A/N: This is precisely what happened in our roleplay, just tweaked to fit better as a story. We weren't going to post it here, but we found that the plot (and many many subplots) was good and the dialogue was entertaining (at least for us) so why not make a story out of it?

Z.A.G plays Cloud Strife,

October Breeze plays Squall Leonhart,

Inannalia plays Aerith,

Annjirika plays Yuffie.


Cloud kept his gaze to the ground as he walked through the gate of Traverse Town. He had long since giving up competing in the Coliseum and decided to wander to another world. His travels brought him to Traverse Town. The town of everlasting nights. The darkened skies were a welcoming sight to the swordsman who had been stuck on a desert planet for a few years.

Glancing around at the town, he found that the streets weren't at all busy. Few other off-worlders seemed to have come to this planet to start a new life. Cloud just came out of spite. He had no other place to go really.

The quick ninja walked swiftly through the ever-darkened Traverse Town, her brown eyes sparkling. According to the grandfather clock back in her Hotel room, it was 9 A.M. Another great day in the life of The Great Ninja Yuffie.

She strode confidently into First District, taking in the calm, quiet atmosphere. Boring. She needed excitement. Where was the drama? It's what she got for living on an old, dull planet full of old, dull, grumpy, grudge holding, chip-on-their-shoulder types.

And then she spotted someone. A new person, a familiar person, a spiky-headed blonde person that she hadn't seen in years. Her eyes widened a grin lighting up her face. "CLOUD!" She shrieked.

Cloud turned his gaze in the direction he thought he heard his name being called. Out of habit, he lifted his crimson cloak up higher to hide more of his face in case anyone turned to look at him. One thing he never liked is being the center of attention. His gaze finally spotted a familiar face that he assumes had called out to him. He stood in his place as a certain spunky ninja girl headed towards his direction.

Yuffie was not at all phased by his cold reaction or his attempts at hiding his face. Well, okay the face hiding did sort of confuse her. But he had never been the talkative, expressive type. Yuffie was outgoing enough for the both of them.

"Where've you been! It's been ages!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around his neck briefly, then pulling away and planting her fists on her hips, looking up at him. "Betcha don't remember me, eh?"

Cloud glanced off to the side, looking at one of the many buildings in Traverse Town. He shrugged his shoulders a bit before settling his gaze on the shorter person, "...Yuffie." He acknowledged, his voice seeming to be void of any emotion.

When he thought about it, it had been a long time since he's seen Yuffie. The last time he'd seen her was when Hollow Bastion was taking over by the Heartless. Back than, she was just a small little girl. Now, years later, he realized she wasn't so little anymore.

Yuffie beamed. "Hah! You do remember me! You certainly have changed...what's up with this cloak thingy? Why're you hiding your face, eh? You were always so cute, something changed?"

Yuffie didn't even care about the fact that she was talking to this old friend, now like a stranger, as though there hadn't been such a long gap since their last conversation. The tragedy that they'd all been through was old news, something she'd learned to learn from and let go of. She didn't stop to think other people might have had problems with letting go.

Cloud wasn't sure what to say to her questions. Should he tell her that he hid his face because he didn't wish to be recognized by anyone? Or should he just give her some lame brain excuse and announce that it keeps him warm?

"That's none of your concern..." So he just did what he does to most people. Brush them off. He side stepped to get around Yuffie and began making his way further into the town. He didn't want to just stand at the town's entrance all night, or morning. He wasn't exactly sure what time it of the day it was, seeing as he never carried around a watch.

Yuffie turned and glared, jogging after him.

"Oooh no, nobody gives The Great Ninja Yuffie a blow off answer like that! So you don't wanna talk about the cape, we've all got our touchy subjects. I was just sayin' ya know - hey...it looks kinda nice when you stalk off like that. All billowy and whatnot - No, focus Yuffie!"

She shook her head. "So where have you been? Has anyone else seen you? When did you get here? Are you leaving again? Where're you staying? Are you hungry? It's breakfast time, do you like waffles? I love waffles." She bombarded him with questions in a typical Yuffie fashion.

Cloud stopped walking and made a dramatic scene of breathing out a long sigh of aggravation. For some reason, he wasn't surprised Yuffie grew up to be such a... bubbly girl. Asking about his cape is bad enough, but having her ask so many questions that by the time she finished asking them he forgot the rest is worse. Not to mention that she was already making a habit of complimenting on his looks. He'd had his fair share of unwanted compliments from other women.

