
Before I begin, I would like to explain a thing or two about Multiverse theory, and how it could apply to cartoons. Multiverse is the theory that there are several parallel universes, each one going a different direction due to cause and events. So, say, there are several universes in which the Nazis did win WWII, and several (like ours) that the Allies won. And there are new universes generated every day by the different effects from a certain point. And not every reality is on the same timeline- some realities are still in the first century. Also, in parallel universes, everyone has a counterpart. There may be a universe where I didn't eat apple jacks for breakfast this morning, and one where I did. Neat, huh?

Enter Cartoons. I like to think that cartoons aren't fictitious works, but alternate realities in which there are aliens, ghosts, demons, youkai, etc. This is one theory behind the Bone Eater's Well in Inuyasha.

This is also the entire pivotal theory behind this story. It's not going to make much sense if you don't understsand Multiverse. If you want a really good explanation, read "Timeline" by Michael Crichton.

So, with that, I wish you happy reading.


Setting: Dimension 196-A: "Reality", or the world we live in

Daniel Barry sat and watched the clock tick slowly towards 3:00. Today was Friday, the day he was allowed to spend the night at his best friend's house. Across the classroom, the said friend (with the unfortunate name of Zander Maxfield) was watching the clock with equal intesnity, his eyes almost bulging out of his head. Daniel glanced over at him, and the two eleven-year-old boys grinned. Not only was it Friday-- it was opening night of "Impending Doom 2: INVASION!" They had been waiting all month.

The bell finally rang, and the friends hurried outside, to be greeted by Zander's older twin brothers, Rousseau and Phineas. (The Maxfields had an unusual habit of giving their children really sucky names) The two were pretty easy to spot, because of their freakish height and odd methods of dressing. For reasons no one could explain, the two had taken to dressing in red and purple, respectively. Maybe it was so they could be told apart, or maybe it was just a fashion statement. No one really knew for sure.

Any way, when Danny and "Z", as Zander was called, rushed out, his brothers were scheming of ways to ditch the children. Z rushed over to them, waving his arms and shouting, "HEY! HEY GUYS! HEY! HEY!"

"We can't take Z to see 'Impending Doom' with us! He'll ruin it like he did the first movie, with all his shrieking and crazy laughter," whined Rousseau, folding his arms and leaning against their car.

"Maybe we can tell him it's rated R. He won't question us if we say Mom said no," Phineas replied between mouthfulls of potato chips. That was another peculiar thing about the Maxfield twins. They ate junkfood like it would cease to exist in the next minute, yet remained total beanpoles.

Z and Danny ran up to them, bouncing with excitement. The twins exchanged glances, nodded, and turned to the two boys. "Uh. . . sorry, we can't take you, because Mom said it was rated. . . R+. Yeah. . . She'd kill us, you know." Rousseau blurted, trying not to laugh. Phineas made a strangled noise, as he was biting his lips to keep from cracking up.

Z's face fell. "But I NEED to see it! The need FILLS me, no CONTROLS me!" He latched onto Phineas's legs. "I GOTTA SEE THE DOOM! DO NOT IGNORE MY MIGHTY NEEEEEEEED!"

Danny pried Z off of his brother. "C'mon, we can just go to your house and feed the dog. And then we'll do something less cool. . ." He trudged off, dragging Z behind him.

The twins watched their receding figures, then burst into laughter. After a few solid minutes of breathless hooting, Phineas stood up. "I'm driving!" he shouted with glee.


The two boys entered Z's green house, a Taco Bell bag in hand. Z's parents came out of the kitchen, and in semi-creepy unison, chimed "Welcome home, son!"

"Hi mom, hi dad," mumbled Z, shuffling over to a food bowl on the floor.

"Honey, what did we say about giving Gir people food?" Mrs. Maxfield scolded, her yellow-gloved arms submersed in dishwater.

"But Gir likes tacos. . . and you said I could give him one on Fridays. . ." Z waved the bag a little.

Danny rubbed his chin. "It IS weird that your dog likes tacos so much. . ." he said aloud, to himself.

"Oh, son, it's not that we're afraid that Gir will get fat, it's just that he's been acting weird today." He folded his paper, and held his pipe in one hand. "He's been under your bed all day and making weird noises."

"Oh, and I could have just sworn he was green!" Mrs. Maxfield laughed. "Maybe I'm just seeing things."

Z rolled his eyes. "Eh, he'll come out for a taco. C'mon Danny, let's go to my room."

