Summary: Human Rin and demon Kagura are the best of friends. Kagura protects Rin and Rin helps Kagura to impress Sesshoumaru. Everything backfires when Rin ends up falling in love with Sesshoumaru. Sess/Kagura later Sess/Rin OOC


19 year old Rin was running from the killers of her family. They were going to kill her next, so she decided to run to her best friend, Kagura. She almost gets to Kagura when the bandits catch up to her.

"Ha. We got you trapped now." One of the Bandits grinned. He and the rest of the bandits raised up their swords to kill Rin with.

"Dance of Blades!" Yelled a voice. All the bandits fell down dead. Rin cowering in the middle. Then she recognized the voice.

"Kagura!" Rin yelled happily, while running over to her. "Thank you so much. It was so horrible. They killed my parents and then they were going to kill me."

"That's horrible." Kagura said. "Don't worry about them anymore. I'll protect you."

"Really Kagura, you'll do that for me? Is there anything I could do for you in return."

"Well, there is this handsome demon…"

"Oh, I see, you want me to play matchmaker. Sure I'll help you."

"I don't want you to just play matchmaker. You see, I don't know how to impress him. And since you are an expert at impressing guys such as Kohaku and Shippo. I thought you could help me."

"Hey, what are best friends for? We'll always be best friends, won't we?

"Of course."