Unique is good...right?

ok, here's another riotrockergurl original story! ok, I hope you like it,

disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom, Butch Hartman does...for now! muhahahaha! ;)

"sam are you feeling any better?" Danny asked his best friend in the school nurse's office. "no." she sniffed and then sneezed. "your'e going home ms. Manson." the nurse said to her as she came in. "that means you'll miss the school assembly this afternoon." Tucker said walking with his friends outside to sam's mom. "ugh! I didn't even want to go anyway! (sniff) I'm glad I don't have to sit through an hour of crap. I just feel sorry for you guys." she said sympathetically while getting into her mom's car and ignoring her mom's instructions on how to get better quicker.

"we find ways to entertain ourselves, you know?" danny said reassuringly as they waved goodbye. then the bell rang for second hour to start. Later that afternoon, at the assembly the freshman students of casper high finally shut-up and Mr. Lancer started talking. "most ofyou think that just because we don't have dress code rules, you seem to think you can wear what ever you want," "like that goth freak that hangs around Fenton and Foley all the time!" dash yelled outloud. "well, yes and no, Ms. Manson has the right Idea to be unique and all, but studies have shown recently that students that go to a unified dress-code school are twenty percent more likely to make better grades then non-unified dress code enforced schools." he explained to the kids pulling out a pie chart and showing the kids.

"so are you changing the dress code rules?" Paulina asked horrified. "yes I am, from now on casper high school has a unified dress code policy! anyone that disobeys it will be sent home and will get an "F" for all classes automatically for not showing up in the proper attire. "your'e gonna dress us up in those uniforms?" dash said just as horrified as Paulina. "yes I am Mr. Baxter, starting tomorrow the unified dress code policy is enforced in casper high." "sam's not gonna like this." dannywhispered to tucker. then Mr.lancer added "Look on the bright side, I just saved you all hundereds of dollers on kooky trends that you would all buy one day and try and return the following." he said as the angry room of freshmen grumbled under their breath in agreement.

The rest of the afternoon Mr.Lancer showed what was allowed or not in school, basically, the uniform was the same thing from the "princess diaries" movie. long navy blue plaid skirts and white blouse shirts and stuff.

The next day, sam met up with danny and tucker at her house showing up wearing the uniforms, danny looked so cute with his shirt tucked in and tie and stuff so grown up, but yet, still a kid, kinda sam was in awe when she saw them, but was confused. "whoa, skipping school to go to church?" she said staring at the uniform. "ha ha ha, new rules, lucky for you, you didn't have to sit through an hour of crap to listen to them all." Tucker said glaring at his outfit. "yea, I just love to watch four striaght hours of 'the simpsons' season six on DVD all day. I was so lucky." she said sarcastically, although, she did secretly enjoy it, it didbeat going to school.

"look, we bought you your outfit to wear to school, now can we go? we're gonna be late and Lancer is gonna kill me if I'm not there for his crap." dannny saidGesturing to the door. she took a glance in the bag that they bought it in and her eyes widend in terror. "what the hell!" she screamed. "I told you sam wasn't gonna like this." danny said to tucker.

ok, that's the first chapter, review and reply please and thanks and NO FLAMES :) and yes, I have to go to a uniform school, those are the exact same rules I have to put up with everyday, except the uniform colors are different. they're harry potter colors, and they suck!

review plz and thanks!

melissa (RRG)