Disclaimer: If they actually belonged to me, this wouldn't be fanfiction, now would it?

Warning: um… slash. It's late. You figure it out.

Tell Me A Story

"Tell me a story."

"A what?"

"A story."

"A what?"

"A story."

"A what?"

"A – Sirius!"

"That's my name. Don't wear it out."

"Come on. I'm serious."

"No. Didn't we just establish that I'm Sirius?"

"Padfoot, I'm going to say this once, because I love you, and feel you ought to be warned, but I will not say it again: if you don't at least pretend to behave, you will never need those condoms I know you keep in your wallet. Do you understand?"


"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Did you just say… you love me?"


"You said… 'because I love you…'"

"Yeah. So? What of it?"

"Well, what did you mean? Moony, are you blushing?"

"No! I'm not blushing. I don't blush. You know that. Boys don't blush."

"Well, it looks like you're blushing."

"I am not blushing. It's just… hot in here. That's all."

"It's not hot in here, it's normal in here. You're hot in here."


"Never mind. Just… did you mean it?"

"Yes, I think it's overly warm – "

"No! Moony, you know what I meant. Stop avoiding the question."

"I'm not avoiding the question."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you – Moony!"


"Don't you give me that innocent puppy-dog look. It doesn't work on me. I invented the innocent puppy-dog look. Answer!"


"Because I want to know!"




"You said 'why' so I said 'zee.' You know, x, y, z? The alphabet, Moony!"

"Oh, right."

"Moony! You're avoiding again! And it's not going to work."

"It works very well, thank you."

"... Just answer the damn question!"

"I did."

"No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did."


"Well, you asked! If you don't like the answer, you bloody well shouldn't have asked!"

"What? Rem, what are you talking about? You don't have to get so brassed off. If it's really that big a deal not to answer – "

"I told you! I did!"

"But you didn't say anything – "

"That was my answer, Sirius! You asked me if I meant it, and I said I did! I meant it! I meant it when I said I loved you! You know why? Because I do. I love you. And not in an 'oh, you're my best mate, better than a brother' way either! I love you, Sirius. I love you. I'm in love with you. And if you want to hate me, and never speak to me again, I understand, just…"

"Oh, Merlin. Rem, don't cry! Don't… I don't hate you! Why would I hate you? I could never hate you. You know that! Rem, I – "



"Do that again."


"Kiss me again."


"Because I liked it."

"You did?"


"Well, guess what."


"I like you."

"I figured."

"You did?"

"Usually you don't stick your tongue down someone's throat unless you like them."

"Well, guess what."


"I love you, too."




"What about your story?"

"Forget the story."





"That was nice… hey, don't laugh!"

"I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing with you."

"I'm not laughing."

"But… 'that was nice'? That's funny. You have to admit, you're funny."

"I'm not funny! I'm serious!"

"I know."



A/N: Well, everyone else seems to be writing all-dialogue pieces, and I felt left out. I know it's not very good, and I'm not particularly happy with it, but oh wellz, it's 2:30 am, and I'm jet-lagged, so I don't really care anymore. Please review!