Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans. Sniff I wish I did though.

After a hard day of saving Jump City once more, Starfire retires to her room and lays on her back staring at the ceiling. She turns over to her side and notices a note on her night stand next to her bed. She curiously reads it:

Dear Starfire, my Starfire:

The first time I set my eyes on you I knew you were the one

With your eyes glowing bright, your hair as bright as the sun

With all the troubles we've been through

Just me and you

Our friendship with each other is so strong and true

There was time with some doubt, betrayal

But to each other we always stay loyal

I never ment to hurt you

But I mentally kick myself when I do

All I really want to do is be around you.

We have laughs, we have troubles

Sometimes Slade makes it double

But when we come through it like we always do

I know I can come to you.

But I know you'll forgive me anyway

When I stare in your eyes I could float away.

But it's not just your beauty I love

Your disposition innocent of

Anything atrocious

Or ferocious

A personality with cleanliness

With no speck of dirtiness

But overall, what I really mean to tell you

Is that I truly love only you

Really I do

Love, Robin

Starfire runs out of her room and knocks on Robin's door. "Who is it?" she heard his voice say. "It is I, Starfire." she said, struggling to keep tears of joy inside. But when Robin opens the door she cannot hold them in any longer. "Oh Robin! This poem is just marvelous! I wish to repay you with the earth term called "a kiss" maybe?" Starfire asked. Robin threw his arms around her never wanting to let her go.