Disclaimer - I don't own Inuyasha.

A/N: Hey! I'm excited to be back lol. Sorry for such a long wait. I've had a ton of work, been sick, had to study for tests, had a really bad case of writer's block, then got strep throat... which is also known as Hell or needles in your throat when you freaking swallow. Anyway, hope you like this next one.

Kagome took in a deep, steadying breath as she made her way down the stairs and into her dining room.

"So, Kagome, when did you meet...?" She waited for one of them to say his name.



They both said two different names at the same time. It was just one of the biggest signs to Kagome's mother that they were hiding something from her. Kagome laughed to hide her nerves.

"So, which one is it?" She asked and Kagome glued her lips shut.

"It's Miroku, Mrs. Higurashi. Kagome, you forgot my name already? Jeez, what's going on in that thick head of yours?" Inuyasha bit out and Kagome smiled at him, slightly angry. They had agreed on Hojo, hadn't they? Well, they hadn't really agreed on any name. It was just that she had mentioned the name Hojo and assumed she'd gotten her message across. At the time, they'd been finishing one another's sentences. What so hard about not understanding what Kagome had been saying? Inuyasha just went with Miroku because it was what he had said and changing his mind on his own name would be strange and hard to explain.

"Please, call me Rose." Kagome's mother said and Kagome smiled at her happily.

"Sure, Rosie." Inuyasha said with a small smirk that he couldn't contain.

"No dear, just Rose." Inuyasha's smirk fell. He was just joking around.

"So, what's for dinner mom?" Kagome asked, sitting down at the table that was already set to her surprise. She also saw that as a good sign. Maybe her mother was trying to impress her guest. Inuyasha followed Kagome and sat down as well.

"Soup." She said quietly.

"What kind of soup?" Kagome asked her mother, trying to playfully annoy her.

"Good kind?" Rose offered with a small, forced laugh.

"Come on mom." Kagome said, smiling a bit too widely.

"Chicken soup." Inuyasha contained the laugh that was bubbling around in his stomach.

'Get a hold of yourself!' He thought frantically, looking from Kagome then to her mother as they spoke.

"With noodles?" Kagome asked and Rose frowned with a slight nod of her head.

"Of course." She thought for a moment and they could smell the soup cooking. "I'll be right back." Once Kagome's mother was out of sight, she made eye contact with Inuyasha and they had a small staring contest to kill their nerves.

"Hey Kagome." Kagome blinked, making Inuyasha the victor of their little contest, and turned her head to find her brother, Souta, charging for her.

"Hey," She said, surprised. Then she opened her arms and gave him a hug. He hugged her back, smiling ear to ear. "Why are you being so huggy?" Kagome asked, using the word 'huggy' for lack of a better one. Inuyasha snickered quietly as Souta shrugged and sat down across from his sister.

"Where's mom?" He asked, straightening his already straight fork.

"Getting the food, I guess." Kagome said and Souta nodded his head.

"What are we having?" He asked her.

"We're having chicken noodle soup." Inuyasha laughed.

"Why couldn't she have said that? Instead you and your mom went through a series of back and forth, not to mention awkward, sentences." Inuyasha said with a shake of his head. "You still came out with chicken noodle soup." Kagome tried her best to not smile but she couldn't help it.

"Hey, don't make fun of us!" Kagome said with false anger and Inuyasha stuck his tongue out at her the moment Rose came back into the room.

"Hmm," She hummed and Inuyasha's tongue went right back in his mouth. "Come now, eat your soup." She placed the soup in front of them and gave her children freshly baked bread while she gave Inuyasha a stale piece of bread. Inuyasha just put the bread aside and ate his soup which was very good. "So, why is Inu-" They all looked at her and she put a napkin over her mouth and cleared her throat. "I mean, Miroku, here again?"

"We're working on a school project together." Kagome said hurriedly but Inuyasha's head was bent down and he was glaring at his soup. He'd heard Rose almost say his real name and he knew she was on to them.

"Mrs. Higurashi, don't patronize us." He said simply, lifting his eyes and looking at her. Kagome's mother smirked in an angry way.

"I'm not patronizing you." She said quietly, daring him to say more. "I was simply asking a question."

"Mom?" Souta asked and she looked at her son with a frown. She seemed to be frowning a lot.

"Honey, could you give me and your sister a minute alone?" Souta just sat there and stared at her blankly.

"But I wanna eat and-"

"You can eat in the living room." She said with a smile and he immediately got up from his seat and left, food in hand. Inuyasha went to leave as well but Rose stopped him.

"Sit down, Inuyasha." She said fiercely. "Boy, you two must think I'm mentally challenged or something." She said, shaking her head. "And what makes this situation any better by saying your name is Miroku?!" She asked in a harsh whisper. The two teenagers blushed. They had forgotten something very key: Miroku wasn't allowed to hang out with them either.

