Ah! Oh my, it's the last chapter! I can't believe I finished it! So, with Dumbles off to think about how he screwed up his trust with Sev and Harry, this chapter is the chapter that wraps everything up. I just typed it all up in an hour and something, because I felt bad for leaving you hanging like that forever.

If you're still reading, thanks for sticking with this for so long even though I'm totally stupid and should have updated so long ago. I hope you enjoy the ending.

And I own nothing.

So without further ado, THE LAST CHAPTER!

xXAw, poor Sev!Xx

Zacchia sat with her knees pulled to her chest, still sniffling. She had been in the cell for a few days now, by herself, with only Sev visiting her occasionally. She just wanted to see her little siblings, and her parents. The minister wouldn't tell her anything, and Severus could only tell her so much.

"Come on, kid, it's time for your questioning," an Auror person said, sliding her cell door open. Zacchia stood obediently and took the man's hand. He was tall, and dark skinned, like Jessica. He seemed nice.

"Are my parents okay?" she asked softly. Her Daddy had always told her that the Aurors could help if she needed it, just like the non-magical police.

"Who're your parents?"

"Harry and Draco," Zacchia said, choosing to omit the fact that Draco wasn't her blood father. The Auror looked shocked for a moment before he shrugged.

"I don't really know. Harry's awake, but weak, and Draco..." Zacchia looked down at her feet as they walked, upset. "They'll be fine, kid. They've always been strong."

Zacchia said nothing else as the Auror led her down lots of hallways and to a small room. Her eyes took in the desk, the chair, and the Minister for Magic before she looked down again.

"You didn't put her in handcuffs?" Fudge asked. "Shacklebot, I thought I told you to make sure she didn't run!"

"She's six years old, according to Snape. She just wants her fathers. Can't you let this go, Minister?" Fudge glared.

"No. The veritaserum, please."

Zacchia had no idea what Veritaserum was, but Severus had told her to never drink a potion unless his signature was on it. She glanced quickly at the bottle and relaxed slightly when she saw that his signature was on it, in green. Kingsley Shacklebot knelt by her and she tilted her head back. He seemed surprised, but she soon felt three drops of the stuff on her tongue and she swallowed it. It tasted weird. She didn't know what happened, but her mind went strangely blank and she felt weaker. She didn't protest when she was pushed down into the chair, and found she couldn't really care that Kingley's hand was still on her shoulder.

"What is your full name?" Fudge barked. Zacchia recoiled slightly at the harsh voice, but answered anyway.

"Zacchia Evans Potter-Malfoy." Fudge looked shocked for a moment, but it passed.

"How old are you?"

"Six," Zacchia answered without her usual pride in her voice.


"April 4th, 1996." Had Fudge bothered to think on this, he would have realized that she had been born while Potter was still in school, and right under Dumbledore's nose. He dismissed the birthday, though, and continued on, determined to find out what really happened.

"What happened four days ago, in Diagon Alley?"

"We were shopping for Christmas and looking for things to ask Santa for —" here, Kingsley chuckled softly, "— and then an explosion went off. I could hear Kent screaming, and my Daddy protected me from the second one that went off. I was grabbed by this monster person, and he told Draco that my Daddy was dead. Draco tried to calm my brother and sisters down, and he told the monster to drop me or he'd kill him, and then the monster was like, 'This is my daughter, my heir, and it's time for you to die' and then these men attacked him and he seemed dead, and then my daddy did something to make him drop me cause he wasn't really dead and then I was all like, 'You hurt my parents! I hope you all DIE' and then my magic went out and killed then all and then the monster exploded and then I saw some shimmery thing come at me and I screamed and then it exploded, then I saw Uncle Sev'rus and I hugged him and started to tell him that it wasn't my fault and then I don't remember," Zacchia finished, not aware of the horribly long run-on sentence she had just used. Fudge looked startled.

"What do you mean it wasn't your fault?"

"My magic went out of control before I could stop it..." Zacchia said evenly. She started to feel a slight pain in her head and clenched her eyes shut. Kignsley noticed and looked to the minister of magic.

"Um, Minister?" he tried, only to be abruptly cut off.

"Shut up Kingsley. Did you know any of the men, girl?" Zacchia gave a slight twitch.

"N-no..." she said, voice starting to tremble.

