Chapter 1
Hermione awoke to the sound of a door slamming. Looking around she got up and tied the bed sheets around her naked body. Flashbacks of the previous night passed through her eyes.
She had slept with Draco Malfoy. Hermione spotted a note on her nightstand. Picking it up, Hermione scanned the page.
Last night was a mistake. I just needed to get laid. There is nothing between us.
Draco Malfoy
"So that's it then." Hermione said as a single tear slid down her cheek and left a stain on Draco's letter. It was devastatingly painful for Hermione to leave the hotel room she had shared with Draco.
Oh well. I'm bound to find someone better then Malfoy to depend on." With that, Hermione walked out of the hotel and through the streets of Diagon Alley.
10 Months Later…
The leaves on the trees started turning different shades of yellow, red, and brown as Hermione walked out of a baby store in Diagon Alley.
Her hands full of shopping bags and a baby stroller in front of her. Hermione had given birth to her first child only about a month ago in September.
Hermione's month old daughter started wailing the moment Hermione set her eyes on her next shop.
Brielle! What am I ever going to do with you! You never let Mummy get her shopping done!" Hermione joked as she turned in front of her girl.
She had piercing blue eyes and silky white-blonde hair. Just like her father's.
Hermione picked up Brielle and put the bags down inside the stroller. Continuing on her pace down Diagon Alley, Hermione had Brielle over her shoulder, holding her head with her hand.
Suddenly someone shoved into her causing Hermione to fall to the ground, her baby safely within her arms.
"So sorry about that, here let me help you." A strange voice called to Hermione as she was slowly lifted to her feet by strong arms and hands.
Hermione looked at her crying Brielle in her arms. "Hush little one, it's ok." Hermione cradled Brielle with both arms then turned to look at her helper.
"Thank you…YOU!" Hermione's eyes widened as she saw Draco Malfoy standing before her. "YOU!" She spat again, venom would be at his feet if she could only muster it.
"Well, well, well…If it isn't Mudblood Granger and her next nanny charge!" Draco looked at the baby and his eyes softened a little as he watched her cry, being cradled by Hermione.
"It's all right Mummy's here, hush sweet child." Hermione cooed, trying to get Brielle to sleep again.
"You, a mother? You must be joking Granger!" Draco broke out into fits of laughter. Hermione just looked at him with a straight face.
"You're serious, aren't you?" Draco couldn't believe it. Someone actually slept with Granger! 'Wait a minute…didn't you sleep with her!' Draco's mind was buzzing.
'That doesn't count.' Hermione looked at him oddly then brought Brielle to rest under her chin.
Draco took a second to look at Hermione and her baby girl. The baby looked like Hermione in the face, but had white-blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes.
Draco looked at Hermione's left hand. No ring. "You have a baby, and yet you're not married." Draco said, as a smirk crawled up his face.
"Well what about you, Malfoy? By now I would have thought that you and Pansy Parkinson would be married and happily laden with children."
Draco looked angry at the idea of him and Pansy Parkinson together, more or less having kids. "How old is she?" Draco asked, nodding his head to the baby Hermione was holding.
"Around a month old, her name is Brielle, she takes after her fath…" Hermione trailed off and looked away from Draco.
"May I hold her?" Draco asked when Brielle started to cry again. "I don't know if that's such a good idea…" But since Brielle wouldn't stop crying no matter what she did, Hermione gave in and handed Brielle off to Draco.
Immediately Brielle stopped crying once she was in Draco's hands. "I think she likes me." Draco looked at Hermione and saw her face contorted with confusion.
"Who's the father?" Draco regretted asking as soon as he saw the look on her face. Hermione paused for a moment, not looking at Draco, then grabbed Brielle from him.
Looking away from his face with Brielle cuddled under her chin , Hermione felt tears falling down her cheeks.
"You shouldn't care." Then Hermione disappeared into the crowd down the bustling cobbled stone street of Diagon Alley.
A./N.: So what did you think! I really liked how I ended this chapter! I already have chapter two finished, but I'm not going to update it until I have at least15reviews! So get to the reviewing or else no more chapters!
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