Disclaimer: No, I DON'T own anything that belongs to Square-Enix.

A/N: This is my second fiction that I'm writing, well I'm still writing my first fic still you know just had some new ideasso I decide to write this and uh anyway!... Just go ahead, read & review!

Just The 6 Of Us

Chapter 1: Nice To Meet You

Selphie walked through the halls of Balamb Garden, finding her way towards the cafeteria. She wondered inside, looking for some familiar faces. She walked towards a table where a blonde guy and and a girl were sitting down at. Smiling, she sat next to them. "Hi guys!" She scooted in her chair and looked at them. "So what's up?"

"Oh, nothing much." The blonde girl smiled back at her. "Just waiting for Squall to get here." Selphie nodded and looked at Zell who was stuffing his face with hotdogs.

"Finnaly got some hotdogs, huh Zell! You know what they are made of right?" She frowned as she thought of the animals. "Little pigs that are raised in the farms in Winhill are shipped here so they can just get, you know, gutted! And then they use their meat to make just ONE LITTLE LUNCH for someone! Bet you feel really special, knowing that a poor little animal suffered just so you could get your protein which you can just get from those protein bars!"

"Selphie, yesterday you wanted that fur jacket that was on sale!" Zell barked at her while he ate the remaining piece left of his hotdog.

The petite brunette shook her head him. "No...! Yesterday SQUALL wanted that fur jacket that was on sale!"

"Hey." Squall greeted them bluntly as he sat down with them. "What did you want, Quistis?" He asked the blonde girl who was sitting in front of him. Selphie looked at him in disgust.

"Oh, I don't know what she wants! But I know what you want!" Squall looked at the brunette with a puzzled look on his face. "But I'm sure you'd like another pair of leather pants that can't contain your balls! YEAH! You don't need to show off your size, Squall!"

"... Thanks for noticing." He rolled his eyes and shot a look at her. "Didn't you almost buy that fur coat yesterday-"

"I KNEW IT!" Zell yelled and pointed at Selphie.

"Anyway!" Quisits said, changing the subject. "What do you guys think about the two new students transferring from Galbadia Garden? I hear one of them is the daughter of General Caraway."

"Great... just an army brat." Squall thought as he rolled his eyes. "Who cares?"

Selphie glared at him. "Why do you always have to be so negative!" She huffed and Squall just simply raised his eyebrows. "You know, you might actually like her! And maybe she'll like you too, despite the fact that you'll probably infertile by the time your 25!"

"So what time are they coming?" Squall asked Quistis, ignoring the girl's comment.

The blonde female thought for a moment. "At 12... so that'd be in... ten minutes! I already told them to meet us here."

"Cool... I'll go and get another hotdog." Zell said as he got up from his seat. Selphie frowned at him.

"Oh no you don't!" Selphie said as she followed him. Quisits shook her head and looked at Squall.

"So... this is fun!" She looked at the brunette who was just sitting there. "Can't you say anything?"

"... Whatever."

"Besides that!" The blonde spat at him before she noticed a girl and a guy walking towards them. "Oh, they're here!"

"Hi, I'm Rinoa Heartilly. Pleased to meet you." The raven-haired girl smiled as she shook Quistis's hand.

The western-clad guy standing behind her took off his hat and bowed. "Name's Irvine Kinneas, it's a pleasure to meet another beautiful woman in Balamb Garden." Squall frowned at the cowboy's flirting. Selphie and Zell came back, no hotdogs in his hands. "Well, who is this? I think it's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen!" He bellowed as he looked at Selphie, who was blushing furiously.

"Thanks...!" She said shyly.

Zell turned to the cowboy and the girl, "Who the hell are these people!"

Quisits shook her head at he martial-artist's rude question. "You guys, these are the exchange students from Galbadia Garden, Irvine and Rinoa. Rinoa and Irvine, this is Selphie, Zell, and Squall."

"Hey." Rinoa waved at them, her eyes transfixed on the lone wolf who was looking at her with his cold, gray eyes.

"So where will we be staying?" Irvine asked as he looked over at Selphie. "I don't suppose that you have a roommate already..?"

"Irvine, you will be staying with Zell since Selphie already has a roomate, me!" Quistis raised her eyebrows and looked over at Rinoa, who was standing there shyly. "Rinoa... I guess you'll have to stay with Squall..." She frowned as she looked over at Squall, who was obviously in shock at what she just said.

"WHAT! I have to have a roomate!" He yelled, obviously still in shock.

"Well you were late yesterday for the meeting," Quistis started to explain, and all that Squall could do was put a hand on his forehead. "Great... the one meeting that I miss and it has to do with me having a female roommate." "So we decided that Rinoa would have to live with you."

