Harry recovered from his head-wound quickly and was back at work in three days. The note he had found was in his pocket. He fingered it warily throughout the day. Will had been taken away by the police, but what about the person doing the stabbing? Where was he? Harry didn't know. He was hauled away from his thoughts by the sound of his pager.

He opened his office door and headed for Resus. He spent the next twenty minutes or so dealing with the patient. When, at last, the wounded boy was wheeled away, Harry returned to the sanctuary of his office to ponder over the ominous message. How did it get in his house? Then a terrifying thought occurred to him: his children. What if they were in danger? Harry leapt up and grabbed the phone and dialled his home number.


'Ollie, are you all right?' Harry tried to sound as calm as possible.

'Yeah, Dad, everyone's fine. How are you?'

'Oh, I'm good. I'm just checking up on you. Well, I've got to go. Phone me if there's any trouble.'

'OK, Dad. Bye.'

'Bye, Ollie.'

Harry hung up and breathed a sigh of relief. His children were safe. Suddenly, his mobile began to ring, making him jump violently. He grabbed the phone and answered the call.

'Harry Harper.'



No answer.

Harry glanced at the screen of his phone. The number displayed was his home phone number.

'Ollie? Is that you? Who's there?'

A scream was heard from Harry's home.

'What's happened?' Harry demanded, scared and concerned.

More silence. Harry ran out his office and then out of the building. He jumped into his car and drove towards his house. When he was in sight of his home, another car came round the corner and slammed into his. He felt a sharp pain in his neck as his head was jerked backwards with the impact.

'DAD!' Jordan and Ollie came running out of the house.

Harry climbed out of his car to assess the damage. He ran to his boys and gave them a hug.

'Are you all right?' he asked.

'Yes… are you?' Jordan looked worriedly at his father.

'It's just a pulled muscle; nothing to worry about.' Harry paused, looking at the driver of the other car. It was the man who had tried to attack Abs. He was still dressed in his black clothes. Harry moved towards the wrecked cars and peered in through the window of the car that had hit his. The man was unharmed.


'Yes, that's me.' Harry said, dialling 999 behind his back.

The man in the car spotted the phone and raised his hand. It had a knife in it. Jordan and Ollie gasped. Harry looked worriedly at the implement that had caused so much pain for his friends.

'If you call the police, then you – and your children –,' he gestured towards the frightened boys, 'will die.'

'No! No, you can't hurt my boys. What have they done to you? What have they done to Will?'

'Nothing… but it'll stop them gabbing about your death to the police if they die too.' Then without warning the car door swung open and Harry was knocked off his feet. The stabber jumped out and pinned Harry to the ground. He lifted the knife and brought it down hard.

Jordan and Ollie screamed at the man attacking their father. The man glowered at them and threw the knife in their direction. It cut Jordan's wrist and blood spilt onto the teenager's sleeve.

'Jordan!' Harry called his son's name, not being able to keep the panic out of his voice.

'Shut up!' the black-clothed man produced another blade from his pocket and holding it centimetres from Harry's throat.

Suddenly, a police car hurtled round the corner and skidded to a halt beside Harry and his attacker. An officer jumped out and other squad members grabbed the man and dragged him off Harry. Harry let out a sigh of relief and stood up.

'Let me see that.' He said as he took Jordan's hand in his own. 'We need to get you to hospital. You're white as a sheet.'

Jordan nodded and then passed out, falling into his father's arms.

'Ollie, grab my phone and call an ambulance, quickly.'

'I've already done that, Dad; when that man knocked you down. I thought he was going to hurt you.'

'So did I. Well done, Ollie. I'm proud of you.' Harry beamed at his young son.

Within two minutes of Jordan's fainting, an ambulance arrived. Harry was pleased to see that it was a Holby vehicle. Woody and Comfort jumped out and ran to where their boss stood.

'Harry? What happened? Are you all right?' Woody asked.

'It's Jordan. He's lost a lot of blood. And Ollie's in shock. If you take Jordan, I'll take care of Ollie.'

'OK, Harry. Let's get him in the ambulance.' Comfort said, as she and Woody strapped the unconscious Jordan onto a stretcher. They got Jordan into the ambulance and Harry and Ollie climbed in after him. Woody stayed in the back with them while Comfort got back into the driver's seat and pulled away from the house.

Harry treated Ollie as Woody tried to stem the bleeding from Jordan's wrist. Harry was in shock too, but his worry for his sons had slowed the affects. As they arrived at Holby General, Harry felt himself become shaky and sweaty. Woody handed him a blanket and Harry wrapped it around himself gratefully. He held Ollie close as they walked into the hospital.

'What the hell happened to you?' Abs said, running up to Harry.

'I'll tell you later, Abs. Right now, Ollie and Jordan need you.'

'And you too, Harry.' Maggie said, as she took hold of the trolley that Jordan lay on. 'I'll treat Jordan while Abs takes you and Ollie to cubicles.'

'Thank you, Maggie.' Harry smiled thankfully at the registrar.

'No problem, Harry.' She smiled back at her shaken boss.

Abs escorted Harry and Ollie to cubicles so that could be treated for shock. He worked quickly and within a few minutes both the Harpers were feeling a little better, though still desperately worried about Jordan.

'He'll be fine, Harry.' Abs said, although he didn't know whether he was telling the truth or not. It seemed to be the only thing he could think of. Harry had been through too much recently and Abs didn't want to add to it.

'Yes, he's fighter. I'll go and check on him later.' Harry replied. Ollie was asleep, his head resting on his father's shoulder. Harry smiled down at him. 'Good old Ollie. He's the one who phoned for the paramedics.'

'So… what happened at your place Harry?'

Harry recounted the tale to Abs. Abs listened to every word, wanting to know how the Will Manning saga had ended.

Maggie came in then and told Harry that Jordan was awake and asking for his dad. Harry thanked her and stood up, leaving Ollie lying on the bed, exhausted.

'What's going to happen now, then?' Abs said, as the two Holby staff walked up the corridor.

'I don't know what's happened to Will or his partner in crime, and to tell you the truth, I couldn't care less. It's the police's job to know that.' He pushed the door open and they walked through it. He continued, 'We've got our job to do, Abs. As long as we keep getting patients to treat, we'll keep treating them. We can't really do anything else, can we?'

As Harry pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket a small, tatty scrap of paper fell to the floor. Neither Harry nor Abs noticed it. It landed face-up on the floor. No-one was around to read the message written on it in very neat handwriting.

I won the game, didn't I?