Disclaimer: See first chap.

At Jack Spicer's evil liar:

"WUYA LOOK! You know those monk bots I created? I supped them up! All we need is a brain to put in and they'll be super smart as well as super strong and super fast and super agile and super…super!" Jack gloated.

"Oh yay! Everything you're not!" Wuya said cackling.

"You know, since we lost that major showdown, you've been cranky."

"What do you think! We lost eight of our shen gong wu, eight of theirs which would have been ours and the most powerful shen gong wu in existence! Not to mention I lost my only chance at getting a body!"

"Only, not. Remember, the rule of the Crown say you get one wish in your entire life!" Jack said.

"You lost me"

"You aren't alive! You can have as many wishes as you want!"

"Oh Jack I could kiss you!"

"Don't I don't want ghosty fish lips!"


"This is my lair!"


"Jeeze, someone's cranky!"


"Fine! I give up, you win I'll never work for you again! So much for my great idea!"

"HAH! You, a great idea, yeah right!"

"No really! I had a really, really good one!"

"What is it then?"

"We should fire Katnappe and Tubbimura—"


"No seriously, you've got to stop cutting me off! I wasn't finished. We should fire them and then use the orb of evil to make four of the Xiaolin Wudai Warriors into Heylin Wudai warriors!"

"Good idea only, it wont work."

"Why not?"

"Because, Jacky, we don't have the orb of evil. It hasn't been activated yet!"

At the Temple

"Today I will be teaching you how to use your Mystic Beasts to empower you without changing form. Many of you have forms without hands so you often are at a disadvantage. However, if for instance I were Raymundo and I said, 'Sword of the storm! Wind! Spirit of the Griffin!' A much larger blast of wind would occur."

Nods of understanding all around.

"Also, if you wish it, I will teach you how to use your element without a shen gong wu."

Enthusiastic nods of hope all around.

"All you have to do is say the word Wudai followed by your element. Try it on me."

"Wudai wind!" A huge gale swept Master Fung off of his feet."

"Wudai water!" A tidal wave hit him while in mid-air.

"Wudai fire!" A tornado of fire dried his clothes.

"Wudai earth!" A tree grew out of nowhere and caught him.

"Wudai lightning." The tree caught fire from a huge bolt of electricity.

"Wudai shadow!" Jodo kicked Master Fung's shadow in the head and Master Fung went flying.

"Wudai sand!" A large sandbox broke Master Fung's fall.

"Wudai life!" All of Master Fung's wounds were healed.

"You do not have to use them just for attacking, use your element to defend you from my blasts of mystic energy."

"Wudai wind!" The blast was blown away.

"Wudai water!" The blast was washed out by a water blast.

"Wudai fire!" A shield of fire protected Kim.

"Wudai earth!" Plants grew to protect Clay.

"Wudai lighting!" A small bolt of lightning zapped Master Fung before he could hit Tia.

"Tia, defense only! Try again," Master Fung shot another blast so Tia caught it and converted it into lighting. "Good."

"Wudai shadow!" A tree's shadow lay in the path of the blast, so Jodo used it to block his assailant's move.

"Wudai sand!" A wall of sand blocked the beam.

"Wudai life!" The blast hit May but she was not harmed, instead, she chanelled the energy and back at Master Fung, who dodged.

"NEW SHEN GONG WU! It's the orb of something, my memory's a little fuzzy but don't worry I remember where we hid it," Dojo said.

Gaara got the sword of the storm, Tia the shard of lightning, Clay the titan staff, Omi the magma claws, Ray the Sai Sa spinner (turns you into a tornado D.M.) , May the Tai Chi Wristband (controls plant life), Kimiko the chameleon jacket and Jodo got the monsoon sandals.

"Jodo! Come here!" Master Fung called. "I want you to take these Yin and Yang Yo-Yo's instead. I want you to try to use your element to manipulate people's chi. Have fun."

"Let's go," Jodo said. Both he and his cousin shifted to their dragon forms with his squad, Ray, Gaara and Kimiko on his red dragon form and Omi, Tia, May and Clay on Dojo's greenish bluish form.

