Yuki sat comfortably on the couch in the front room, glasses delicately perched on his nose, reading the newspaper quietly. Shuichi bounced into the room.


Yuki flipped to another page in the newspaper.

Shuichi took it as encouragement to go on.

"I'm gonna go out somewhere!"

Yuki looked up, expecting to see Shuichi in costume or something or rather. But no... He's in that same damn outfit. A skimpy tanktop. (That didn't even fit right.), and way too small shorts. For anyone, let alone a guy. "Where are you going?" Yuki asked, disgusted at the boys attire. Yet it was slightly appealing, although very slutty. Even though he knew that his Shu wasn't slutty.

"Nowhere impaticular. Out for a walk."

Yuki carefully folded his paper and set it to the side. He then carefully slid his glasses off and shook his golden mane. Then he looked at his lover. "Good." His look said 'Don't go anywhere.' "Take those clothes off."

"What?" Shuichi stared at him in shock.

Yuki stood up, irritated. "I said: Take. Those. Clothes. Off."

Shuichi blushed cutely. "Yuki..." He whined. "I want to go out."

To anyone outside this conversation, or conflict, it would've seemed hilarious. It was obvious that the only thing on Yuki's mind was getting Shuichi into a less horrible decent pair of clothes.

But Shuichi was only catching nonexhistant sexual hints.

Very hilarious.

"Baka." muttered Yuki. He stood up and advanced towards Shuichi. "Take them off." He growled.

Shuichi backed against the wall blushing furiously. Yuki leaned forwrd and placed his hands on either side of Shuichi. (Flat against the wall.)

"Do what I said."

"No." Said Shuichi bravely. "I don't want to fool around. I want to go out."

Yuki looked at him surprised, and backed off. "You really shouldn't go into public with those skimpy clothes on, baka. They are a disgrace to men. That's what I meant. I want you to change." He lit up a cigarette and placed it his mouth in defeat.

Shuichi blushed and looked at him feet cutely. "Well, you see Yuki.."

"What." Growled the already irritated author.

"I broke the washing machine and it ruined all of my clothes."

Yuki dropped the ever present cigarette between his lips onto the floor. "And why didn't you tell me...?" He pressed.

Shuichi looked up at him, embarrassed. "I didn't want to worry you. There was no ned to tell you since all of your clothes are dry clean and it's my machine."

"So that's your only pair of clothes?" Asked a shocked Yuki.

"Yup!" Answered a now bold Shuichi. "Are you satisfied enough to let me go out now?"

"No." Growled Yuki. "I still want all those clothes off." He backed Shuichi against the wall again and kissed him furiously. Shuichi was kept too busy to even think about going out for the rest of the day.

You likie? Oh well. Owari.