Just Say It

Author's Note: This fan fiction is based on the drawing of Lily and James. I couldn't get the drawing up, but it's on under fan art. It's the only one of Lily and James. Enjoy! Oh, and if it's your drawing, thanks a lot for letting me use it, the drawing is NOT mine, I'm artistically challenged.


Lily Evans lay next to her boyfriend James Potter on the grounds to Hogwarts the day after final exams ended. Her red hair fanned out around her.

"Just say it," James whispered in her ear. Lily laughed, and kept tracing patterns into the ground with her forefinger.

"Why? I've told you before, but I don't say things on demand," Lily responded. James sat up, and Lily rested her head on his thigh. He looked down at his girlfriend; his messy black hair fell into his face.

"Why won't you just tell me?" demanded James.

"James Potter! Will you just stop?" Lily asked, sitting up. Despite her harsh tone, Lily was smiling. James shook his head, and his arms found her waist.

Meanwhile, Sirius and Remus were watching from the Gryffindor Tower. Sirius scoffed as Remus left to do his homework.

"Well, Mooney, do you think it'll last?" asked Sirius, taking a seat across from his friend.

"Dunno, Padfoot. You've had one fling after another for as long as I've known you, and each time you swear that she's the one," Remus replied, not looking up from his piece of parchment.

"Yeah, but I didn't buy a ring for them. You remember how we had to go and find the perfect ring for Lily, and James hasn't given it to her yet."

"Sirius, you should know as well as I do, that James just won't ask Lily to marry him. Both of you are too thick to just do that."

"Sure, Remus. Whatever you say. Have you written to my cousin recently?" That got Remus' attention.

"What do you mean?" he demanded.

"I think you know what I mean. You've been writing letters to Nymphadora."

"And that's why she keeps jinxing you. Nobody, including her family calls her Nymphadora, and you very well know that."

"I give up on you!" Sirius announced. "I give up on the both of you. James is taking forever, and you're just a know-it-all!" Sirius then stormed up to his dorm. Remus knew that Sirius really wasn't mad, just frustrated that James was taking a while to ask Lily to marry him.

"I got you something," James murmured into Lily's ear. Lily was sitting against him, with her head resting on his broad chest. She mumbled something, but James didn't understand her.

Lily then said, "What did you get me? It's not dangerous in any way, is it?"

James laughed. "No, this isn't dangerous at all." He then produced a small box out of his bag next to them. Lily looked at the box, but didn't move. Only when James opened it, did Lily realize what he was doing, and why Remus and Sirius had left them alone for such a long period of time. Inside the box was a ring with a jewel that changed to all colors imaginable.

"Lily Evans, will you marry me, once we get out of this damn school?" James asked. Lily nodded, and James slipped the ring onto her finger. Lily then began to laugh, and she threw her arms around James' neck.

"I love you, James Potter," she finally whispered. It was what James had been waiting for.