have left." He resumed his usual cold sneer.

"For the rest of you, I have made a list of Mudbloods, and some others that I have deemed unworthy of continuing to live in our world."

He pulled a piece of parchment out of his pocket, and with a flick of his wand copies were made and floated to the hands of the Death Eaters.

"You have all seen this list before, and I am glad to announce that our number one enemy has been destroyed. Now Potter is virtually the only one that can possibly stop me. After he is gone, our reign will begin."

He turned next to Goyle.

"Normally I would put Malfoy or have Crabbe assist you with this task, but as they cannot join us at the moment I trust that you two will be able to handle leading the rest of the Death Eaters in finding ways to murder the filth of the Mudbloods that need to be destroyed."

Goyle nodded.

"As for me, I will continue to try and find a way to reach immortality, and once I do, I will tell all of you about it, and then, no one will ever be able to stop us. But right now our main priority is getting Potter. So Goyle, you two will now need to take the remaining Death Eaters, and figure out a way to wipe out more of those who oppose us. Go now, and remember, failure will not be tolerated."

With that, the circle of death eaters vanished. All that was left with Voldemort were Bellatrix, Wormtail, and Greyback.

"You three," said the dark lord, "are in charge of bringing Harry Potter to me. I have a foolproof plan. You will succeed."

A/N: Hope you liked it. Look for the next chapter that I will probably have up in a week or 2. The next one will be mainly about Draco Malfoy. But don't worry; from chapter 3 on out Harry Potter will be the main character.