What The Rain Knows

Been forever since I cried the pain and sorrow…


Prologue; A Wolf's Voice.

Sometimes, things change around us without our notice, but that doesn't mean that time stops for anyone. When we are happy, we take for granted the peace and the affection we have, and then, our world crumbles all of sudden when that we took for granted is destroyed.

The life of a wolf is full of separations and sadness. Even if we are hunted by a few, those few know what to do quite well. I've been close to death serval times, but each one I've been saved somehow... By a human.

As hard that may be to believe, a human has saved my life as many times as I have saved his. Our relationship is something rarely seen, we share a bond of siblings, even if we are from different races, but to understand what this is all about, I should start at the beginning.

Many years ago, my mother arrived at the house of a well known scientist, who was studying the way to open paradise for the wolves in secret. When my mother arrived at his doorstep, she was bleeding and heavy with pups.

That same night, she gave life to 3 pups in exchange of her own. Those pups were my brother, younger sister and me. Our health was very delicate, so he found himself forced to use alchemy and the technology of his secret lab to strengthen our bodies and save our lives that way. But he never expected the abilities we received because of that.

When he found out, he was confused, because even if we were legendary wolves, the things we could do were out of reach for even a wolf.

Several years after our birth, his own wife bore him a child, a son. At that time, it was known that he was helping wolves, and so he was being hunted by the nobles, the price for his head was a very big one.

We spent the next 3 years after his son's birth fleeing from one place to another, until one cold, bitter, winter night we were found out. My sister and I managed to escape with our master's son, Kiyoshi, while my brother stayed behind to help my master and his wife.

Once I knew my sister and Kiyoshi were safe, I ran back to the battle. I fought bravely alongside my brother, we fought so hard to protect what we loved so much, but at the end, our power was not enough. My master and his wife were murdered.

We tried to run away, but a robot followed us, we were able to destroy it, but it took my brother's life while he left his mark on me. A thin scar across my snout.

I was found by my sister the next day, she was found by another wolf pack, and they took us in along with Kiyoshi, we raised the 3 year old human baby with them, until we left when he turned seventeen.

From then on, we three traveled by ourselves, along the way we met up with Sai, who Akira, my sister, fell in love with, after Sai came Mai and Kimi. Those 3 joined us and thus, creating our mismatched pack.

Kimi, the ever dreaming wolf dragged us on a long journey to search the elusive paradise, Akira followed Kimi because Kiyoshi wanted to go, and she dragged me along with her even if I didn't believe in such a place, but I had no other option, Sai followed us because of Akira and Mai was a defenseless pup without Kimi's protection.

Through our journey, we learnt to trust each other; we also found love and friendship, as well as dangers and enemies.

Come and see through the eyes of a wolf how much life can change when we least expect it.

I know I need to update my other stories, but I've been watching WR lately and couldn't help myself... So, tell me what you think about this.

Anyways, read and review, the more reviews I get, the sooner I'll finish the next chapter!