"You mentioned your father and Draco numerous times, as well as Kent. Explain this to me."

The way the question was ordered should have forced Zacchia to spill what she knew of Harry's past, and what she knew of how she came to be, by not specifying a limit to the amount she could say. Still under the effects of the potion, the six year old started speaking slowly.

"My Daddies are Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy," she said, raising her hand to rub at her eyes. "And Kent is... is my baby brother... he was born on Christmas Day last year with my sisters, Gwen and... and..."

Though Zacchia would have said more, she slumped over, losing consciousness, before she could. Kingsley frowned and picked the innocent girl up.

"I hope you're happy, Minister," he said, before walking out, a furious scowl on his face.

Veritaserum was not meant for children.

xXPoor Zacchia...Xx

Harry was sitting up in his hospital bed, wondering where Zacchia was. He knew the triplets were safe with Severus, away from St-Mungos, but all he had been told on Zacchia was that she was at the Ministry, presumably for questioning. He needed to see his daughter before he went mad...

Harry glanced to his left and his heart fell when he saw Draco lying still in the bed, almost 7 feet away from him. He had woken up a few minutes ago, only to look around and then fall unconscious again. The healers had done everything they could to heal him, and now all they had to do was wait for him to come out of his coma on his own.

Harry was jolted out of his thoughts when his door burst open and his eldest daughter careened through, jumping onto him from three feet away. She was crying and sobbing, and Harry couldn't help but begin to cry as well.

"Oh my poor baby! What happened?" he asked. "What were you at the ministry for? Are you hurt?" Zacchia shook her head frantically.

"No Daddy, I'm fine. But that Fudge person wanted to question me on what happened with... with that person... but I'm okay!" she said. She paused before, "Is Father..." Harry bit his lip. "He's not fine, is he? He's not okay... But he'll get better. Kingsley Shaklebot said so. Uncle Sev said so! He'll be fine Daddy..."

"I know, sweetheart. Your father was always strong," Harry said with a fond, but watery smile. "It's just... He's always been such a 'delicate' thing. Always so pretty, but so strong." Zacchia managed a smile of her own. "Just like you, actually. You're almost exactly like him. Such a perfect little angel..." Zacchia hugged him.

"I love you Daddy," she said. Harry hugged her back, still feeling the tears on his cheeks.

"I love you too, angel..."

xXSo sweetXx

The next day rolled around and Harry awoke to a girlish scream from beside him. Fearing that Zacchia was in danger, he sat up quickly and looked around. Seeing a copy of the Daily Prophet lying near him, he sighed.

"Oh Merlin," he gasped out. "Don't do that!" Zacchia turned and waved the paper in front of his eyes.

"Daddy! Daddy look! It's my name! It's in the news! LOOK! I'm famous! We have to keep it so that Father can see!" she squealed. Harry took the paper away from him and quickly skimmed the title, his heart clenching at the bold words. Zacchia must have seen his look, for she frowned and tugged on the fabric of his hospital gown.

"What's it say?" she asked. "Is it bad?"


"What's it say!" Zacchia demanded. Harry leaned back on his pillow.

"It says: 'Six year old Zacchia Potter questioned unnecessarily?' It's not really bad, per se..." Zacchia looked confused.

"What does that mean?" she asked slowly, thinking. "Like, does it mean I was wrongly accused?" Harry nodded, inwardly wondering why she knew a word like 'accused' at all.

"Basically, the magical population is demanding that Fudge explain why he questioned you with Veritaserum without parental consent. Some people are arguing that you had to be, since you killed..." Zacchia bit her lip.

"I-I'm sorry," she said. "I didn't mean to..."

"It's okay, angel," Harry said. "I forgive you, just don't do it again, okay?" His daughter nodded.

"I promise. What else does it say?"

"It goes into your background and they guess at why you're telling us that Draco and I are your parents. A load of nonsense, really. It's gossip." Zacchia nodded slowly.

"Where're Winoa, Gwen and Kent?" she asked. "Are they alright? Why're they not here?"

"They're with your Uncle Severus now," Harry said. "Their first birthday is in four days, now that I think about it. Maybe Sev can bring them..."

"But I still don't have presents for them!" Zacchia wailed. "I have to go shopping with someone!" Harry smiled and ruffled her black hair.

"Don't worry about it. I gave your list to Severus and he went shopping for you. Everything's been taken care of."

