Disclaimer: I don't own anything. I own a copy of the first two X-men movies and two prints of Wolverine. That's it. So don't bother suing me. That's all you'll get.

Writer's Note: Sorry for the wait for this chapter, I've been writing the next chapter (trust me, it's good! And I should know!) And I haven't been able to get to a computer for long enough to transfer this from paper to computer file to fanfiction. So please don't bite my ears off for taking so long!

The first two paragraphs were supposed to be the last chapter, but I hadn't finished writing the sequence so they had to be transferred to this chapter. I look at it as a good thing, because it made this chapter longer. And that's always a good thing.

At the X-Mansion

The five defeated X-men walked up to the mansion. They were all nursing bruises, and cursing the new brotherhood member. Kitty was leading Cyclops, and Iceman was carrying an unconscious Nightcrawler. Jubilee was helping them by keeping non-mutants away from them so that they didn't see Nightcrawler. ((Remember: Wanda took his watch!))

The five quickly met up with Storm and Wolverine, who had been informed by the Professor. They made it to the mansion faster, because Storm had grabbed an extra pair of Cyclops' sunglasses. They went straight to the briefing room. The professor was waiting there looking very angry.

"You got into another fight with the brotherhood. After I specifically told you not to." He said. He sighed as he looked at them. "And I suppose they finally won?"

"They got lucky." Cyclops said. "If their new recruit hadn't taken my sunglasses and visor, we would have won." Xavier didn't look surprised.

"It was weird. The new guy seemed to know exactly what we could do and how to counter it." Jubilee said. Iceman nodded.

"We're going to have to do something about their new recruit." Xavier said quietly.

Back at the Brotherhood Boarding House tempers were rising at the sleeping arrangements that Wanda had thought up.

"Wandayoucan'tbeserious!" Pietro said angrily as his sister walked calmly down the stairs and into the kitchen. She had just told everyone in the house that Mort would be sleeping in her room and only Freddy had been okay with it.

"Wanda, I can't allow that man to sleep in the same room as you. We still aren't completely sure if he's on our side." Mystique said from her place at the kitchen table. Avalanche, who was sitting across from her, nodded.

"Snookums, you can't really trust that guy! Especially after what he did to me, yo!" Todd said. Avalanche and Pietro started laughing as they remembered the story. Wanda looked angrily at all of them.

"I don't care what any of you say! As far as I'm concerned what he did to you, Todd, was proof of how lousy you are at fighting! Pietro, he took you out easier that it is to confuse Freddy! Mystique, you may not trust him but you didn't see him fight! He hates the X-men and could never be on their side!" Wanda said angrily. None of them could think of something to say in return so she got a drink of water and went out to watch TV. She was followed by Todd and Avalanche.

"You know, Todd, he told me while I was showing him around some of the stuff he had planned and you really should go to bed early. He really is gonna get you up at dawn." Wanda said with an evil smirk. Todd paled, but didn't move. Avalanche laughed as he sat down beside her.

"What's he got planned?" Avalanche asked her quietly. She smirked.

"I dunno, but he said he's gonna videotape it."

Mort woke up with a stretch. He looked at the watch on his arm and saw that it was 2:30am. He looked up at the bed and saw Wanda's sleeping form. He got up off the floor and walked carefully over beside her. She was only half-covered by her blankets. He pulled them back up from her waist and covered her shoulders. He saw her start to wake up and chided himself for waking her.

"Shh… go back t'sleep luv." He whispered into her ear and moved a strand of hair out of her eye. She visibly relaxed and fell back asleep. Mort smiled and got up and left quietly.

Mort left the house and went to the electronics store that Wanda had shown him. He walked to the side and found a ventilation duct. He quickly climbed into it, grimacing at the clanging when he replaced the vent.

He found the opening he wanted and pulled the vent in. He looked beside the door and saw the control panel for the alarm and slimed it with acid. He hadn't told anyone about that particular power, preferring to have at least one weapon no one knew about.

Mort found a small spray bottle in his pocket and squirted it twice, watching as thick red beams formed and disappeared as the acid worked its magic. He waited a few minutes just in case before carefully dropping down onto the floor. He looked around quickly and was instantly in heaven. Everywhere he looked there were gadgets.

He pulled a bag out of his pocket and jumped over to the rack of video cameras. He looked at the prices until he found the most expensive one and took it. He jumped over and grabbed eight walkie-talkies and bagged them too. Mort looked at a laptop with glazed eyes and bagged it. He was surprised at how lax security was as he threw the bag into the vent and jumped in himself.

He didn't notice the security camera behind the counter.

Mort snuck into Todd's bedroom and smiled at the boy. He really did snore like a freight train. Mort snuck up beside Todd's bed and pulled a rag and a small vial out of one of his many pockets. He poured a drop of the clear liquid onto the rag before he put the vial into his pocket again. He rubbed the liquid around on the cloth and held it onto the boy's mouth and nose.

Todd woke up quickly and tried to struggle but Mort held the boy down easily. He fell unconscious quickly.

"Now fer some fun." Mort whispered to himself as he picked up Todd's limp body. Mort carried the boy out of the house and into a dark, deep clearing in the woods near the house. It had taken him half an hour to find it and set up the walkie-talkies.

Mort set the boy down and put a walkie-talkie into his hand. He saw the boy start moving and quickly jumped away into the foliage and up a tree where his supplies were stashed. He reached into a bag he had hanging from a branch and pulled out a walkie-talkie. He set it to the right frequency and watched as Todd started waking up. He smiled as the boy looked around confusedly.

"It's dawn." Mort said into his walkie-talkie. He smiled to see that the other walkie-talkies he had strewn around the clearing were working. Todd looked at the walkie-talkie in his hand.

"Why does my tongue taste like pennies?" Todd asked into his radio. Todd jumped as he heard his voice coming from many different places all around him.

"Chloroform." Mort replied simply. "Today we're going to work on your agility." Mort said. He reached into his bag and started pulling out pieces of a sniper-rifle. He put it together quickly, and loaded it with a single dart. He took aim and shot the dart right at Todd's neck. It hit and injected the drug into Todd's system quickly. Mort saw Todd visibly slacken.

"What t'hell'd you do…. t'me…"Todd demanded slowly. He sounded drunk. Mort silently thanked Mystique for inventing this drug.

"I injected yeh wif a drug t'slow yeh down. Don' worry it'll wear off eventually. Sometime 'round lunch I think." Mort said with a smile as he loaded the rifle with rubber bullets. He took careful aim and hit Todd square in the forehead. The boy fell over and slowly got back up. He took a wobbly step forward and fell back down.

"I can't even…see straight yo…I'm s'posed to…. YEOW!" Todd said. Mort had shot him before he could finish his sentence. Mort watched as Todd rubbed his left butt cheek, where Mort had aimed.

It went on like that for three hours until Todd finally dodged five in a row. Mort grabbed the video camera, his rifle, his walkie-talkie, and his bag. He jumped down out of his tree and landed in front of Todd.

"Good work. We'll do this again soon." Mort said as he grabbed one of his walkie-talkies from a nearby bush. Todd smiled and collapsed. Mort rolled his eyes as the boy started snoring. Mort quickly rounded up his stuff and picked up the boy. He carried the boy back to the boarding house and carefully put him to bed.

Mort went back down into the living room and opened his new laptop. He turned it on and started a journal. He knew Magneto would want to know exactly what he had done.