Disclaimer: If Harry Potter belonged to me then Remus would have been together with Sirius, and James and Lily would be alive and Peter would be dead and Draco and Harry would be together:D sadly, it doesn't belong to me, it belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Title: Matchmaker Potter

Summery: Remus – Quiet, shy, kind and smart. Sirius – loud, clever, class clown, trouble-maker. And then there's James, sharp, sneaky, with a flair for matchmaking. SBRL, JPLE. Slash, AU

Warning: Slash. Don't like don't read

Speaking "Dun Dun Dun"

Thinking 'Ding Ding Ding'

Remus P.O.V

"No!" I yelled, starting to get rather exasperated.

"Come on Remus, please?" James whined at me.

"I said no James!" I rubbed my temple; I was starting to get a headache.

"Come on Remus, there's no harm in it." My red haired friend said.

"Not you too Lily!" I stared incuriously at her while she simply smiled at me.

"It won't cause any harm and nothing bad can come out of it, if anything you could be getting something really good out of this!" Lily finished looking at me with a motherly look, if possible.

"See! Even Lily agrees with this, so you know it's a good safe idea! Come on Remus, give it a try, you might even thank me after!" James looked at me pleadingly after speaking.

"Oh…oh fine!" I said exasperatedly. I gave up, they had me cornered so it wasn't like I could do anything but give up.

I heard twin squeals of joy and looked to see James and Lily holding hands together with starry expressions on their faces and I just knew that this wasn't going to be fun.

"Don't worry Reems my boy, you won't regret this!" James clapped his hand on my back.

"Yea yea sure I won't! When, where, who and why?"

"Today at the park where the water fountain is at 7:00pm. I can't tell you who because that's how it works, but I can tell you that it's a guy, just for your preference and he's also bi. And before you start panicking, he's our age, give or take a few months. Oh and why you ask? Because I thought it might cheer you up some, you seem a bit down and lonely. Plus, I've seen those longing glances you've thrown at me and Lily when you thought we weren't looking and don't even TRY denying it!" James said the last part rather forcefully as he saw me opening my mouth to shoot a retort back at him.

"So then Reems, make sure your ready and at the park by 7:00pm yea? After all, you don't wanna let him down, right?" James grinned at me, the atmosphere clear and happy now, no trace of seriousness left on James' face.

"Come on, we'll walk you home. Besides, it's on the way to James' house, so its no trouble." Lilly smiled at me whilst clinging arms with James.

We walked out of the high school building, Orange Star High(1) and we were walking past the car park when we saw a bunch of rowdy boys, mostly jocks by the look of it, all definitely popular.

"Hey Jamsie! What's happenin'?" One of the boys, I vaguely recall his name being Sirius Black, one of the richest kids at Orange Star High. He has a sharp, angular face with shiny sleek shoulder length black hair pulled back into a ponytail with the most amazing colour eyes, a blue-ishy gray colour, very expressive eyes, by the looks of it.

"Hey Sear! Remember tonight, okay?"

"You got it!" Sirius winked at James.

They walked off, still loud as ever as I turned to look at James.

"What was all that about?" I asked curiously.

"Oh nothing much, just a little reminder." James said airily.

James has been my best friend for years, probably about nine years, and we've known each other longer then that. We both met Lily a few years ago. James was head over heals for Lily, and it seemed as though it was vice versa but Lily kept turning James down till one day he managed to rent out a horse from God knows where and had rode it to her house with a rose in his mouth, asking if she'd be his girlfriend.

She'd been so happy, please and special, special because something like that had probably never happened to someone else and because James had gone through all that trouble and effort of arranging it all, and because it was so positively romantic. She's said yes of course, and since then they've been together. It was also how Lily and I had become such great friends.

James Potter is 17 years old, he has light brown eyes, and dark, incredibly messy hair which can never be neat, trust me, we've all tried to make it tidy, it just won't sit! James has got a boyish look about him, and was a major prankster, still is, just not as bad as before. Although I've always tried stopping him from really reckless pranks (not that it helped, he hardly listened to me) he's been better about his pranking, probably because of the newly combined efforts of me and Lily. Oddly enough though, he's put all his energy into matchmaking. Yup, you heard me right. I think it's because he was so happy that he and Lils were going out, that he was able to love, and be loved in return, that he wanted everyone to feel that feeling. So he arranged the matchmaking business. Its small, but very popular, he only arranged it for school kids and most of the school population come to him for help, and he sets them up. He's self proclaimed himself the "Master of Matchmaking", and we all dubbed his little dating agency 'Matchmaker Potter'.

Lily Evans, his girlfriend and my close friend, has been for a good few years ever since me and James met her. She's a bright girl, that Lily. She's got bright red hair and the most amazing shade of emerald for her eye colour. Lily is a responsible person, like me and definitely not like James; I don't think the word 'responsible' is even in his vocabulary! Mind you, she too has her moments and I suspect she helped James with his idea; the whole 'set Remus up with someone'.

And that leaves me to tell about myself. My name is Remus J. Lupin, as I've no doubt you've already realized. I'm 17, like James and Lily. We're all in the last year of high school, after this it'll be college. I have a pale face with amber colour eyes and light brown, tawny coloured hair that reaches past my ears yet finishes above my shoulders.

I love playing football, although you wouldn't think so from my build, I have a rather small build you see, unlike James, he's way taller then me, with a strong and bigger build. We play football together; always have done since we were kids. I also love badminton, so does Lily so we usually play together. I must say, my favourite past time is reading, I love it! Books are so interesting, each telling an interesting tale, so gripping that you could just lose yourself in a book for hours!

"Remus… REMUS!"


James looked at me with a rather curious expression on his face.

"Where were you Reems? You were totally lost from us, what where you thinking about?"

"Oh, nothing much." I blushed, guess I'd really zoned out there.

"Well, we're here now, so we'll see you tomorrow? And you have GOT to tell me how the date goes, okay? And make sure you turn up! Cya!" James waved at me, giving me a wink.

"Bye James, and if your good, I might consider telling you how the date went! Bye Lily!"

Lily waved and yelled out 'Bye' as she and James walked off, James with a pout on his face. I laughed and entered my house, walking up the stairs and straight to my room.

I got into the shower and spent about half an hour there, then came out looking for something to wear for the 'date'. In the end I chose a pair of 'dirty denim' jeans and a blue top with the word 'Faker' written in graffiti.

I combed my hair and looked in the mirror to see how I looked, and pleased with my appearance, 'casual', I grabbed my jacket and went downstairs to kill some time since I noticed I had an hour left.

I made a sandwich to eat and went to the sitting room, put on the telly and flicked through channels, trying to find something to watch. I sat there for a bit, till I realized it was 6:45 PM and that I only had fifteen minutes to get to the park. I switched off the telly and put on the jacket and left the house, rushing as I didn't want to be late.

I got to the park with 3 minutes to spare and sat on the edge of the fountain as I wanted for my 'date' to arrive.

To Be Continued…

(1) Orange Star High is the high school that Gohan goes to in DrangonBall Z, and I just had to use it:D

oh and I might not have Peter in this fic, as I really don't like him, but I might have him in this fic, depends.

I hope you enjoyed reading this! Second attempt at a HP fic, hope it wasn't too bad.

Review Pwease? I'd be ever so grateful if you did, and helpful criticism is always helpful, so long as it helps me!


P.S Thank you to Shiori-Haku for beta reading this!