"You sure?"


"Absolutely?" Zacchia asked. Harry nodded.


Zacchia seemed calm for a moment, and so Harry allowed his eyes wander past his daughter to his husband. Poor Draco was still unconscious, but his breathing seemed more even than last night. He sighed and let Zacchia slip off the bed and wander over to him. Harry sighed and rolled over, watching Zacchia cuddle to Draco's form. He tried to hold back more tears, but they fell anyway.

Please Dray. You promised that you'd never leave me. You promised...

Harry rolled onto his back, but not before he caught Zacchia's green and crimson eyes with his own. Those eyes gave him hope that Draco would be okay...



The Christmas Holidays passed somewhat peacefully at Snape Manor, St-Mungos having released Harry for that. The New Year rolled around, bringing with it no sign of change in Draco. Harry was losing hope, and it took Zacchia longer and longer to pry him out of the shell of depression he had created for himself.

One February afternoon found Zacchia sitting in her math class, chewing on her pencil in thought. Jessica was watching her intently, until both were shocked out of their staring when he ruler the teacher had slapped against the desk, making them yelp and jump. They both stood quickly, smoothing out their Elementary School uniform skirts (the blue skirt and blue sailor's collar were now red, and the sleeves were long to accommodate the winter weather) as they did so.

"S-Sorry!" they said at the same time, causing the other students to giggle quietly. The teacher glared her trademark glare.

"Ms Potter, Ms O'Neill, why were you not doing your work?"

Zacchia clenched her fists to her side and bit her lip; she had no answer. Neither did Jessica. The teacher's glare intensified. Zacchia recoiled as she had a flash of Draco's 'I'm-not-happy-with-you' glare and tears welled in her eyes.

"I-I'm sorry!" she cried. "I'm so sorry! My Father... he... he..."

No one really knew what to do as Zacchia sank to the floor sobbing. Jessica gasped as she could make out the soft 'Don't die, don't die, Daddy needs you...' that the other girl was whispering, and she was the only one that understood. She immediately went over to her friend and hugged her. Zacchia instinctively latched onto her friend and continued to cry.

As Zacchia sobbed, the teacher's eyes softened. She bent down and held the child to her, biting her lip. The poor girl...

"Shhhhh..." she said softly. "It's okay, child..."

Zacchia hiccupped and tried to slow her tears. Jessica patted her back and Zacchia turned to clutch at the teacher's blouse.

"Is your mother at home?" the teacher asked, surprised when Zacchia shook her head; everyone knew that Zacchia had baby triplets at home. "Then who's at home with you?"

"My daddy... or Uncle Sev, maybe..." The teacher stood, picking up Zacchia in the process.

"Okay then. We'll go call and then someone will come to pick you up and you can go home..."

Jessica could only stand in the class helplessly as the teacher walked out, carrying her sobbing friend with her.

xIt's almost over...Xx

Harry sighed as he carried Zacchia up to her room. He felt bad for the amount of horrible things the child had gone through, and he was hoping it would all just end soon.

Laying Zacchia on her bed and tucking her in, Harry managed a small smile. She was so strong to have held out this long without breaking down. So very opposite of himself... so much like Draco it was scary.

Harry was content to just watch his daughter sleep when he heard his Fire Call alert go off loudly. He cursed when, in the next room, the noise jarred the triplets awake and he heard Winoa start to cry. He rushed to them, quickly gathered Winoa in his arms, let Kent cling to his leg and Gwen pull herself up before he took her hand and led her down the stairs slowly, as to not make her fall. They reached the fire place and he set Winoa down in the playpen with her other thirds. He sat on the couch, n front of the fire, and sighed when he saw a Medi-Witch from St-Mungos.

"Mr. Potter, I'm so glad you're home! I couldn't contact Mr. Snape and –"

"What is the purpose of this call, Mrs. White?" Harry asked. The Mediwitch grinned excitedly.

"Your husband is awake!" she said happily. "He demanded to see you, oh, this is wonderful!"

Harry's senses had all but shut off. Draco was alive, awake... and speaking even! Kent was calling out to him, but still he didn't move. Draco was alive!

"Mr. Potter? Are you alright?" Harry nodded and let out a sob of relief. Draco was okay, which meant he had to be seen...

"T-Thank you for telling me, Mrs. White. I shall arrive as soon as I can."