"It's in Bangkok! Go!" Dojo sped off and left Jodo in the dust.

"Which way is Bangkok?"

"I'll check my PDA."

"Ugh! I hate these spam sites. They're so disgusting! Hey this one's pretty cool! OMG I can put in anyone's picture and see them get hit in the nuts!"



"Which way?"

"Oh! Sorry! That way!" They took off.


"Excuse me sir, but I am looking for an orb about this big. It is supposed to be hidden under your hut. Would you please get off your lazy ass and get it for me?" Omi asked completely, genuinely innocently.

"It's get off your lazy butt, pardner" Clay said.

"That too!"

"Wow I didn't know Omi knew that word." Tia said.

"Yeah…when he went Heylin Chase Young thought it would be funny to teach him a few tricks."


"People! We have an orb to find! I wish we knew what it did though," May said.

"No need, losers! The orb's found you! ORB OF EVIL! ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! ZAP!"

"Jacky, don't say those sound effects, that's for your robots to do!" Wuya scolded.

Omi's nine dots on his head reversed position and formed in a diamond shape. Clay's hat turned gothic looking. Tia's hair was shaved into a Mohawk. The flowers in May's hair died and her gi became blood red.

"Omi, you are now officially the Heylin dragon of TSUNAMI. Clay, you are the Heylin dragon of POISON! May, you are the Heylin dragon of DEATH! Tia, you are the Heylin dragon of ELECTRICAL CURRENTS!" Wuya proclaimed.

"Yeah, electrical currents doesn't roll off the tongue properly, it'll take me an extra ten seconds to use a shen gong wu and in a quick-draw that's not so great."

"Fine, how about thunder?"

"Works for me."

"WHAT ABOUT ME?" Jack asked.

"Ugh! Fine, you can be the dragon of metal, but you have to go through a verrrrry painful ritual that has no use or effect."

"Works for me!"


"Jodo, we're lost and I DROPPED MY PDA! Pull over and we'll ask for directions," Kim said angrily.

"No! How would that look, 'Hi I'm a dragon! Would you tell me how to get to Bangkok?" Jodo said sarcastically.

"Fine, just, call the others and ask them for directions," Kim said.

"None of us have cell phones," Ray said.

"Fine, hopefully they'll get it. We'll just go back to the temple and wait for them," Gaara said to pacify them.



Master Fung walked up to them and asked, "Well, where is the orb?"

"We couldn't find Bangkok so we left them to get it," Ray said.

"Oh dear, this is not good! Jack Spicer and Wuya were able to retrieve the orb so if you sent only the four of them, Jack Spicer will have used it on him. I will go to Jack's Lair with the golden tiger claws and the Chameleon Jacket to discover the outcome. If I should fail, take all of our shen gong wu and flee."

"But Master Fun—" Kimiko started.

"No. It must be done. Kimiko, give me the Chameleon Jacket."


"Jodo, I would like you to come with me, and use your Yang Yo-Yo to hide in the spirit realm. If I should know I am about to fail, I will use the Yin Yo-Yo to meet you there and give you it. You must then travel back to the temple through the astral plane, to meet the others and tell them what has befallen."

"I'm coming too!" Ray said.

"And me!" Added Kim.

"You're not going without me!" Finished Gaara.

"NO! We only have two Yo-Yo's. Jodo may only come if he promises to leave as soon as I say to!"

"But sir—"

"Promise me!"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Now let's go. Golden Tiger Claws! Chameleon Jacket Yin Yo-Yo!"

"Yang Yo-Yo!"


Jodo crouched behind a box of spare parts. Even though he knew he was on the astral plane and could not be seen, he felt he should hide. Master Fung hid on the ceiling, then activated the Chameleon Jacket's invisibility. Tia was making copies of herself and deafen them with her newly acquired power of making thunderclaps. Clay was dropping poison from his fingers onto little ants which would catch fire and burn to death. Omi was making miniature tsunamis with his mind in the sink. Jack was building Dashi Drones and May was using the Zim Zom Bone to summon zombies, remove their brains and give them to Jack, who would put them into his robots.