Cloud raised his hand to his head and massaged his temples, fighting off a building headache. "Another planet, no, just now, probably, don't know, not really, no, and... I didn't need to know." There... he managed to answer her questions in one sentence. Whether she'd actually know which answers went to which questions was a completely different story, one of which he wasn't exactly intending on staying for.

Yuffie gaped at him, still matching his pace stride from stride. "What other planet? You can stay at the Hotel with the rest of us! I betcha the manager will give ya a room for free!" She grinned for a moment. Then sobered. "You really don't like waffles? ...I didn't think that was possible!" She pondered this for a moment in silence.

Cloud's mind went blank after the 'rest of us comment'. Whatever else Yuffie had said was lost to him. Rest of us? What rest of us? Cloud gave a nervous tug at his cloak and glanced at Yuffie out of the corner of his eyes, "Who's the 'rest of us'?"

Yuffie frowned at his sudden change in behavior. "Well...the rest of us. Half of Traverse Town stays at the Hotel. Few have houses, and others stay in the Motel. The Hotel is better though. Homier. I recommend it. Why? What's wrong with the rest of us?" Yuffie cocked her head to the side curiously.

"...Nothing." Cloud said before he began walking once more. He didn't really have any destination in mind, he just didn't want to stand out in the open looking like a dazed tourist. Coincidentally, that was what he was right now really. He thought about going to the Hotel, he probably should try and get a room to stay. At the sound of his stomach rumbling, begging to be fed, he only just realized how long it had been since he has last eaten.

Yuffie, being the well-trained ninja she was, had sharp senses. She heard his stomach growl. She grinned rather manically. "You don't have to eat waffles, ya know. The Cafe makes a mean breakfast burrito...my treat?" She practically pleaded with him. Needless to say, she hadn't realized how much she'd missed her old 'friend'. She'd been so young before...they hadn't been friends so much as...victims of circumstance.

But in these times, people took who they could and were grateful for them.

Cloud took a moment to debate with himself. He really didn't want to go somewhere that would have people in it. All they ever do is stare at him for his dark demeanor. On the other hand, whether he wanted to admit it or not, he was hungry, and...he doesn't have any munny what so ever. He'd rather not try to find another 'means' of getting food.

With those thoughts set firmly in his mind, he turned to Yuffie and gave a short nod, "... But I'm not eating a breakfast burrito." He didn't want to figure out what exactly they put in those things.

Yuffie grinned happily, internally cheering for small victories. "You can order whatever you want! Come on, maybe we'll see Leon! He'd be thrilled to see you, ya know."

Cloud didn't say anything as he stood there waiting for Yuffie to take him to the cafe, since he had no idea where anything is, "...Are we going or are we just going to stand here?" His tone was impatient as was his physical appearance for he crossed his arms over his chest and waited

Yuffie slapped her forehead. "Hee! I forgot. Sorry. Come on it's this way." She began walking toward the Cafe, not bothering to look behind her to see if he followed. She knew he would.

Cloud watched her walk away from him for a few moments before following. He kept a weary eye on his surroundings, just to make sure nothing leaped from the shadows and tried to attack him. One good thing about his cloak was that it hid his Buster Sword fairly well from sight. He could only imagine the people's thoughts if they saw him carrying around the sword that was practically the same size as himself. Even being able to wield such a large weapon with ease would sprout several questions as well.

Yuffie opened the door, waiting for him to catch up. She noticed he walked sort of awkwardly, stiffly. Maybe he'd been injured? Or maybe he was just weird. She figured he was just weird. He certainly had been acting all cold and stoic - Oh no. Another Leon. She thought, rolling her eyes.

Cloud's brows furrowed as he fixed Yuffie with a look upon seeing her rolling her eyes at him, What's her problem now? He thought to himself as he walked into the cafe. He wandered over to a table near a window. He looked down at the seat, knowing that he'd have trouble sitting with his sword strapped to his back, he reached over his shoulder and pulled his sword out and leaned it against the wall before having a seat.

Leon leaned against the side of the Accessory Shop, his arms folded and dark strands of hair falling into his eyes. With his mouth pressed into a straight line, he picked up his Gunblade and walked a few steps down the steps, nearing the Cafe. While there was really no need to carry around his huge sword, he found he was more comfortable with it. After all, trustworthy people were hard to find these days...

Yuffie began to follow Cloud when movement towards the Cafe caught her eye. She recognized Leon immediately and grinned. "Heeeey Leon!" She waved enthusiastically at the older man.

Cloud didn't move from his seat when he heard Yuffie yell out to a man. Who's Leon? He shook his head and decided he'd rather not know. He picked up a menu off from the table and browsed through the various choices. If anyone were to look his way, they'd think how strange it is to see a man that's such a dark enigma, sitting in a stool at a small table, looking through a cafe menu. Cloud didn't care though. He's never really cared what other's thought of him.