As the witch disappeared from view, Harry grabbed his phone from the wall and dialed Hermione's number. Two rings later, an exhausted, "Hello?" met his ears.

"Hermione? It's Harry."

"Oh. Sorry, my little boy is driving he mad today. Is something up?"

"Draco's awake!" Harry said quickly, almost doing a jig. He let his eyes rest on his youngest children and watched them as they watched him in interest. "I have to go see him... but..."

"Don't' you worry, Harry," Hermione said. "Vincent needs time to bond with his father. I'll be right over."

Harry heard the line go dead exactly seven seconds before a loud CRACK was heard and Hermione apparated into the kitchen, wearing her hair in a ponytail and clad only in a bra and pajama pants. Harry flushed in embarrassment, making Hermione roll her eyes.

"Go on, Harry. You've seen me in less than this. I'll borrow a shirt." Harry nodded and rushed upstairs, calling for Zacchia. His daughter sat up in bed slowly, yawning as she did so.

"Daddy, what – ?"

"Your father's awake!" Harry said. "Come on, we have to go see him!"

Zacchia was out of bed in a heartbeat. She slipped on her shoes as she ran down the stairs after Harry, barely stopping to greet Hermione as she went. Harry clutched her close to her, threw the Floo Powder down, yelled, "St-Mungos!" (as it only had one fire place open to the Floo) and then they were gone.


Draco sighed in relief as the annoyingly happy mediwitch by the name of Amber White left his side. He honestly felt fine; better than he had in ages. Even his magic was fully recovered, as healing magically had used up some of his magic. He had spent the last few days asleep, recovering completely. He wanted to go home, hug and kiss his children, and apologize endlessly to his wonderful husband. He hadn't meant to almost die – what imbecile would purposely mean to die while not suicidal? – and he knew he had spent a long two and a half months in some sort of Darkness while his injuries healed. He wouldn't classify it as a coma, since he had been fully aware of the time...

"Mr. Malfoy?" White said, still in that overly cheery voice. "Your husband and daughter are here to see you!"

"Harry and Zacchia?" he asked, pushing himself up. "Send them in then, woman!"

Barely a minute later, Draco was tackled by a bawling Zacchia and sat on by Harry, who wasn't doing much better. He hugged and kissed them both, acutely aware of how much he had missed them.

"Merlin I'm sorry!" he said. "I should have thrown up a shield or something, I just wasn't thinking..." Zacchia held him tighter.

"Don't be sorry!" she said, her voice muffled by his shirt. "Just be glad you're okay!"

"We missed you Dray," Harry said. "Missed you horribly."

"I missed you too," Draco said softly. "I promise nothing like that will ever happen again... Never again..." Draco was shocked when Harry covered Zacchia's eyes and then kissed him hungrily, but he responded anyway. Zacchia clawed at Harry's hands, complaining, but Draco didn't really care as they spent a full minute just kissing, getting lost in the feeling of being complete that they had both missed. When they pulled away, Harry let go of Zacchia and hugged him tightly.

"Merlin, I love you Draco Potter-Malfoy," he said, making Draco's heart swell. Zacchia gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too, Father," she said. "Lots and lots." Draco smiled and cuddled them closer.

"I love you guys too," he said, "and nothing more will ever come between us, I promise."

Deep down inside, Draco knew that squabbles would break out, arguments would arise and disagreements bordering on full out fights would occur. There had been too many since they had first met for them to stop all together. But one thing Draco promised to himself was that he would avoid being a patient in St-Mungos as much as possible. He would make up for lost time with his family in the next years.

That was a promise.

And Malfoy's never went back on their words.

xXThe EndXx

Well, that's it. That's all of Promise. I finally finished it after so long. I'm working on the sequel now (and I'm stuck), but the important thing is that you all stuck with the story and now it's finished! Yay!

I had originally wanted to stop the chapter right before Zacchia breaks down, but I figured that the following chapter would be crap short, so I didn't. Was it okay?

Anyway, thank you to all my reviewers, and thank you for not giving up on me. Hope to see you all reading the sequel, which, if I write myself out of the corner I wrote myself into, should start appearing sometime in 2006! Keeping in mind that this is my Grad year and I need to study, so don't hold your breath.

Please review and tell me what you guys think! I love hearing from you!

Have a very happy New Year!