by Chaos beast666

an Inuyasha Yu Yu Hakusho story

Really sorry about the long wait...again. But re-writing the story is harder then I thought it would be. I also got pissed at chapter four and lost intrest for a while because I never liked the way I ended up writing it. So I decided that it would be best to post the chapters that I have finished, rather then making you guys wait anymore for me to post them all at once. Sorry again!

Chapter 1- Inuyashas end

I don't own inuyasha Yu Yu hakusho or any of the characters except the ones I made up so don't go stealing them or I'll sue your ass so fast that you'll be like "what the hell?"

"KAGOME!"A half demon cried out to the girl who had just taken the full front from an energy punch that sent her flying. "Your concern for the human girl makes you weak Inuyasha." said a mysterious amored figure.

The fight had begun in a small plain, there were few trees, some dotting the area around them. A forest opened up a short distance away, leaving the plain at the end as a perfect place for an arena of sorts. There was a river at the end of the plain, the water was clear and it was calmly flowing down stream. Had a battle not been going on, it would have been the perfect place to relax and have some peace and quiet.

The group that was under attack was not very large. There were only six travellers. A half-demon wearing a red kimono, a young priestess wearing strange clothes, the last surviving demon slayer, a juvenile fox demon, a lecherous monk, and a small but powerful cat demon.

The attacker was a man adorning green colored armor, similar to that of a medieval knights'. He also had a double edged sword strapped to his back, furthering his medieval look. He had perfect posture when he walked and a loud voice. He also had a very slight European accent. If one had to guess, they would say that this man was an authentic knight of the European middle ages, as if he had been plucked straight from the Crusades.

" I have to finish him off soon. The new moon is tonight and the sun is already starting to set."Inuyasha thought to himself as the armored man then ran up to him, and with a green aura around his hand, punched him the stomach, sending the half-demon flying as well.

"Hiraikotsu!" Sango said as she threw her giant boomerang at the armored man. Right before it hit him he grabbed it in mid air and with a green aura around his hands and knee,snapped it in two as if it had been a twig. "Your weak human weapons have no effect on me!" he said as the pieces fell.

"Wind scar!" a gigantic blast of yellow energy came at him, ripping across the ground as it flew. "Hm. What a fool! A wind scar? I wont even grace him with the sight of my powers." said the armored man as the wind scar came flying at him. His green aura then surrounded his legs and he jumped over the wind scar and landed in front of Miroku.

"I'll finish this now! Wind tunnel!" The monk then pointed his palm at the man and unraveled the prayer beads that were wrapped around it.Once the beads came off, a small hole in Mirokus hand began to pull everything into a void of nothingness as if it were a black hole.

Only when he noticed that the man wasn't affected by it at all did he cover his had with the beads once again. "Dont you have anything that doesnt have to do with the wind?" The green clad knight asked. He then grabbed Mirokus arm and proceded to bend it backwards in an attempt to break it.

This was quickly halted when Inuyasha came to Mirokus aid. Using his gigantic sword, Inuyasha thrust straight through the attackers chest. His grip had loosened and Miroku pulled away.

"You'll need more that that to defeat me." The knight said as he pulled the sword from his chest. He threw Inuyasha to the ground and had kicked him a good distance, thanks to the green aura once again.

Miroku swung his staff at the mans head once the pain in his arm had subsided. The metal tip had made contact with its target, but instead of hurting him, the staff had snapped into two pieces just as Sangos Hiraikotsu had. He then grabbed a surprised Miroku by the head and smashed him into the ground.

The impact was so great that the ground had begun to crack around him. "You're begining to bore me. I think its time I ended this little game." He whispered to the monk as he used his foot to keep him from getting up.

The ominous green aura engulfed his hand as he raised it above his head in a claw shape. He then brought it down with considerable force on Mirokus chest. The monks eyes widened as he realized what had just happened. Then the same wide eyes became cold and lifeless as the last bit of breath escaped his lungs.

The man pulled his hand out of the hole that he had created, and watched as the drops of blood trickled down to his wrist and trembled slightly before falling to the ground below.

Sango had just finished helping Inuyasha off the ground when she turned and saw Miroku on the crimson stained ground. Her eyes filled with tears of sorrow and anger as she blindly charged at the one who had just killed him.

She pulled back her fist and slammed it into the murderers face. But to the same effect as Mirokus staff, her fist did absolutley nothing to him. But, unwilling to let Miroku die without venegence, Sango continuesly punched him in the face and stomach. Finally fed up with this pitiful display of revenge,he grabbed her by the wrist and lifted her off the ground.

Using her other hand she drew her katana witch was stopped by his own free hand. He plucked it from her fierce grip and threw it over his shoulder. "i see that you cared deeply for this monk. But dont will join him now." He said as he charged his hand with the green aura yet again. Then he grabbed the demon slayers throat and began crushing it with extreme force.