Leon raised an eyebrow at her as he entered the Cafe, nearing their table. "Yuffie," he replied, nodding at her. "Look what the cat's dragged in," he then said as his cool blue eyes rested on Cloud, a bit of a smirk appearing on his lips. "Cloud...nice to see you're still alive. Up for some training later? I've been getting rusty without a good partner..."

Leon really didn't know he was being sickeningly arrogant and cool toward Yuffie, his fighting partner who he had insulted indirectly, and an old friend who he hadn't seen in a long, long time. In truth, he didn't mean it all to come out like that. Sometimes...for him...it was just easier. He tightened his grip on his Gunblade and leaned into it.

Cloud glanced over his shoulder, half his face being hidden under his cloak. He studied Leon completely, his gaze taking in the few changes in the man. He turned his gaze back to the menu in his hands, "Maybe later, Squall."

Yuffie raised an eyebrow, looking between the men expectantly. She hadn't thought Leon to take his sudden appearance so flippantly, or Cloud to be so nonchalant about the whole situation. But then again, had she expected them to hug and gush? Of course they wouldn't do that. She shook her head slightly, sighing to herself. Sometimes she was glad she was a girl. And Leon was just lucky she hadn't gotten the insult until a few seconds after it was too late to reply. She glared at him but didn't say anything.

Leon sat down next to them, and picked up a menu even though he already knew the whole thing by heart. He scanned it without really looking at it, then put it down. He always got the same thing anyway: iced tea, and maybe some kind of food item as well. Today, he wasn't very hungry.

"The name's Leon, now," he said to Cloud without looking at him.

"I see..." Cloud put his menu down, having decided what he wanted. He sat back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest as he stared at the surface of the table, finding the polish wooden top rather interesting at the moment. "Is there a waiter or do we just cook for ourselves?" Normally he wouldn't complain, but he hadn't had much in the last three days. He was becoming irritable with hunger.

Leon shook his head a bit. There were many things he could say right now, but he chose to hold his tongue instead. The waitress, who looked to be not much older than he was, walked over to them, notebook and pencil in hand. He waited for Cloud and Yuffie.

Cloud glanced over to Yuffie to wait for her to give her order.

Yuffie had been reading the menu and not paying attention, until there was silence. She looked up and smiled at the boys. "Well?" She asked, waiting for them. From their looks, she realized she was meant to order first. "Oh. Well, I'll have the waffles. With syrup. And powdered sugar. And strawberries. Oh and chocolate chips! And while we're at it can I get some scrambled eggs with bacon? Yeah...cheesy eggs though. Ooh, and chocolate milk." She smiled.

Cloud's blonde brows raised up to his hairline in surprise, She eats that much and yet she's that thin? He shook his head in disbelief. Yuffie noticed the look Cloud gave her and grinned. Leon said, "And I'll have some iced tea. And when I say iced, I mean with ice in it, this time." He stared at her directly in the eyes and handed her his menu.

Cloud ran his hand through his silky blond spikes, causing the metal on his glove to jingle softly, "I'll have a coffee... and a bowl of Froot Loops."

When Cloud ordered Froot Loops, Yuffie couldn't help it. She snorted into her complimentary water. After a brief choking spell, she giggled. "I'm sorry but...that's it? Aren't you hungry?"

Cloud scratched the brim of his nose, and for the first time in a long time he let his guarded expression down and gave a sheepish smile, "I like Froot Loops."

Yuffie grinned at him. She noticed his eyes softened a bit and seemed to be smiling. She couldn't tell behind that stupid cape. "Froot Loops are good." She agreed, looking down at her place mat.

Leon closed his eyes for a few moments, letting the world slow down for a few brief seconds, if only that. These moments where he could be alone with himself were getting fewer and fewer...he had been thinking over other things lately, not getting enough sleep.

He opened his eyes again, wishing that this was some fast food place that gave you your drinks directly. He really was thirsty.

Yuffie noticed Leon sitting with his eyes closed. "Tired?"

Leon shrugged. "I guess," was his feeble reply. Was he tired? Maybe. Yeah, he was. No point denying it. "Yeah." Yuffie nodded.

He looked around the room for awhile, unsure of where to settle his eyes. Wordlessly, he leaned back in his chair and stared at a point over the horizon.

Cloud quickly got himself back together. His emotions were quickly sealed away once more. He blinked a few times while he felt his eyes grow heavy, 'Twenty- eight hours without sleep, guess I was bound to get tired at some point or another.' He began rubbing his eyes with his knuckles before he leaned back over his chair to stretch and yawn.

