Digimon Tamers:

Digimon Rising

Episode one: Part One


Watson Sword

Legal Disclaimer

Digimon is © Toei Animation and Bandai

I hold no claim of ownership of Digimon or any related characters. I hold no claim to any form of monetary profit for this or any other Digimon related story I would write.

This story is strictly to be provided to the general public for free and under no conditions.

The Character Vulpamon was created by the artist Furball a.k.a. Acchan. I have Acchan's written permission to use her character.

Her exact words…

Hehe, well i'm sure that Vulpy wouldn't be too pleased if i leant her out. ; However, i can allow you to use the vulpamon 'species' as that belongs to me. Choose a Vulpamon. Any Vulpamon. hehe

And, i don't dislike (url removed by this website) They're just not my favourite at the moment. ;

The date was October fifteenth, twenty forty seven. It was eleven o'clock at night and all manner of crowds were gathered at the final tier of Tokyo's Sky City 2, most of them protesters. There were two distinct groups of protesters, separated on either side of the park that led to the Parliament Chambers, moved there long ago from wherever they had been. The groups shouted obscenities and accusations at each other from across the walkway to the Parliament Chambers. Over a thousand heavily armed guards stood on massive concrete walkway. They clutched at their weapons nervously, binder foam sprayers with attached grenade launchers armed with electrified nets. Five thousand volts could be shot through ten people at once with one of those.

Neither group was allowed to cross the walkway, and for good reason. The two groups eyed each other with murderous intent, and if they were allowed to mingle, all hell would certainly break lose. Despite the locale of the conference, the crowd was quit international. Japanese, Chinese, and Americans made up the majority, though there were quite a few British and Indians among them. A small minority was French or Middle Eastern. They all came here to protest their particular point to the gathering of the Japanese parliament within the highest tier of the five kilometer tower.

Normally the squabblings of the Japanese parliament would not attract such attention, but today was a special case. The Parliament Chambers of Sky City 2, were now host to a rare gathering of ambassadors from nearly a dozen countries, all with one thing on their minds, what to do about Digimon.

The protesters on the right side of the park were the ones who were most likely to try to pull something that would lead to a riot. They were mostly middle-aged married men and single mothers. Quite a few of them though were college graduates. Not a single face among them was Digimon, and for good reason. The signs they waved in the air, in five different languages, declared things like: "The invasion is upon us!", "We were here first!", "Mother's for HUMAN rights!", "Send the Digimon back where they came from", but the most common of the sings was also the most prevalent, "Down with Digimon!"

The protesters on the left side seemed far less vocal, or at least they weren't swearing as much. They were a vastly younger crowd, so it seemed strange that they were the calmer and more rational of the sides. In spite of their apparent cool headedness, it was the crowd on the left that made the guards stationed between them the most nervous, for almost a third of them were Digimon. There was everything from the smallest Wormmon and Palmon, to the eighteen-foot tall champion Devimon and Draymon. All of them, Digimon and human alike, held up their own picket signs proclaiming: "Digimon are people too!", "My Digimon saved my life!", "Keitaro Kondo is a Nazi!" and "Digimon's rights now!". If by the off chance that crowd was the one who made a violent move, then there was certainly almost nothing that could be done to stop them.

Amazingly, through the entire night, neither group instigated large scale violence, despite over a dozen close calls that required hospitalizations and police negotiators. Most fortunately of all, no human ever tried to assault a Digimon. That would have led to the Digimon defending itself, even though they legally weren't allowed to do that, but no one would've blamed them, except for those who called Digimon mindless, vicious, animal things.

Amongst the two crowds shouting obscenities at each other and generally making total asses of themselves for the press, two figures stood in the shadows keeping to themselves. A human and a rather tall Digimon, neither with picket signs and neither making a sound. Instead they waited for a suitable distraction.

One of the Mothers for HUMAN rights had crossed the barricade on the walkway to try to beat down one the college age Digimon tamers who was mooning her. The kid got a few bruises, and they were both arrested on the spot. This had caused a commotion in both crowds. That was enough of a distraction. The human hoped onto the back of his partner and the tall Digimon dashed away.

The figure climbed onto one of the oak trees surrounding the outside of the park like a fence. The figure jumped swiftly from tree to tree, unseen by any, eventually circling around the park and now sitting on a branch only a meter away from a dull tan column leading up to the roof of the back of the Parliament Chambers. The figure wasted no time in jumping onto the column and climbing up to the roof. A guard walked by and heard a rustling. He turned to look but saw nothing. The figure had already climbed beyond his sight, back into the shadows.

