Tales Of Two Hearts

Chapter 1: Job Hunting

DC: I do not own CB

"Sweetie I think we need a maid." Said a woman with wavy blonde wait length hair and blue eyes as she sat on the black leather couch. Her name was Julia Spiegal. Next to her sat her husband Spike Spiegal who was currently watching the basketball playoffs.

"Why? I told you already, why do we have to pay someone to clean our mess? It's not like we can't do it ourselves." Spike scratched behind his mane of green hair while his dark brown eyes were glued to the TV Plasma set.

"Spike, if you haven't noticed I'm hardly at this house. You know I have things to do. I don't have time to clean up my own mess."

"Well if you didn't make so many compromises to meet your friends than maybe you would have time."

"I can't do that Spike! I make compromises because I get to be with people. I don't want to stay in the house alone all day while you're out working." Julia jumped off the couch and stared down at her husband.

"Now we're going to get into that. If you haven't noticed Julia, you don't have a job. If I didn't work than we wouldn't have this house and you wouldn't have the money that you burn everyday to hang out with your friends." Spike looked up at her as he said this.

"I don't care Spike. We're hiring a housekeeper. I already posted an ad in the newspaper." With that Julia walked upstairs towards their master bedroom.

"Faye I'm sorry but we're gonna have to let you go."

"What? You can't do that Amber." The green-eyed woman known as Faye argued. Her shoulder-length violet tresses held up in a messy bun. "I've been working here about a year now. You can't just fire me like that."

"Faye, you insult the customers. You even gave one guy a black eye." Amber said. People would say she was attractive with her red curly hair flowing behind her mid-back and dark blue eyes that glowed in the dark but she was very seductive. She knew how to keep her boys in line.

"That's because that guy grabbed my ass! I was only protecting myself." Faye defended. She pulled down her black mini skirt a bit feeling it rise up a bit to point where you can see her underwear.

"Faye this is a strip club of course their gonna grab you. Now I've been having some complaints about you not being able to show the goods to the costumers and if you're willing to keep your job than maybe I can work it out if you decide to be in part of the show. They are paying for your services you know!" Amber stated kicking her feet up to her desk. Faye stood in front of her frowning at the display.

"You know damn well that I don't do shows. I just take orders."

"Well here's an order for you Faye, you will become a stripper. You're obviously to hot to be giving out drinks leave that to those who weren't blessed with your good looks." Amber pulled out a dark shade of red lipstick and a compact mirror from her desk and started applying the lipstick.

"Fuck you Amber! I'm not stripping for those morons who can't get any from their own wives." Faye was about ready to walk out when Amber's voice stopped her.

"Think about it Faye. It's good money and you do want what's best for your son don't you?" Faye knew Amber was placing all her cards on the table with that but she didn't know that Faye was Poker Alice. Amber's business would be shot if she were to leave since half of those drunks were there in hopes to see Faye get naked but she wouldn't fall for that one.

"I do want what's best for him but not at the expense of degrading myself. I can get him what he needs in other ways so I don't need your dirty money to do it! Goodbye Amber." With that she walked out the office slamming the door shut behind her. Loud music was the first thing that greeted her ears as Faye pushed herself between a bunch of lustful men. Finally reaching the bar at the center, Faye picked up her black trench coat and pulled it on.

"So what did Amber want?" Asked a girl with auburn curly hair.

"Amber's a bitch Roxy, she wanted me to be part of the show and strip for these horny bastards. She basically threatened on firing me. At first she started with me being violent towards the customers than she brought all that stripping shit on me just to keep the damn job." Faye explained tying the sash around her so that it covered her reveling white and black blouse.

"So you quit?" Roxy looked at Faye dumbfounded. "But what about Michael? Pretty soon you're going to need money and its not like that ex of yours is gonna help."

"I know! I'm just going to have to look for a new job and hope the search won't take to long but look I have to go I'll talk to you later ok?" When Roxy nodded in response they both gave each other a sisterly hug.

Once they pulled away Faye walked away from the bar and started heading towards the exit. Upon reaching the exit a man in his late 30's step in front of her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You're not planning on leaving me are you Faye?" The smell of vodka was strong in his breath and it took every ounce of strength in Faye not to gag and past out.

"Get off me Isaac!" Faye tried to pull out of his hold but he just kept brining her closer.

"Just one kiss, Faye. For me?" Isaac said smirking coyly while inching his face to a struggling Faye.

"Go to hell!" Not to later after Faye said that she forcefully slammed her knee between his legs. Isaac immediately released his hold on her and bent over grasping for breath. Smirking in approval Faye immediately made her exit.

She walked down the dark street looking for a cab, her black-strapped heels clanking against the pavement. Seeing a taxi drive down the road she held her hand up in hopes that it would stop. Once the cab had stopped in front of her she opened the door and hopped in the back.

"Where to miss?" The driver asked.

"287 South Nebraska Ave." Faye answered softly not even looking at the driver. Finally getting his information the driver headed towards that direction leaving Faye alone with her thoughts.

Spike got up as the alarm rang 6:30 in the morning. He looked over to his left to see his wife sleeping soundly next to him. Planting a kiss on her forehead he got up and headed towards the shower. He turned on the showerhead and set it to a lukewarm temperature, he than stripped off his boxers and walked underneath the shower where he started to scrub off the dirty grim off him with soap.

Spike Spiegal came from a not to wealthy family. His father was a mechanic who worked at a small shop. His mother was a cashier at a local supermarket store. They didn't have too much money to get everything that Spike wanted. Looking at his family Spike realized that he didn't want to live like that. He wanted to be a better person than his family so he studied hard at school and made exceptional grades.