"Mom, we were trying to make things better!" Kagome told her and Rose just shook her head again.

"Kagome, you know I love you but I am very angry right now." Inuyasha felt anger and shame sweep over him. He hated that he felt the shame; he only wished to feel the anger. And that may be strange but not in his case.

"Why are you angry?" Kagome asked, tears in her eyes.

"You know why! Kagome, you know that you aren't allowed to even speak to him." She pointed at Inuyasha.

"Yeah, and that's just bullshit if you ask me." Kagome said angrily as she crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair. "Give me one good reason we can't be together!" She demanded and her mother's eyes widened.

"You're together?" She asked, her hand covering her mouth in horror.

"Yeah, we are. We also hang out with Miroku and Sango. We have since we were young." Kagome said, wanting her mother to feel emotionally distraught for the first time in her life.

"Kagome, please tell me this isn't true." Her mother begged, trying to place her hand on Kagome's but she pulled away from her. Inuyasha growled and they both looked at him.

"And so what if it is?" He boomed as he got up from his seat. He banged his fist on the table and looked Kagome's mother in the eyes.

"Don't do that." She whispered, her heart breaking for them.

"Don't do what? Shit, now I can't even look at you?" Inuyasha was steaming with anger and the shame had completely left. He knew, then more than ever, that what they were doing wasn't wrong. It was more right than anything he'd ever known.

"You both know why this is wrong." She said softly, trying to make them understand. Kagome got up from her seat and began to pace.

"No mom, we really don't." She said, her pony tail shaking. "We see people like us together every fucking day at school!"

"Stop swearing." Her mother said, anger evident in her voice. But, along with that anger there was some sadness, too. "And I don't care what you see, it's not right. Half-demons and mikos," She shook her head. "They don't belong together."

"Then who the hell belongs together?" Inuyasha asked. "Do we have to be with people, demons, THINGS like us?" He was so mad and Kagome and her mother could almost feel the anger radiating off of him.

"Yes!" Rose yelled. "You have to be with whoever is like you." She said. "This was the reason, the very reason, why we told you all to stay away from one another when you were younger." She muttered to herself. "We thought you'd get the picture." She looked at the two young teens in front of her and laughed sadly. "Obviously not."

"Mom," Kagome began in a calm voice as she sat down beside Rose and grabbed her mother's hand, "Try to understand, we never meant to hurt you." She said. She couldn't believe she had, just a moment ago, wished her mother to be emotionally in pain.

"I know," She grabbed her daughter's face with her hands and shook her head. "We knew this would happen." Rose said, turning away from them. "You're too much like us." Inuyasha and Kagome looked at one another.

"That's right," Inuyasha said with thought as he sat back down. "You and all our parents used to be the best of friends."

"And our parents hated us for it!" Rose yelled. "I mean," She was shaking as she spoke, "They never did find out but-"

"We know," Kagome said softly. "Hikari told us."

"Hikari?" Rose looked at her daughter in shock. "Hikari told you?"

"Yeah, she's really nice." Inuyasha said. Rose walked over to her kitchen sink and looked out the window.

"Hikari." She whispered, letting the name hang in the air. She turned to them quickly. "How is she?" She asked them, trying to hide the tears in her eyes.

"Mom, you must miss her." Kagome said quietly and Rose tried her best to hold in the sobs that wanted to fly out of her mouth.

"No," Rose said with a crack in her voice. "No, I don't miss her." She walked back over to the sink and got a cup of water. "Yes," She moaned out in agony, "Of course I miss her."

"Mom, there's something you should know about Hikari-"

"She was always the sweetest one of our group," Rose said with a smile as her tears flowed down her cheeks. "She just loved us all so much... She never minded that we weren't supposed to see one another. All she knew was that we were best friends." Rose sat back down at the table.

"Mom," Kagome was trying so hard to break the news to her mother that Hikari was dying.

"What is it?" She asked. That was when Kagome's grandfather walked into the room. Rose froze in her seat and wiped at her eyes.

"What's this demon doing here?" He asked weakly as he sat down at the table. "Not that I don't like you, son, just my granddaughter here ain't allowed to hang out with ya." He winked and Inuyasha knew that the old man didn't really mean it. He motioned for Kagome to move from her seat and she did so. Once he was seated in front of his daughter he took her hand in his and smiled.

"Father?" She questioned and he just kept on smiling.

"It has taken me so many years to accept how much you loved them." He began and Rose gasped. He must've heard everything. "But recently, as I've grown older, I've realized that love is all that truly matters."

"Father," Rose said, patting his cheek, "You mustn't give up on what you believe. Kagome will learn to accept this just as I did." She turned to them and Kagome was staring at her in shock. What had changed? Just a moment ago she was asking about Hikari. "Get out," She said, turning to Inuyasha, "Get out of my house." She pointed towards the door.

"But mom-!" Kagome began but Rose slapped her across the face.