Yuffie looked at Cloud just in time to see him yawn. "Maybe you both should rest up after breakfast. Cause I plan to whoop both your behinds in a battle later today." She put on her best mock threatening face.

Leon almost cracked a smile. Almost. Just because her face was pretty pathetic, even for Yuffie. "Yuffie, you never beat me, and I don't think you're about to start now," he said with amusement.

She stuck her tongue out at Leon. "Not true. I've beaten you before! So there, you self-righteous over-confident jerk!" Her name-calling was softened by her playful grin.

Cloud just rolled his eyes at her and stared off at the side, "You'd just end up hurting yourself trying to hit me." He muttered under his breath. He wasn't one to take a challenge lightly, no matter if it was playful banter or not.

She turned on Cloud, not missing his little comment. "I'm not the little kid you left behind, Spikes. I can hold my own now." She sighed. "Besides, I wasn't serious. Gah, you two are so...uptight! I need new friends."

"I can tell by just looking at you that you're not a little girl anymore." Cloud lowered his gaze to the table, "I'd still beat you though."

"Really? When have you beaten me?" Leon cut in, his tone challenging, ignoring her insults and Cloud's comments.

"Probably in a dream." Cloud nodded to himself

Yuffie scowled. "I beat you the day after my birthday, you remember. Don't even deny it. I teased you for weeks and you don't be encouraging him." She glared at Cloud. She was grateful for the food interruption.

"I don't remember that," Leon replied as he gratefully took his iced tea that the waitress had delivered, now wishing he had gotten something to eat. He sipped at it, glad they had actually remembered ice. Unlike last time.

"That was probably your birthday gift, you thinking you beat him." Cloud said before looking down at his fruit loops. He didn't feel all that hungry anymore. Leon laughed a little at Cloud's comment. It was pretty funny.

Yuffie's eyes widened. "You did not let me win.." She glared at Leon, then at her plate. Her eggs didn't look so appetizing after a full plate of loaded waffles. "Ugg...so full...you want?" She pushed the plate towards Leon.

Leon looked at the eggs. Then Yuffie. The eggs. Yuffie. Eggs. Eggs. Eggs. Such a hard decision.


He took the eggs and shoveled them into his mouth, debating while he chewed whether or not to say thank you or not. Eh..."Thanks," he said, sounding muffled. It came out sounding like 'Fanks.'

After having finished his coffee, and eating a little of his cereal, Cloud stood up from his seat. He grabbed his Buster Sword, placed it back in the sheath that's strapped to his back, "Thanks Yuffs..." He said before heading towards the Cafe exit. He still needed to find a place to stay and he wanted to check out the rest of the town as well.

Leon watched Cloud leave, a guarded expression on his face. He finished with the eggs and looked at Yuffie. "Wonder what he's done all this time..." he said out loud. He wasn't one to feel sorry for others, but he could only wonder how Aerith had been without him for so long.

Yuffie shrugged, watching as Cloud walked out the door. "He's grumpy now. I don't remember him being that mean...he almost reminds me of you." Yuffie said. She glanced at Leon, who had finished the eggs in all of five seconds. "Hungry, eh?" She snickered. He didn't answer. Yuffie paid her tab, then left Leon to sit in his typical silence.


Cloud wandered around the first district taking in everything. He had dropped by the item shop to see if they had anything worthwhile, although it really didn't matter considering that he didn't have any munny to purchase anything. He could only wonder how he would be able to get a room and the hotel, when and if he managed to find it, since he didn't have anything to pay with.

'Yuffie did say that I might get a room for free...' He glanced around, 'But where's the hotel to begin with?' Cloud shook his head and made way towards the Second District.

Yuffie really didn't have anything to do today, no one to work for, no one to bother. That is, until she spotted the blonde heading toward Second District. She grinned, hoisting herself onto the roof of the Accessory Shop gracefully and ducking low in the shadows to stay hidden. Suddenly, a nice fun game of stalking became the day's priority.

Cloud took a moment to look around his surroundings in the Second District. He took notice of the fact that the area wasn't filled with as much people as the First District, as a matter of fact, the whole place seemed deserted. It made Traverse Town seem like a ghost town compared to its First district.

Cloud walked deeper into the district until he came to the edge of the walkway. He heard what sounded like something erupting out of water. Glancing around, he found himself surrounded by Shadows, 'That explains why this place is empty.' He thought to himself just before one of the shadows leapt at him.

Cloud brought his fist back, and knocked the shadow away, he spun as he pulled out his Buster Sword, "Think you can take me?" He questioned the Heartless.