Inuyasha had begun to rush towards them, but he was too late. Sangos lifeless body was dropped on top of Mirokus as the man fixed his gaze on the half demon once again. "You BASTARD! I'll kill you!" Inuyasha yelled with rage in his voice as he jumped and brought his sword down into thin air.

He looked around to see where his enemy had now gone. He looked down and saw nothing but his fist connect with the half demons chin. This caused him to flip through the air and land on the ground a few feet off. But before Inuyasha could even get up. The man tightly clenched his hand into a fist and slammed through Inuyashas stomach.

His vision became dark, and blurry as he coughed blood onto his chest. " I'" were the only words he managed to choke out before losing conciousness.

He then walked over to where Kagome was after she had just awakened and raised his hand over his head about to strike when two large fangs penetrated his armor going through his back and coming out his stomach. He turned his head slowly to see his attacker, Kirara who was trying to avenge her fallen master. "Wretched creature!" He said as he reached behind him and broke off Kiraras fangs. He then grabbed her by her mane and tossed her high into the air.

He pulled out one of the two fangs that had been used to run him through, and tossed it with extreme power and precision. It had hit the cat demon square in the heart, ending her life quickly.

He then turned back to a terrified Kagome who had a bow and arrow ready to fire at his heart. "Don't move or I'll shoot!" she threatened. But ignoring her, he kept walking forward with both his hands enveloped in the green aura that had destroyed her friends.

She fired the first purifying arrow she had pointed at him and hit her mark. He looked down at his chest and saw the arrow eating away at his demon skin and body. He then pulled it out and threw it back at her with even greater force than when she fired it. It pierced her right arm which she then clutched with pain.

The armored man was about to finish her off when a small fox demon jumped on his head and started scratching and kicking his face. "Dont worry Kagome! I'll protect you!" The demon child said as he scratched at his helmet with his tiny claws.

The armored man plucked him off and said "If you hadn't been traveling with these humans this wouldn't have happened to you." He then had the green aura around his index finger and while he was still holding Shippo by his hair, thrust his finger through his heart killing the small demon instantly.

"Shippo!" Kagome cried as the armored man turned his gaze back on her. She was now holding another arrow ready, still wincing at the pain of her arm. She then fired and got another arrow ready and fired again. This continued until she was out of arrows.

Unfortunately the armored man was unphased by the purifying attacks that a normal demon would have been easily destroyed by. With no other way to defend herself Kagome threw her bow at him in a last ditch effort to keep him away. He then had her cornered up against a rock wall next to the stream. She looked desperately to find a way out but by then the armored man had already gotten close enough to her to finish her off.

He clenched his hand into a fist and was about to strike her down when there was a quick flash of light and the mans head was removed. His body fell, and behind it was an injured Inuyasha, holding his Tetsuaiga as a walking stick. Kagome was running over to him when something grabbed her ankle. She looked down to see that the armored mans body was still able to move even without his head. She screamed in terror as the decapitated body pulled itself up and finished what it had started. It had thrust its hand directly through her stomach. Her final word was "Inuyasha" before she died.

"KAGOME!" Inuyasha cried out while the armored man grabbed his head and put it back on. He then said "Weakling. Your friends could have been spared had they not attacked me. All I wanted were the shards of the shikon jewel. If you had just given them to me, then I would have happily moved on without a second thought." He then looked at Inuyasha who was still staring at Kagomes body as if he could bring her back by sheer force of will.

He then turned his gaze on him. "Your gonna pay for that you bastard!" Inuyasha said as he lunged at him fiercely with his sword still drawn. This time every one of Inuyashas sword swipes hit, cutting through his armor, skin, and bones. He yelled out each of his friends names as he cut another chunk of the armored mans body. " Miroku, Sango, Kirara, Shippo, Kagome. Im gonna take you down for them!" He then fired a wind scar at the severed pieces of the murderer. All but his head was destroyed after the attack. Inuyasha lifted the bodyless head, as it began to speak to him. "I...may die...but be warned...there are seven" his head then went silent and Inuyasha removed his helmet to see nothing inside except black smoke which quickly disappeared into the air.

He then fell on to the ground from exhaustion. While he was laying on the ground he looked at the top of the rock wall and saw two other men who looked like the armored man but instead of green armor one was wearing blue armor and the others was red.

He then looked behind the two armored warriors and saw the sun finish setting. Inuyasha sighed and said "I'll be with you guys soon." As he then looked at Kagomes body and his hair turned from silver to black. His claws and fangs began to vanish just as his as his demon strength and stamina did as well. With a gaping hole in his stomach, the now human Inuyasha died while looking at the two armored figures on the cliff.