Like Mother, Like Daughter

Summary: Olivia is raped, and it leaves her pregnant. Olivia/Elliot.

Disclaimer: As if it needed to be made clear, I do not own Olivia, Elliot, or any of the other SVU characters.

Author's Note: Yes, I know many Olivia gets raped too much in fan fic, but I couldn't help it. My first SVU fic, so bear with me and let me know if I should continue.

Detective Olivia Benson was almost home. Her building was within plain sight, and she knew it. She only had to round the corner, and then she would be there. She knew it was not far, but she could not bring herself to get up off the ground. She was lying there paralyzed in fear. She was out of sight, and no one had walked by and noticed her.

She wanted to stand up and go inside. It was warm in there. More importantly, it was safe in there. She could not though. It hurt too much to move. She could not even move her arm down to grab her cell phone if she even still had it. She had been unconscious for a certain period of time. She did not know how long exactly she had been like this, but it was long enough.

Warm tears began rolling down her cheeks. She tried not to let them do that to her, but the pain was too much. Both the physical pain in her arms and legs, and the emotional pain the whole experience had just caused her. She had been raped for God's sake. She was now one of those victims who she was supposed to protect and help, but here she was lying defenseless on the street near her building.

She could not even remember how it had happened. It had seemed so normal at first. She was just walking home after work. She was closer to her building, but he must have pulled her away. He must have taken her somewhere where they would not be seen. A car, perhaps. When he was finished with her, he must have just dropped her off back in an alley near where he had found her.

She picked her head up slightly and tried to look for someone-anyone-who could help her, or at the very least call for help. There was no one. How could there be no one? This was New York City. There was always someone around. What time was it? She could not be certain. She had no way of being certain.

She tried wiggling her way closer towards the main sidewalk, but not only did it do little for her, but it was also very painful. She let out one short but loud scream and collapsed back against the hard cement of the ground. Within seconds, she was unconscious again.

Elliot Stabler gasped in sudden realization as he finished brushing his teeth. He had a theory on the case he and Olivia were working on, and he knew he could not let it wait until morning. Olivia was probably still awake, he figured. It was not too late at night.

He rushed over to his phone and dialed his partner's number. He knew it by heart of course, but he could not let Olivia know that. While he cared about her deeply and thought that she felt the same way, it could be just his imagination playing tricks on him. He wanted her to love him so badly, that he would be tricked into believing she did.

The phone on her side of the line rang a second time and then a third. "Come on, Liv," Elliot whispered. "I know you're there."

After the fourth ring, it went to her voice mail. He wanted desperately to leave her the message, but he stopped and hung up. He had to try calling again. She could be in the shower or something, he thought. He redialed the number and waited for Olivia's enchanting voice to pick it up. Sadly, it was not happening, and Elliot began worrying.

Olivia had left the office at the same time he did. It did not take her too terribly long to get home. She should definitely be home by now. As far as he knew, she did not have any plans. What kind of plans would she even have at this hour anyway? It was a weekday, so he doubted she would be seeing a late night movie or show. He had been with her all day, and she had not mentioned anything about plans.

He hung up and redialed again, but there was still no answer. Elliot was officially worried now. Olivia should be answering. If not, something bad must have happened. He had no know what. It was going to make him crazy. He cared about her too much to ignore it. It might turn out to be nothing, but in his line of work, he could never be certain. He had to get to her place.

It only took about ten minutes for Elliot to get over to Olivia's building. He rushed up the steps and immediately noticed something on the second step from the bottom. It was small. Elliot bent down closer and realized it was a cell phone. Not just any cell phone. Olivia's cell phone. As he picked it up, Elliot immediately felt sick. He tried buzzing her apartment, but there was no answer. The sick feeling increased as he walked down the stairs.

"Olivia!" he yelled. He did not care if he woke up the entire neighborhood. He was worried to death about Olivia, and he was not about to stop until he found her. "Olivia Benson!" he called in a louder voice. "Olivia, please!"

A small rat emerged from the alley where the rapist had left Olivia. It let out a small squeak, which caused Elliot to pick up his head. His face immediately paled. "Oh, god, no," he whispered as he rushed into the alley. "No," he said as he knelt down next to Olivia's body.

He noticed her slightly swollen right wrist and decided not to move her. Instead he placed two of his fingers on her neck carefully to check for a pulse. Luckily, she had one. He then quickly grabbed her cell phone and dialed 911. "Hang in there, Liv," he whispered as he gently stroked his fingers down Olivia's back. "I'm getting you help. Just hang in there. Be strong for me."

At that moment the operator's voice came on the line. Elliot started telling the operator where he was and a rough estimate to the extent of Olivia's injuries.