Disclaimer: I don't own anything that relates to the Final Fantasy Series, that belongs to Square Enix.

Just The 6 Of Us

Chapter 5: Hangovers and Gay Cowboys


It was a beautiful morning. The sun shown brightly in the clear blue sky, no clouds visible anywhere. Birds were chirping happily outside as they stood on the branches of trees that had healthy green leaves. Bunnies were hopping around, eating ripe raspberries from the bushes. It was going to be a wonderful day...

But not for some people...

"Ugh..." A groan came from the lips of Rinoa Heartilly. She slowly sat up in the bed, hair (that obviously was not washed) stuck to her face. She brushed it off of her face and stood up, but as soon as she did her head felt like it was going to explode. "Man, what did I drink at that party..." She looked around the room. "Wait a minute this isn't my room..." She thought as she spotted a gun blade case in the corner. "This is Squall's!" Her brown eyes wandered to a white bikini top that was on the floor. "And what the hell are my clothes doing on the floor?"

She broke free of her thoughts when she heard a rustling behind her. "Ugh..." A groan came from someone, who was obviously a male. She slowly turned around and saw Squall getting up from his slumber. She gasped and looked at herself, noticing that she wasn't wearing anything. So she quickly stole the sheets from the bed and covered her body.

"Hey-" Squall started to say before he saw Rinoa standing there. For a moment he didn't say anything, most likely from confusion. He then looked at himself and noticed that he was almost exposing an area that well.. shouldn't be exposed! He put a pillow his er... private area... and stood up. "What the hell happened!"

"You know what happened!" Rinoa replied, as they both did not have their clothes on, and they were scattered across the room. "But I don't know how it happened!"

"Were we drunk?" Squall asked, trying to recall what happened last night.

Rinoa rolled her eyes. "Well, obviously, why else would we sleep together!"

"Okay, well, I think we should just forget that this whole thing happened." Squall stated.


"It's not really something that I want to remember. Although it's going to be hard since this hangover is killing me." He said, rubbing his head.

Rinoa nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you're right. Plus, we don't really want anyone finding out about this, now do we?"


"Alright, so we'll just forget that it happened and not tell anyone!"


They both smiled at each other until they heard a door open and close. "Hey, guys!" They both stared at each other, recognizing that voice.

"Selphie!" Rinoa shrieked in horror, and Squall shushed her by putting a hand over her mouth.

"Be quiet!" He whispered.

"Yeah, it's me!" Selphie's voice called again. "Rinoa?... I know you're there, so just answer me damnit!... Well, if you're not going to answer me then I'm just going to barge in your room!"

Squall released Rinoa. "Talk!" He whispered.

"Uh, yeah I hear ya! I was just busy doing something!" Rinoa lied desperately.

Selphie was silent for a moment. "Okay, well I don't want to know what you're doing, missy." The raven haired girl rolled her dark eyes. "Anyway, Zell is going on a date with that library chick and she invited me and Irvy for like a double date thing. And I was just going to ask you if you wanted to come."

"Why, I don't have a boyfriend! It'd be weird if I was there!"

"Really? I thought you a Squall hooked up last night!"

"WHAT!" Rinoa screamed. "Where did you hear that from!"

"Well last night me and Irvy saw you two making out like horny dogs when you were walking to your dorm room! So when you entered your dorm room, me and him decided to spy on you, you know, just for fun. We heard a lot of 'Oh, Squall!''s, 'Rinoa!''s, and 'Yes! Yes! YES!''s when we were spying. It was pretty funny!" They then heard her laughing uncontrollably.

"Why would you spy on us!"

"I dunno. We didn't plan on it at first, it just sort of happened. You know, like with you two."

"Fine." Rinoa and Squall came out of the room and Selphie's eyes widened.

"Was that what you were doing when I was talking to you! 'Cause if it was then that is disgusting!"

"No, Selphie. You can't tell anyone about this." Rinoa said.

Selphie just stood there. "Why not?"

"Because this is private!" She shrieked.

Selphie raised her eyebrows at her friend's outburst. "Fine if it means that much to you I won't tell anyone!"

"And make sure Irvine doesn't say anything either." Squall told her.

"Okay I got it!" She sighed. "Guess this means I'll have to take down my new blog entry…" She whispered under her breath, but loud enough for the 'couple' to hear.

"Excuse me?" Rinoa asked.

"Oh, uh… funny story… heh heh…" Selphie grinned sheepishly and scratched her head. "Guess I'll have to cancel those movie plans…"


"That was a great movie, wasn't it Zell?" Camilla asked as she, Zell, and Irvine exited the Balamb Theatre. They had gone to see Brokeback Mountain, since Irvine suggested it. Apparently "cowboys are supposed to study the ways of other cowboys."

Zell scratched the back of his neck. "Uh, yeah, although I wished we could have watched Nacho Libre."

"Dude, a love story between two cowboys is so much more interesting than some movie about nachos." Irvine spat.

"Too bad Selphie couldn't make it though." Camilla frowned, looking at Irvine. "What was the reason she couldn't come again?"

"Uh… she didn't say, it was kind of muffled... but I heard Rinoa's voice in the background so I'm guessing it's got something to do with her."

"Okay…" Camilla looked at Zell. "Anyway, I have to go home. I'll miss you." She smiled at him and leaned in for a kiss.

"I'll miss you more." He smiled back at her before he kissed her.

"Bye." She waved at him before walking down the streets of Balamb.