Yuffie, who had been following quite sneakily, reached automatically for the small, handy ninja stars hidden in her back pocket. Her hand rested on them, watching as Cloud pulled his sword out. It was a huge scary looking sword, like Leon's gunblade when he powered up.

She withdrew the ninja stars as a small shadow scurried towards her hiding place. She grinned, knowing it hadn't seen her as much as sensed her. She had the upperhand. Finally some real excitement!

Cloud had fought shadows from his past many times, with more than one meaning. The shadow Heartless were the easiest to predict, they tried to sneak their way behind your back, and try to catch you off guard. They attack in numbers but hardly have any real strategic moves. They normally wobbled over to you like a penguin or leapt at you like a grasshopper.

Either way, Cloud was able to dispose of two of the Heartless that came at him, leaving the others to just stand there in wonder. Cloud smirked and straightened up from his fighting position, he beckoned more shadows to attack him with his finger, "Is that the best you can do?" The Heartless came and Cloud charged as well, disposing the ones in his sight with a few simple strokes of his sword.

Yuffie held her breath as a wayward heartless cautiously waddled in front of her little nook. She expertly flicked the miniature star at its head. The star returned to her hand after successfully nicking the creature. It had spotted her now. She grinned, letting two more stars slice into its skin. It tried to get a swipe in but she dodged it easily, giving the knee-high monster a swift kick in the chest. It flew back and fell on the cobblestone ground.

She watched as it weakly disappeared, melting into a flurry of bright lights and a transparent red heart. She frowned. They weren't ever that easy to defeat. She'd been hoping for a real battle.

Then she realized she was no longer in hiding, but standing out in the open District.

Cloud sheathed his sword once more just in time to see another shadow fly out of the shadows. He almost grabbed his sword to take care of it, but he saw that it was already disappearing. He glanced up and saw the reason why. He let out a short breath annoyed sigh when he saw her, "Yuffie... why are you following me?" He didn't appreciate it when people spied on him, much less someone who he actually knows.

Yuffie wracked her brain for a halfway decent excuse. "I was not following you! I was going for the Hotel when the stupid little heartless showed up. Excuse me for living here." She let the lies roll off her tongue, unexpectedly hostile. Well, she figured, if he can be a jackass then so can I!

She stalked past him, re-pocketing her weapons. She was done being nice to him.

Cloud followed her with his eyes as she walked past him. 'Going to the hotel..' He silently followed the young ninja, with or without her acknowledgement, after all, the Hotel it where he was aiming for. If she just so happened to be going in the same direction, than it was not necessarily following her, it was just coincidence, even if he didn't know where the right direction would be.

Cloud could have smacked himself though. If he had just observed the buildings more than the lack of people wandering in the Second District, he would have known where the Hotel is. After all, what kind of idiot could honestly miss a big, bright, neon green sign flashing the word, 'Hotel' out in plain sight.

Yuffie pulled herself up to the ledge and hopped down, opening the Hotel doors. She knew Cloud was following her. She let the door linger open and asked the man (his name tag saying Chuck) at the desk, "Could you give me the key to Leon's and my room? That silly, I ran off without getting it from him and I've lost mine. I just need to grab something..."

Chuck nodded, knowing Yuffie well. "I can't give you the key, it's the spare, but I'll let you in. I'll see if I can get another copy made for you, Miss." He led her down the hall and toward the green room.

"Hee...sorry about the mess. Leon doesn't like to pick up his underwear." She sighed, already explaining even before he saw it.

Cloud raised a questioning eyebrow at the comment. After a moment he shook his head, 'I'm not sure I want to know.'

Cloud remained standing in front of the desk, not sure where to go or what to do. He still needed to get a room, but he'd have to ask the manager about getting one for free, or being able to pay later when he has a means of munny.

Yuffie thanked the man and hurried inside, grabbing the large shuriken off the dresser. She planned to go hunt down more of those heartless and kick some serious butt. She started to leave but stopped when she heard Cloud speaking to the man at the desk and froze, eavesdropping.

"I wish for a room." Cloud asked again, since the manager didn't seem to be paying attention the first time, "I don't have any munny right now, but I'll pay you later."

The manager just shook his head, "Sorry pal, no munny, no room."

Cloud shook his head in aggravation, instead of just standing there and arguing with the manager, he turned around and walked out the hotel. He might as well try to get some munny somehow before trying to get anything in this town. After all, munny speaks, no matter what planet you're on. Well, except at the Coliseum, he had gotten free room, and meals while participating in the tournaments.

"I wonder if anyone needs a mercenary to hire."