As the climbed the stairs, the friends planned their games for the afternoon. "Okay, so do you wanna play ghosts and vampires, paranormal investiagators and zombies, or werewolves and aliens!" Danny asked excitedly.

"I was thinking paranormal investigators and aliens. . . we haven't done that one in a while. . ." Z replied.

"Oh! Cool! I'm the paranormal investigator!"

"But. . . I'm always the alien. . ." Z remarked, making a face.

"Yeah. It's just that your 'pathetic-human-I-will-now-DESTROY-you' rants are always SO cool!" They had reached the door of Z's room. Danny flipped on the light as Z bent over to see under his bed.

Z wiggled the bag back and forth. "I've got tacos, Gir. . ." he called softly.

Suddenly, a GREEN dog leapt out and grabbed onto Z's face. Zander, of course, began screaming at the top of his lungs.

Over his manaical screaming, Danny heard a high-pitched metallic voice saying "Oh master, I was so scared! The robo-parents, they's all human-y, and so's the Tallest! They's HERE, master, but they not the Tallest, cuz' they HUMAN! And there be no brainfreezy, or no Scary Monkey on TV, no computer, nuthin'!" The voice then broke into sobs and screams.

Once the dog started screaming, Z stopped. "Danny?" he asked, a bit muffled as the dog was on his face. "Is my dog talking?"

Danny blinked, then removed his glasses and wiped them.

But before he could say anything, the talking green dog began to tug on Z's ears. "What're THESE, master? You got a new disguise?"

"Ow ow OWWWW!" screamed Z, pushing the dog off of his face. "They're not a disguise! Those are my ears and OW GET OFF ME!"

The green dog stopped tugging and backflipped off of Z's face. In an instant, the dog was replaced by a pile of green cloth and a glaring, red-eyed robot. Danny was speechless to the point where the only thing he could do was stare and point, mouth agape.

"BIOSCAN COMPLETE!" the robot barked. "Subject is not Zim! Subject is a threat to the mission! Subject must be destroyed!" Several lasers sprang out of the robot's shoulders.

Z squeaked and cowered behind the Taco Bell sack. Danny ducked behind Z.

"TACO!" screamed the robot, eyes turning a glowing cyan. It grabbed the bag and ran out of the room, leaving the two boys standing in shock.

When Danny and Z finally went downstairs, the robot was eating the taco and watching Boobah. It looked so utterly happy as it munched on the taco-y goodness. (AN: I hate Taco Bell tacos AND Boobah. But I'm not GIR, so. . . yeah)

"Uh, hey! Hey you!" Z demanded of the robot's attention.

"Ye-e-e-e-s?" it asked, turning it's head slowly.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"GIR! Reporting for. . . and. . ." GIR hopped off the couch and climbed on top of Danny's head. "I like you. . ." he mumbled.

"GIR? You mean, it's all in caps?" Danny asked, pulling the robot off of his head.

"Mmmmhmmm!" affirmed the GIR we all know and love and have been watching obsessively on our TV.

"Yeah, but what are you doing in my house!" demanded Z again.

"I. . . don't know. . ."

"Hey Z? Where'd your parents go? You would think they'd have noticed the screaming, the robot, the tacos. I mean, yeah, they are goofy, but they're not deaf." Danny was rubbing his neck and looking around nervously. Before Z could answer, they heard a click in the front of the living room. Danny turned around and looked at the wall. "And, Z? How long has that green monkey picture been there? It's really ugly."

Z was glancing around his house confusedly. It was still his house, but things were changing, becoming more. . . odd. At least his bathroom and bedroom were in the right place.

There was another click, and some whirring. The two boys and GIR turned around to see what it was.

Two robots that eerily resembled Mr. and Mrs. Maxfield rolled out into the living room. "Welcome home, son. . ." they chimed in creepy-unison.

Z and Danny could only stare, completely aghast.


HOOWAH! yeah, so just an opinion in general-- if I was an eleven-year-old and my parents and dog had suddenly been replaced by robots, I think I'd be really scared. I know it's a normal thing in cartoons, but THIS is reality. Our universe. Kids aren't as logical as they are portrayed, yes?

So. . . I promise that next chapter will have characters you recognize (aside from GIR). And technically, you should recognize Danny and Z. I hope their characterization is enough of a clue.

R and R, me hearties! ARRRRR!

(slaps self for bad pirate joke)