It dashed across the roof and stopped next to a large air vent, the spitting image of Renamon, at least in shape. The color was off. She was deep navy blue whereas Renamon was a canary yellow. Other than that, there seemed to be no difference between the two.

"We reached the vent." She said, her voice as well, was identical to the yellow fox Digimon made famous forty four years ago.

The boy heard her, and climbed off her back onto the rooftop. He was probably seventeen years old from the look of him. He dressed in jeans and a jean jacket covering a plain black t-shirt. He had jet black hair and blue eyes. Though he looked Caucasian at a glance, a closer look would reveal he clearly had some oriental in him. The boy didn't waste any time pulling out a screwdriver and unscrewing the grate to the vent.

"Are you sure you want to do this Eric?" The Digimon asked. "If this is successful you'll be thrust into the spotlight, and not in a good way."

"What's more important Vulpamon," Eric answered. "peace, or one poor sop's peace of mind?"

Vulpamon smirked at the comment. "I'll take that as a yes."

Eric had just finished unscrewing the grate to the vent and reached down into his back pocket to pull out a crumpled piece of paper with simple hand written directions on it. Vulpamon caught the grate before it fell down and made too much noise.

Eric crawled inside. After setting the grate down, Vulpamon followed.

The parliament inside the courtroom sat in their seats on balconies high above a center staging area where the ambassadors bickered with each other. The parliament were content to sit in their seats and listen to the ramblings of a young member of the Japanese lower house with slicked back hair and a tacky chrome colored suit. Although currently it was not his turn to speak, but the turn of someone from the much smaller group on the opposite side of the staging area, French Ambassador Darcy Xavierra.

"Politics, mass commerce, religion, philosophy, art and science, even sex and reproduction! The Ancestral Digimon that first came through the Shinjuku gate had the mentality of children. They could barely understand any of these concepts. But all that changed thirty one years ago, with the sudden emergence of the New Digimon. These new Digimon were infinitely more complex both physically and psychologically than the old. They engage in all the things I just mentioned as if that's what they have always been doing.
"I'm not just quoting history books Mr. Kondo, I am trying to make a point. The Digimon are evolving. They are becoming more like us in every way. Their capacity for reason and abstract thought, and moreover self control is now near our own. I believe that the more intellectual capacity the Digimon gain, the more they deserve all the rights afforded to us humans, based on our intellectual capacity."

The lower house member in the chrome suit, one Keitaro Kondo, adjusted his glasses with his thumb and huffed rather angrily before responding to Darcy's rebuttal.

"That was certainly very philosophical Ms. Xavierra but I'm afraid you're missing the point. The Digimon may very well be a threat to all humans and no amount of philosophy is going to change that. They are a threat we have to contend with. Furthermore, Ms. Xavierra, what you failed to mention is where they came from. These creatures were created by our computers, essentially by us, and now they come into our world and just expect to be treated as equals? I'm sorry but that's not how it works. They are our creations and therefore should service us. What's more, they came into our world in a mass exodus as freeloaders! They are invaders in our world, and invaders should either obey our rules, or get out."

"Personally Mr. Kondo," Darcy rebutted. "I believe it is what a being is that determines its liability for rights, not where it came from."

"But in war Ms. Xaveierra, one kills one's enemies, no matter what rights one thinks they should be afforded!""

"But we are not at war, and that's exactly the kind of thinking that led to the rise of Nazi Germany."

A slight murmur sounded through the parliament as they pondered why the French Ambassador would make such an incredibly bold statement. It wasn't long before they realized it wasn't Darcy Xavierra who said that. The voice was too deep, and too calm. There was someone else in the room, an intruder.

Out from the shadows near the entrance of the staging area walked a teenage boy in jeans and a jean jacket alongside a deep blue fox like Digimon apparently seven to nine inches taller than him.

"Security!" Someone shouted out.

Keitaro Kondo raised his hand and shook his head. "Call off security! Let them speak. After all, everyone has the right to their own opinions."

"You're too kind Mr. Kondo." Vulpamon said, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

The sarcasm was not lost on Keitaro Kondo, who made a slight grimace with only half his mouth at the strange Digimon's comment.

"So what are you here to tell us?" Kondo asked.

"Nobody knows Digimon better than a Digimon Tamer." Eric answered. "If you want to know whether or not Digimon are any threat to humans, all you have to do is ask one."

"I'm assuming you're implying you are a Digimon Tamer," Kondo responded. "In which case you would want me to ask you, very well. Are Digimon a threat to human kind?"

"If you've ever seen the kind of bond a tamer shares with his or her Digimon, you would realize that that Digimon would never hurt a human except in self defense, or in defense of another."