Cloud felt a little disgusted at the comment. He hated working for anybody, but he needed some sort of job to get some money around here. With all the Heartless around he could probably get a job as a Heartless exterminator of some sorts.


Leon lingered around the cafe, long after the waitress had collected their old plates and cups and even longer after he had picked up their tab since they had left without much word. He stared out at the Traverse sky, which, though it was always dark, grew into absolute blackness at night rather than "daytime" purple.

He stood up slowly, as if he weighed three hundred pounds or had aged about fifty years and picked up his Gunblade, hanging it loosely at his side and walking out of the cafe. The manager was flashing him glares for holding up their closing time, but Leon just as easily responded with a frigid look of his own and pushed open the door, letting the cool air hit his face.

He stood for a few moments by the door, then walked towards the Accessory Shop, just wandering.

Leon aimlessly drifted through First District. He really needed to find a way to spend his time, like get a job or something. But if he did get a job, like at one of the shops, he knew ahead of time the getup they would put him in would make him the object of Yuffie's teasing for ages.

And hearing her voice could really be like nails on a chalkboard when she didn't shut up.

He pushed through the doors of Second District and walked down the shops, barely glancing at their lit windows as he walked by. None of it really interested him. What would he do with a new pair of shoes? Chuck them out the window that's what. He didn't really need to hear the salesperson's call from the door.


Yuffie frowned, walking out into the hallway when it was clear. She knew she didn't have enough munny to help Cloud out, except maybe for one night, and even then, did she really want to? After the way he'd been acting?

"Hey..." She approached the clerk again, putting on her smile."Hey, is there anyway you can do me a favor?" The man looked wary but agreed to hear her out. "See, he's a close friend of mine and he's been through a rough time...is there really no way you can give him a break? He'll pay it back, I'm positive."

"...I can't, Yuffie. The boss says-"

"I know, I know..." Yuffie sighed. "Okay. Well, thanks anyway." She left the lobby. That was when it hit her. It was so obvious! Why hadn't she thought of it before? And then she saw Leon.

"LEON!" She exclaimed, excited, forgetting all about her plans to find more heartless.

Leon turned around abruptly, masking his look of surprise quickly. "What the hell does she want now..." he muttered to himself. He leaned against the nearest shop and waited for her to come to him.

Yuffie bounced over to Leon, not intimidated in the least by his indifferent expression. "Leon! Okay, I'm not gonna go into the big story cause I really don't feel like it but basically, Cloud needs a place to stay. I'm willing to stay with Aerith and you guys can share the room! At least until he gets on his feet, I mean, who knows where he's been and what he's been doing right?"

Leon just looked at her.


Cloud had found... something, nothing he was really looking for. After wandering into the Third District, he had come across a strange door with a flame carved into it. He tried opening the door, but it wouldn't budge and inch. He thought it might be locked, but there isn't a keyhole anywhere on the door.

'Maybe it's just decoration..' Cloud thought to himself.

He was a little unnerved by how many Heartless he had to fight in the distance he had to get here. He's never really seen so many Heartless in such a small town. The worst part of it was the fact that they weren't all Shadows, there were Shadow Soldiers and big bodies roaming the area as well. He could only imagine how much Yuffie and Leon fought to prevent the Heartless from taking this world.

Turning around, Cloud found himself staring at a small group of Shadow Soldiers, led by a Big Body. He rolled his eyes in aggravation, he hated fighting Shadow Soldiers because they seem to attack in random patterns, making them hard to predict. Big Bodies were just an annoyance, because the fighter had to get them from behind because of the armor covering their stomach.

Cloud pulled out his trusty Buster Sword for what seemed like the tenth time that night, "Why don't you just give up?" Their answers were to charge in.


Suddenly Yuffie quieted. "Do you hear that? There are heartless...they're in Third District again. Who's dumb enough to go there anymore..." Her eyes widened. "Cloud."

Leon straightened up. "Don't underestimate Cloud, Yuffie..." he said, trailing off. He stared into the sky. "And I don't mind Cloud and I sharing a room." He started to walk off into the opposite direction, but stopped. "You want to check up on Cloud," he said as more of a statement, in a bit of amusement and exasperation, so he started off in the direction of Third District.

Aerith shivered and tightened her hold on her flower basket. It could get so cold in the Second District sometimes. 'Maybe I should buy a jacket...' she thought, then pushed the idea out of her mind. She couldn't waste the little munny she had on something trivial like a jacket when she already needed to pay dues for her room at the hotel.

