The sun goes down with a gunshot's crack
and there's a dove caught in a thorn bush
white feathers are falling
are flying
are drifting
stained with blood
to the dirt
to the mud
white now red
now brown
now black
white now more
pure no more
And the hunter sees it in the thorns
in the brush
and won't risk his skin
The sun rises in the morning
lightens the night
blood-red sunrise
blood-red sky
bloody like the dove in the bush
on the ground
in the dirt
And there it stays, unseen.
Sunset, normal like the day
few notice the absence of white in the world
of light in the world
in the day
cloudy sky
torn cloth
rent shroud
No soft cooing ever sounds.
Sunrise, sunset
red, dark, silent
peace is gone
all uncertain
not knowing why
not knowing why
why or how the doves are dead
all dead
all gone
And ravens reign.
A dove flies.