Squall qucikly looked at everyone, trying to figure out what to say to them but all he could mutter was, "Damnit."

"So you have a nice... dorm!" Rinoa tried to compliment Squall while she brought in her suitcases. "Have you ever had a roommate before?" She looked at him curoiusly as she brought her luggage to the empty room.

Squall shook his head, "No. I used to keep it as a room for... nothing." Rinoa laughed as she started to unpack. "I guess I'll just be going so you can unpack."

"Oh okay... um Squall? Thanks for doing this for me." She thanked him gratefully and smiled.

The brunette shrugged. "Don't worry about it."

Zell sat in the back of the library, taking glances at the "library girl" Camilla. "She sure is a beauty... fair skin, chocolate-brown hair, hazel eyes..." He sighed, but his eyes weren't transfixed on her anymore. Not when he spotted Selphie walking inside. "Oh crap! Selphie, what the hell are you doing here! If she makes too much noise then I will be kicked out of the library because she was talking to me! And then I will never be able to see my beautiful Camilla ever again! And if I do she won't talk to me! No, she will blow me off and then go out with the guy who dosen't make any noise! SQUALL! ...That's not good and I'm thinking too much, which I shouldn't be doing since I should me taking ACTION! YEAH!" Zell got up and hid behind the bookcase so Selphie wouldn't spot him.

Selphie walked up to Camilla and asked, "Do you have like, any books about parties and stuff?"

The librarian smiled and pointed to a bookcase in the back. "They're over there, I could show you if you want?" She suggested and Selphie smiled at her.

"Yeah! Thanks!" They both walked over to the bookcase where Zell was hiding. Camilla looked at the books and frowned before she spotted one on the shelf.

"Oh, this is a great one!" She said as she took out the book, revieling Zell's eye. "AHHH!" She screamed, causing Zell to bump into the bookcase, which made the bookcase start to fall over.

"HAUL ASS!" Selphie screamed as she and Camilla ran before it fell onto them. The bookcase fell into the other one, causeing that, and two others ones to fall over. Zell's eyes were wider than ever, stepping away from the bookcases. Everyone's eyes fell onto him.

Zell quickly looked at everyone in the library nervously, and he looked at the ground in embarrassment. "... I like to play dominos..."

"Well that was probably embarassing!" Selphie said to Zell, who's face was still beat red. "I mean, you were obviously there because you wanted to spy on Camilla-"

"DID NOT!" Zell retorted.

"Okay then! So you 'weren't' spying on Camilla," Zell leered at her as they continued down the hallway. "And then you tried to hide from me, but when Camilla gets the book I need she sees you and you scared the crap out of her, then you made the bookcase fall over which almost hit me and her, and now she has to clean up the mess that you made!"

"Way to kick me when I'm down." He looked at her with a blank look on his face and sighed. "Do you think... Cammilla hates me now?"

Selphie thought for a moment. "Well I dunno... I mean, she probably hates that she has to clean it all up... but she dosen't really know you and if she knew you were stalking her-"

"I'M NOT STALKING HER!" He yelled while some girls looked at him in digust. "Hey!" He waved at them nervously.

"Ok! So you 'weren't' stalking her! But if she 'thought' you were then she'd probably think you're a creep." She said bluntly. Then the cowboy they had met earlier walked up to them.

"Hey, Selphie!" He smiled at her and then raised his eyebrows at Zell. "Hey... roomy..." The blonde glared at him and Irvine shrugged. "Anyway, I finished unpacking so do you guys want to go grab some lunch?"

"Sure, Irvy!" Selphie grinned at him. "Irvy, huh? Well at least it's progress..." The cowboy smirked.

Zell frowned with a sad expression on his face. "Nah... I think I'm just going to go back to my room and sulk..."

Selphie smiled at him, "Oh well, have fun!"

Grabing the polisher from his drawer, he took out his gunblade from it's case and made it lean on a chair. He then took out his rag and dabbed some of the polisher on it. Before he could continue, someone knocked on his door. "What the hell?"

He walked over and opened it, and Rinoa was standing there. "Um.. Hi." She said shyly as she saw him with the rag. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your... polishing."

"What do you want?" He asked with a bitter tone in his voice. "Great. Be bitter to the beatiful girl who lives with you."

Rinoa spoke up, "Well I was wondering if you could give me a tour of Garden... but since I see that you're busy, I guess I could just ask Quistis or someone."

"... Alright." He said, making what was already uncomfortable even more awkward.

Rinoa smiled fakely, "Ok... Um... Bye!" She waved and walked out the dorm. Squall put both hands on his forehead, only a bit after did he realize that the polisher from the rag was now on his face.

"Oh, crap!"