Suddenly, she heard voices. Looking across the district, she saw none other than Leon and Yuffie. Figuring that they were arguing again, Aerith looked down at her feet. But then she heard the name. Aerith's head snapped back up. 'Did they just say what I think they said?' she asked, her heart pounding against her chest.

Yuffie nodded. "He doesn't know his way around...it's the least we can do, Leon." She turned, hoisting the large star onto her back, and spotted the flower girl. "There's Aerith! Aerith! Hey!" She cried, waving madly.

Aerith snapped out of her daze as she heard her name being called by the familiar voice of a certain young ninja. She smiled weakly. "Hello, Yuffie!" she called, waving at the young girl, and after a moment's hesitation, added, "Where are you two off to?"

Yuffie glanced at Leon then back to Aerith. "Well, actually, we were about to go check on um, Cloud. He's back, by the way. I just met up with him this morning..." This felt lame, even to her. She'd been hoping they'd see each other, instead of Yuffie having to awkwardly explain his appearance. She began to walk toward Third District, though at a comfortable pace. Cloud seemed the type to be able to take care of himself.

Neither Leon nor Aerith followed.


Cloud cursed as he failed to get around the Big Body, he had been trying to just attack it from the front. When he tries to get behind it, the Shadow Soldiers, end up ganging up on him, not giving him a chance. He felt one of the Shadow Soldier's claws rips through the back of his shirt and cloak, tearing at his skin in the process.

Cloud's brows furrowed in pain and anger as he spun on his heal, slashing out with his Buster Sword at the same time. His blade cut the Heartless in half, however, he didn't get the time to watch satisfyingly disappear, as the Big Body slammed into him, knocking him into the strange door. He got back to his feet, "You're only making me mad.

Cloud slouched in exhaustion, the Heartless kept coming. Destroy one, another takes its place. Normally he wouldn't have been worn down so quickly but he hadn't slept in over twenty-fours that he didn't have all his energy. His sword felt heavier than usual, his eyes remained half-closed, sweat enveloped his body, and what was worse was that he still has to deal with the Big Body. He felt sick with himself, he had been a top fighter in the Coliseum for years now, and he here he was having problems with common Heartless.

As another Shadow Soldier leapt at him, Cloud dashed toward the Big Body. He cut through the air with his sword as his feet seemingly glided above the surface of the road, his cloak flowing behind him, giving him the impression of a demon. The air spiraled around his body as he used a technique he'd picked up from his travels, Sonic Blade.

His sword cut cleanly through the Big Body's armor, and continued until he slashed right through the Heartless. With the Big Body gone, Cloud pivoted on his heels, still using the same momentum to vanquish the remaining Heartless around him. In the end, it doesn't even matter for when the Heartless were destroyed, another group showed up.

Cloud leaned his back against the wall and slid down until he was sitting. Even if he had the will to continue fighting, his body wouldn't allow it. He could hardly lift his sword now, something that usually felt light as a feather to him, now seemed like a giant boulder in his hands. "I've come so far, to lose it all, just because I'm not standing, don't think I can defend myself. I'm still able to kill you if you come near me." It was an empty threat, but he knew the Heartless wouldn't know that. He also knew that didn't matter because the Heartless didn't understand English either.


Yuffie's heart nearly stopped when she saw her old friend sitting against the wall, bloodied, exhausted, and completely surrounded by heartless. She yelled for Leon and Aerith to hurry. No such luck. They probably hadn't heard her.

"HEY! LOOK OVER HERE YOU BUNCHA MEANIES!" She yelled, thrusting her giant star into the first soldier heartless that looked at her. It sliced through it's neck viciously, armor and all, before returning to her ready hands.

Two more heartless formed.

"Oh damn..." She looked over her shoulder at the same time sidestepping a swipe from a shadow heartless. She didn't see Leon or Aerith anywhere. "Ooooh guys..." She growled. Her decision took only seconds. "C'mon Cloud, try to stand up - GET OFF ME!" She punched another Soldier right where it's nose should have been. "Stand up and get out of here! There're too many!"

Cloud glanced up, noticing Yuffie a few yards away, several Heartless moving away from him to gang up on her. Cloud gave a soft grunt as he tried getting to his feet, using his sword to pick himself up, and leaning his hand on the wall for balance. Sweat dripped from his brow and landed on the ground.

A breeze through the Third District, chill in the air as steel tonight. Cloud's breathing began to quicken, as he gathered up the last of his energy for one last technique. Volts of red electricity surged through his body, for a few passing seconds, all senses clean, then he felt the shape shift. A black silken wing burst from his left shoulder. Blood splattered onto the wall behind him, looking as if someone had just been shot there. His feet lifted up off the ground as his wing stood straight out.