During his senior year at high school Spike was accepted to Harvard law where he would be a big time lawyer. Spike left college with a degree and not too long after that a job at an office firm. Spike mostly majored in criminal laws. Soon his boss invited one time over to his family house and he met the love of his life, Julia McGuire.

They both hit it off really well after meeting each other. Julia had begged her father to let her be with him since he was what she wanted and who was her father to deny what his daughter wanted. So after 2 years of going out did Spike finally popped the question at age 23 and they both got married.

Since Spike had no worries with money finding a house was no problem for them. It wasn't a mansion but it was a fairy big house with five rooms and 3 bathrooms. It also had an 8 feet deep swimming pool. They both didn't complain much about the money because there was enough.

Soon it came to the time that Spike was ready to have children. They went at every night for about 2 weeks but still not kid. They both went to see a gynecologist only to find out that Julia wasn't fertile enough to have children. At first it was hard for Spike to have no kids. They both fought constantly about it. Spike didn't want to adapt a kid but there was nothing else they could do so they both agreed that they weren't quite ready. Deep down it was a lie to Spike but he would just have to accept it for now.

Spike is now 27 and has been married for about four years. Feeling the water turn cold Spike grabbed a tower that was hanging over the shower door and wrapped it around his waist. Stepping out of the shower he walked into his closet where all his suits were. He pulled out a navy blue suit and a yellow dress shirt. After putting on his attire he walked over to the top drawer of his dresser and pulled a tie and wrapped it underneath the collar.

While tying up his tie, he looked over the bed to see Julia missing. He figured she was downstairs already making breakfast. So he hurried and slipped on his leather dress shoes and walked out the room.

"Well I'm glad you can finally grace us with you presence your highness."

"Mom cut the sarcasm I'm not in the mood." Faye yawned walking over to her son and planting a kiss on his cheek while softly ruffling his dark brown hair. The little boy of four smiled happily while continuing to eat his cheerios.

"Faye you know I can't always be staying here so late. I have a home to go to and a husband to support as well you know." Faye's mother said holding a spatula on her hip and looking at Faye over the rim of her thick glasses.

"Mommy can we go see daddy?" Michael asked as he placed a half bitten cheerio in his mouth Faye looked at him through hooded eyes and small smile.

"We'll see baby right now mommy has to find another job." Faye said grabbing the morning newspaper and sitting next to Michael at the table.

"Another job?" Faye's mom exclaimed. "Faye, don't tell me you got fired."

"I didn't get fired. I quit. Mom they wanted me…" Faye stopped in mid-sentence as she looked over to Michael who looked at her with innocent green eyes not fully understanding the situation. " Michael, I'm going to talk to grandma real quick can you go get your things ready so I can leave you at day care."

"Ok mommy." Michael slid off from the chair on his stomach. It was a little bit harder for him since his grandmother had stacked like about 3 books onto the chair so he could reach over the table.

"Mom they actually wanted me to strip for those bastards after I specifically told them I was just a bartender." Faye explained the situation after making sure that Michael was gone.

"Faye I told you those bars were no good but you never listen to me."

"I know what's worse is that I might need to pull Michael out of daycare. I can't pay for that anymore. It's too expensive and it's hard enough to keep up with the rent and everything else." Faye lay the side of her face in her palm while supporting herself with her elbow on the table.

"Aye Faye, what about Andrew? He has to help with Michael as well."

"Mom I don't need his help. He got into this mess in the first place!"

"Well I'm only saying that if that man can help you make Michael than he sure as hell can also help you support him." Faye scoffed at the comment and looked at the newspaper that was in front of her. Seeing an ad for house keeping was the first thing that caught her attention. Picking up the article she looked over the information and grabbed the cordless phone that was conveniently lying next to her. Grabbing it she dialed the number in the paper.

"What are you doing?" Faye's mother asked confusedly. What she got in response was a silent hush from Faye.

"Hello? Yes I was just reading your ad that was posted in the paper and I was wondering if the job is still open?"

Ok so Julia's cooking wasn't really the best but it wasn't bad either. Spike sat on one of the wooden stools that are placed in the middle of the kitchen where a big countertop was. Spike normally ate there since he didn't feel like eating all alone while Julia was in the kitchen.

"Any more coffee before you go?" Julia asked holding the coffee pitcher.

"No thanks I really got to go." Spike said grabbing his napkin and wiping his mouth making sure it was clean. Just as he got up the phone rang.

"I'll get it." Julia said placing the pitcher back into the coffee machine and grabbing the phone that hang over on the wall next to the food cabinet.

"Hello?" Spike heard another voice from the receiver. "Yes it actually is open. You're the first I heard today. Well if you're interested you can come by for an interview today around 4 o clock this afternoon. The address is in the paper. Ok I see you than. Bye."

"Who was that?" Spike asked slipping on his navy blue suit jacket.

"That was actually somebody calling about the housekeeping." Julia said placing the phone back on the receiver.

"Well tell me how that goes later. I really need to get going. Thanks for breakfast." Spike quickly pecked Julia on the lips. "Love you, see you later tonight."

"Love you too." Julia escorted him out the door and watched him as he got into his brand new black convertible Mustang.

A/N: Ok you're probably wondering why the hell I'm writing a new story when I have to finish "My Cinderella Story"? Well Its simple I have a huge writer's block and I'm slowly losing inspiration for that story. I'm still gonna finish it, it just might take me a while. I started a little bit of it but when I actually read it I deleted it. I rather write something good than something crappy in just two hours but than again I always take long with my updates so it really doesn't matter now does it?