"So you two seem to be getting along great." Irvine grinned at him. "Bet you two will be getting it on soon instead of just getting along!" He patted Zell on the back.

Zell looked at him. "Nah, I think we're just going to take it nice and slow…"

"…Whatever, man!" Irvine shook his head at his friend. "Although, I guess I can't really say that can I?"

"What?" Zell looked at him excitedly. "You and Selphie haven't done it yet?"

"Oh, we have! She's a fireball in bed!" Irvine chuckled. "Yowza!"

The blond man raised his eyebrows, "So why can't you say that?"

Irvine tilted his cowboy hat. "I think I may have to take my cowboy studies further if you know what I mean."

"W-What! " Zell looked at him, bewildered.

Irvine looked far into the distance, "I may have to journey to the place where those two cowboys went… to passionate love making with another man…"

Zell stared at him. "Dude, that was Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal! They're not actually cowboys! Nothing in that movie ever happened!"

The brunette looked at him, "Then how come we saw it?"

"You know what I mean!" Zell spat. "And what about Selphie?"

Irvine looked at him. "Yeah, you're right… I never could do that to Selphie… she's my little fireball…"



"Okay, so there's nothing else that says anything about us?" Rinoa interrogated Selphie after she took down her web posting. Rinoa, Selphie, and Squall had been cooped in Selphie's dorm room, trying not to spread gossip about their little 'adventure'.

"And you put up that new entry saying that you were just joking?" Squall asked.

Selphie rolled her eyebrows. "Yes, master!" She said sarcastically. "But you know, you really shouldn't have made me do so, you're playing with people's feelings here!"

"I don't care about others feelings!" He spat.

The petite brunette looked at him, "You are a cold person, Squall Leonhart! I'm ashamed!"

"Whatever…" He rolled his eyes.

The door to her dorm room flied open and they all looked to see who it was. Of course, it was Irvine.

"Irvy!" Selphie squealed as she ran up to him and they embraced in a hug. Rinoa smiled at the two. "They're so cute together."

"I think we should be going now." Squall told Rinoa when he saw Selphie and Irvine lock lips.

Rinoa nodded in agreement. "Yeah, if we don't now we might see something we really don't want to see." They both walked to the door and moved around the couple. Squall closed their door.

"So today was… fun." Rinoa said as they walked to their dorm room.

Squall cocked an eyebrow. "'Fun'? I think the only thing that was fun was last night."

The raven-haired girl rose smiled. "I mean, even though this morning was extremely scary, it was pretty fun to boss Selphie around like that."

Squall chuckled, "Yeah, it kind of was."

"Plus, I got to know you better." She added.

He looked at her. "Same here."

Rinoa blushed a little. They continued to walk to their dorm room silently. Once they reached their dorm, she decided to break the silence. "Squall?"

"What?" He opened the door and entered the room.

Rinoa walked inside. "Last night was… my first time… and I'd still like to think of something special, even if I don't remember anything about it."

Squall nodded. "Alright."

She smiled at him. "Goodnight Squall!" She said cheerfully and kissed him on the cheek. Rinoa walked to her room and shut the door.

Squall stood there. "Goodnight…"


Zell rolled around in his sleep, obviously having some sort of dream. Let's take a look shall we?

Zell's Dreamland

Irvine was lying outside in the flower field next to Galbadia Garden. It was early evening, and the sunset made the sky glow red.

Zell walked towards him and Irvine looked up. "Howdy there." Instead of wearing his usual boxing clothes, he was wearing slacks and long sleeved plaid button up shirt. On his head he was wearing a cowboy hat.

"Hey." He laid down next to him. "Watching the sunset?"

"Naw, just thinking about how I want to take your clothes off and rub lotion on you." Irvine rose an eyebrow suggestively as he looked over at his friend.

Zell looked around nervously. "Yeah man, I don't think so." He stood up and began to walk away when the cowboy grabbed his arm.

"Wait. I can't just let you go."

"I have to. If you didn't know, I have a girlfriend and I'm supposed to see her soon."

"Then why the hell did you come here?"

Zell turned around and looked at him. "Because… I'm… a dumbass?"

"Well, yeah, but I know that's not why you came here." He told him.

The blond man tucked his hands in his jean pockets and kicked the dirt. "Then why did I come here, if you're so sure?"

"It's because you're finally ready to admit that you aren't supposed to be with Camilla. You're supposed to be with me." He put his hands on Zell's shoulders.

Zell shook off Irvine's hands. "No. I'm with Camilla, and you're with Selphie. That's the way everything supposed to be." Zell turned away from him.

"No it's not! You're as gay as the day is long and I am too so shut up and let's get it on!" Irvine yelled.

"Hey, don't scream so loud!" Zell shouted. "Let's save that for the dirty stuff!" He said before pouncing on Irvine.

"AHHH!" Zell screamed as he sat upright in his bed. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and sighed in relief. "Just a dream… Phew…"

"Dude!" Zell looked up to see Irvine only in his boxers. "Keep it down! Some people are trying to sleep!"

"Oh… heh… sorry…" The blond man blushed.

Irvine furrowed his eyebrows. "Whatever man!" He said before leaving his friend's room.

Zell sat there silently. "I'm never going to watch that movie again…"


AN: Hehe… this was a fun chapter… Oh and I actually love Brokeback Mountain! Great movie! I just decided to spoof it hehe… anyways, to the people who are reading my other fics: I'm finally going to update them! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in so long! But now it's summer and I have a lot of time so yeah! Anyway, review people!