"What about Digimon Madness?" Kondo asked with a slightly larger smirk. He was sure now that there would be no contending with his logic. But Eric knew he was going to say that, and had the perfect response.

"I hold to the belief that it's a infectious disease," Eric said aloud to the whole parliament. "like rabies with humans. The answer to Digimon madness would be find its cure, not to force them all into a global tracing system."

"I suppose I can't convince you otherwise," Kondo responded. "So I'll address your previous point. Digimon are not supposed to harm humans period, not even in self defense, or defense of another."

"That's one of the many rights my tamer and I believe we Digimon should be afforded." Vulpamon said.

Keitaro Kondo ignored Vulpamon's statement entirely and focused on Eric instead. "Tell me boy. If no one knows their Digimon better than a tamer, just how well do you know your Digimon?"

Eric and Vulpamon both grinned at the comment. It was a grin that didn't make KondoSan feel very comfortable.

"Better yet," Eric said. "Why don't we show you?"

Eric and Vulpamon turned toward each other. Vulpamon narrowed her eyes at Eric and gave him an almost predatory smile. It made Eric's spine tingle every time he saw it because he knew exactly what it meant. It worked this time as well even though they'd planned this from the start. The look she gave once made Eric's mouth go dry, but after getting used to it, it made his mouth water in anticipation. This was going to be the first time any one else saw them doing this. What an audience to pick, a gathering of the Japanese parliament, a dozen foreign ambassadors, and more than a dozen international news networks. Eric didn't know whether to be afraid or exhilarated. Vulpamon on the other hand was her usual cool, collected self.

Vulpamon wrapped her arms around Eric's shoulders and pulled him close to her. She closed her eyes and Eric followed her lead. The parliament went into an uproar of screaming and flailing about when suddenly, Vulpamon bent over and pressed her lips against Eric's.

Keitaro Kondo and Darcy Xavierra both stared in shock and bewilderment at what they saw. Even from the distance, they could clearly see Eric and Vulpamon's tongues swirling quickly around each other's, and into each other's mouths. It was a display that was clearly intentional. The wilder it looked for the cameras, the better.

The white noise of the parliament started to die down. It was too soon for that; it had only been a minute. Thinking fast, Vulpamon reached one arm down to grab Eric's leg and pull it up to her hip. It seemed to work; the noise picked right back up again. They continued with their lips locked and their tongues swirling around each other like corkscrews for all to see. Eric's arms were wrapped around Vulpamon's waste and he was now kneading at her shoulders.

Several more minutes passed. They both lost count at around three. With a look of an eye, they both agreed that it had been long enough. They loosened their grip on each other and Vulpamon let Eric's leg fall back to the floor. When they separated, they let a string of saliva fall down from each other's tongues onto their chins.

That was so much unlike what they were used to. Whenever they locked lips in their privacy, it was always at least slightly more tasteful, much unlike the porno kiss they had just performed. Neither Eric nor Vulpamon were entirely sure whether or not they liked it. It was thrilling as all hell sure… no it wasn't, that was the just the choice of audience. It had actually been very uncomfortable. Either way, it got the job done.

Everything was dead silent in the great hall as Eric and Vulpamon looked out. Everyone in the room, both the ambassadors in the staging area and the parliament in the balconies above, stared at the two intruders as if they were seeing death.

Noticing how everyone was speechless, Vulpamon took the opportunity to add in one last comment.

"If that was not convincing enough, we'll gladly take our display to the next level."

"No!" Kondo snapped back. "I think we got the point quite clearly. Security, you may escort our guests out now."

Two guards in typical officer uniforms took their place next to Eric and Vulpamon. They didn't resist, both Digimon and tamer turned around and walked out of the great hall.

Eric and Vulpamon walked out into the park side by side, this time from the main entrance of the Parliament Chambers. They walked out to two huge crowds of protesters, one singing their praises, and the other shrieking out condemnations.

In only seconds they were hounded by the press being asked too many questions for either of them to register any single one.

Vulpamon sneered at the flashing lights, she clenched her fists ready to strike until she felt Eric's hand on her wrist. She looked at him and he shook his head at her. He knew exactly how to read her body language, and had just stopped her from making a terrible mistake.

Vulpamon cleared her throat and turned back toward the cameras. Neither she nor Eric still registered any single question they were being asked, so Vulpamon just said the first thing she thought would be appropriate.

"My name is Vulpamon. My tamer, Eric McCaige and I do very much love each other. What we did was to make a point, but it was not acting."

Vulpamon grabbed Eric by the shoulders and kissed him again in front of the cameras and reporters. Eric was shocked by the suddenness, but he didn't struggle. He had learned long ago not to do that, since Vulpamon was easily eight to ten times stronger than he was.