"Well hello my Heylin dragons! Hope you're having fun." Wuya said.

Heylin dragons? What the hell? Jodo thought.

"No! When are you going to teach us something new? We want to be more powerful!" Evil Omi said.

"You have all the power you need!" Wuya said franticly.

"No! We want enough power to crush those stupid Xiaolins." Evil Tia said.

"Truth be told, I don't know any Heylin attacks to teach you. I've only ever done spells and hexes and curses, not dragon powers."

"So teach us some curses."

"Fine, close your eyes and imagine Jack in whatever clothes you want and the snap your fingers."

"What why?" Jack asked, not noticing he was now wearing a Tu-Tu, with boots covered in Cow Pie, clown makeup and was wearing a revealing dress that showed half of his new breasts. "AH!"

"Oh I love having used that orb of evil!" Wuya said. Now I have four more people to help me embarrass Jack!"

"Very funny you guys!" Jack said, crying.

"You're damn right, it is!" Omi said.

"Have you gotten smarter and more slang oriented, Pardner?" Clay asked.

"Heylin yeah!"

"Omi, it's hell yeah."

"I'm still working on it!"

"STOP EVERYTHING! SOMEONE ELSE IS HERE! KILL HIM!" Wuya cried. Thinking it was him, Jodo pulled out his sword and raider's bracer, ready to fight. Omi, however, sensed Master Fung's thoughts and said, "There! Master Freak is on the ceiling!"

Clay picked up the titan staff and grew tall enough to grab him from the ceiling. Tia used her shard of lightning to punch him in the gut a thousand times before anyone blinked. May then held him still with a vine from her Tai Chi Wristband. Omi then cut removed his chameleon jacket and shot a small tsunami at his face to stun him. "Any last words?" Jack asked, knife in hand.

"Yes I do. Yin Yo-Yo!" Master Fung went astral and ran to Jodo, handing him the Golden Tiger Claws and Yin Yo-Yo. "Run, use the Yin and Yang Yo-Yo's to get out of this world. Leave me here, as long as I do not leave, I will not be harmed. Go!"

"Not so fast!" Clay yelled.

"How?" Jodo asked.

"How quickly you forget! I can use my power of astral projection. TITAN STAFF!" He grew and kicked Master Fung who went flying.

Jodo ran up to Clay and drained his energy by sucking power out of his foot, the only part he could reach. Sadly, Clay, being a giant, had a thousand times the amount of chi. Jodo could only hold so much but managed to drain him back to a nearly-normal size.

"Not enough, I've still got enough chi to kill you. You forget, I've got a dozen times more power than before and a new element! Poison fingers!" Tendrils of vile, lime-green ooze shot out of his fingers and flew at Jodo.

"Time to test this out. YANG YO-YO! SHADOW!" The power of the Yang Yo-Yo sucked out Clay's evil chi, and Clay dropped out of the astral plane, unconscious.

"HOW? Oh my God! I killed him! I've got to get out of here."

"No, you've not killed him," Master Fung, who was near death himself said. "He had no good chi left in him after the Orb of Evil was used against him. He is now without chi. His body lives but he has no spirit. His good chi had been turned evil and he no longer even has a good chi so he is a lifeless shell. I will not be able to help you but you must get him chi again. Hurr—ugh." Master Fung was dead.

Yes Master Fung is dead and Clay is useless. There are now four Xiaolin and four Heylin dragons. Next chapter, before I write it, I'm going to re-write the shen gong wu list, edit any spelling mistakes and mark them. X will mean it is in the possession of the Xiaolins, H will mean in possession of Heylin and IA will mean it is in-active. Next chapter, I'll also go into the whereabouts and current state of everyone's favorite dragon, Dojo via a little side story involving Werewolves, a Minotaur, a witch and an apple capable of giving ultimate knowledge.