Yuffie was only a little surprised when the wing emerged. Sure it was unexpected and definitely a change, but now was not the time to be thinking about that sort of thing. "Try this..." Cloud said through the pain in his shoulder and back before he flew towards the Shadow Soldiers around Yuffie.

He swung at them, slicing their heads off. Their helmets clattered on the ground a moment before they disappeared. Cloud fell out of the air and fell to the ground a few feet behind Yuffie, not having the energy to remain in the air. His wing folded at his back, but didn't retract back into his shoulder. To his credit, he managed to stay partially on his feet, kneeling at his sword as his tired gaze settled on the few Heartless trying to make their way towards him and Yuffie.

Cloud turned and began heading towards the exit of the Third District, not bothering to check to see if Yuffie was following him, knowing that she'd be quick enough to run. His progress was more like staggering away, and occasionally tripping over himself as he dragged his sword along the road, the blade scraping against the concrete.

Yuffie ran past him easily and debated helping him, nervously glancing at his occasionally stumbling form. She knew it would hurt his pride, and that was considering he even almost allowed her help. "Hurry!" She killed as many as she could when they approached but there was no sign of the attack slowing.

"C'mon, almost there!" She flinched when he nearly fell again. Where was Leon and Aerith!

Cloud gritted his teeth in aggravation while Yuffie continued to beckon him to hurry, as if he could move any faster. He was close to blacking out from the pain in his shoulder anyway; there was a reason he doesn't do that technique often. It hurt like hell.

"I'd be able to move faster... If you helped me instead of watching me trip all over myself." Cloud growled between his teeth, catching himself with his sword before he fell once more.

One thing he didn't want to do was trip and fall on top of his sword, accidentally killing himself in the process. Cloud rolled his eyes at such a thought, 'There's a way to go.'

Yuffie sighed exasperatedly. "Well sorry! Didn't know if you'd want help from a girl!" She grumbled, then cursed very loudly at a heartless that threatened. It scurried off, much to her surprise. She threw her ninja star through the open door and slipped her thin frame close to him, pulling the arm not dragging the sword around her shoulder. She grunted with the effort; he must have been ten times heavier than she was.

A smirk crossed Cloud's usually expressionless face. His shoulders began to rock violently as he saw the effort Yuffie was putting in, "Having trouble?" He asked almost jokingly. "Just leave me if you can't make it. There's more in the Second District anyway. Might as well save yourself rather than throw your life away over a hopeless cause. Leave me here, don't stay."

He meant for it to sound like a joke, but for some reason, he sounded serious even to himself. After a few moments, he realized that's because he was being serious. After all, why throw two lives away when you can save one? Cloud would die from exhaustion rather than turn into a Heartless though.

"Just shut up and hurry. We're not far now." Yuffie found it easier to support him little by little, the more she got used to the added weight. "Why would I leave you here to die? I've only just begun to pester you, don't think you can escape me now." She added, more to keep herself occupied by the sound of her own voice than to comfort him. She was worried about this guy. Who wouldn't be? He looked about ready to roll off and die.

"... If you actually make it, I owe you one." Cloud said before his sword clattered onto the ground, his grip having been lost once he finally blacked out. His whole form became dead weight.

"You bastard." Yuffie swore, nearly sitting on the ground right there next to his unconscious body. "You owe me so freakin' big for this buddy." She grumbled.

"Yuffie! Get outta here, we've got him!" Yuffie's head snapped up at the sound of Cid's voice. She turned to see Cid and Chuck rushing towards them. She nearly cried from relief.

That's when the heartless got less watchy-teasy and started getting snarly-pissy. A big body hissed at Yuffie. She could tell it was gearing up for a run at her. She suddenly wished she hadn't thrown away her best weapon. Her eyes fell on Cloud's sword. It was huge. It would be near impossible for her to lift it, much less fight with it. She glanced at Cid and Chuck as they easily carried Cloud off to safety and lifted the hilt of the sword, prepared to drag it. She started to follow when the big body ran for her.

She did it without thinking, out of sheer desperation. She painfully raised the sword just at the right moment. It's tip ran right through the big body, armor and all. The force of the collision cause the sword to jump back, ramming her in the stomach. Her jaw tightened as she pulled the sword out of the creature, let the tip fall again, and ran blindly, dragging the weapon behind her. She'd kill Cloud for this...assuming he didn't die first...


So there was the first chapter of our little saga. Much more humor coming in next, less action and less seriousness. Stay tuned! To find the roleplay – we've even branched out and made our own forum specifically for roleplay – and join on the fun then visit Z.A.G.'s profile or Annjirika's profile!