It was an ordinary morning, so far as ordinary goes in Hazzard County. The ducks were flyin', the fish in Hazzard Pond were bitin', and the Duke boys were bein' chased by none other than Sheriff Roscoe P. Coletrane.

"Now what do you 'spose he wants?" asked Bo as he turned down a back country road.

"I don't know, but I sure don't wanna take the time to stop and ask him. Hit it!"

A wide grin spread across Bo's face. He had been hoping Luke would say that. He pressed his foot on the General Lee's accelerator and took off.

"We got 'em, Flash darlin'! Hot pusuit! I love it, I love it! Kew…Kew," chuckled Roscoe as he sped after the orange stock car.

"Flash, you know what? When we get them Duke boys, you and I are gonna celebrate. I'll get me a big fat praline and you can have some doggy num-nums. What do you think o' that?"

Flash bellowed in response.

"That's my girl. I love her, I love her."

"Luke, get down!" yelled Bo as he heard gun shots whiz by. "That fool Roscoe, don't he know he could kill someone?" asked Bo, ducking as he heard more shots.

Luke stole a quick glance behind him. "Bo, that ain't Roscoe…"


Another gun shot came, this one piercing the General Lee's rear left tire.

"Bo, look out!"

Bo ducked, fighting for control of the wheel at the same time. Another shot rang out, taking with it the other rear tire.

"Luke, I can't stop! Hang on!" cried Bo, as the General Lee began to plummet down the hill.

"Bo! Watch out for the tree!"

Now friends, I just had a feelin' that this wasn't gonna be an ordinary day… didn't you?