"You disobeyed me." She said, hate filled her voice and anger consumed her heart. "Now, you have to pay the price."

"You're a lying bitch!" Inuyasha said. He wasn't angry or anything, just shocked. "If you truly missed Hikari then you would've listened to what Kagome had to say." He looked at Kagome and put out his hand for her to take. Kagome just looked at it for a few seconds. She was still getting over the fact her mother had hit her. Inuyasha let out a small, accidental whimper and Kagome came out of her trance. She looked up and stared into his beautiful eyes. She smiled at him softly.

"I love you," She said loud enough for those who were in the room to hear. "But I can't go." She felt her throat begin to ache and Inuyasha's ears drooped.

"What?" He asked, his voice shaking. She shook her head, her eyes never leaving his.

"I can't go with you." She said and Inuyasha felt his heart shatter into a million pieces.

"And why can't you?" He fumed.

"I have to stay here," She whispered. "She's my mother."

"And I'm the person you love!" He said, grabbing her hand and pulling her to him. Rose and Kagome's grandfather just watched them. "You just said it yourself-"

"Inuyasha," He bent down because she was whispering so quietly that only he could hear her. "I love you and I know that we can make it so just trust me, okay? I'm doing the right thing here so let me stay."

"No!" He said harshly and one of Kagome's tears fell on his shirt. He looked at the wet spot that it made and sighed. "Fine," He kissed her neck, "I trust you." Then with that, he turned and left. Kagome was watching him leave when suddenly she was turned around by her mother.

"How dare you?!" She slapped her the second time that day and Kagome was shocked just as she had been the first time. She went to hit her again but Kagome grabbed her wrist before she could make contact with her face.

"How dare you?" Kagome asked and she didn't yell but she was very upset. "Mom, you're such a hypocrite." She said, shaking her head and not letting go of her mother's wrist. In fact, with every word she squeezed her hand just a little to get her point across. "Grandfather just told you, he doesn't care anymore!" Her mother ripped her hand away from her and growled.

"So?" Her mother asked, looking at her father. "He's growing old and doesn't know what he's saying anymore."

"My dear," Rose's father looked at her and smiled sadly. "Don't be selfish."

"Daddy, you don't want this! I know you, you hate this." She replied and he shook his head.

"I used to." He said, walking over to his daughter and sitting her down. This, by the way, was a very funny sight because the man was quite short and Rose was almost two heads taller than him.

"Father, it's okay to still believe in what you did when I was a kid." Kagome's mother said with sympathy. "You don't have to change just because the times have changed." He shook his head, becoming frustrated with her.

"Rose, all anyone needs in life is love." He said simply and Rose's eyes widened.

"I realize this, you've said that twice today, but Kagome can find love elsewhere!" She fumed, going over to the sink to fill her glass with water once more.

"What if I can't?!" Kagome asked, walking over to her mother. It was very quiet for a few minutes as Rose chugged down her water. Kagome hesitantly reached out to touch her mother's shoulder but she flinched and moved away from her.

"I'm sorry Kagome," She whispered, turning around. "I need to think about this." Kagome's eyes stung with tears and she turned around and ran up to her room. She hated to pout but Kagome believed that she deserved to do a little pouting.

20 minutes later

Kagome sat on her bed and cried. She held onto her pillow and just sobbed her eyes out. For some reason she had thought that her mother would've taken it differently ever since she met Hikari.

"Why can't my mom be like Hikari?" Kagome always talked to herself when she was upset. Kagome sat up and tears leaked out of her eyes. "Uh, this sucks!" Suddenly, Kagome's pocket was vibrating. She looked down at the number and recognized it as Sango's. She gasped and picked up the phone, "Sango?"

"Yep." Sango said, trying to sound happy. "...So,"

"Inuyasha told you what happened, didn't he?"

"Yeah." Sango said with a sigh and Kagome began to cry again.

"Oh Sango, I'm so sorry." She sobbed out and Sango didn't say anything. "It's my entire fault, I told him to stay when he could've easily left through the window."

"You're right," Sango said and Kagome stopped crying because she was in shock by Sango's reply. "Kagome, I'm not going to lie," Sango chuckled sadly, "You made the wrong decision here."

"I-I know." Kagome choked out and Sango sighed.

"Maybe it's wrong that we became friends..." Sango said softly. "I mean, we knew we'd get hurt in the end so what was the point?"

"Sango..." Kagome began with worry in her voice.

"Kagome, be serious with me for a minute." Sango said and Kagome nodded her head because it was all she was capable of doing. "Maybe we shouldn't pursue our relationship..."

"Sango!" Kagome whispered harshly. "Fuck you, don't be stupid."

"Kagome," Sango snapped quietly. "There are days when I know that if I never knew you guys I wouldn't be the person I am today and then there are days where I think that I never really needed you."

"Sango, why are you doing this?"

"You did this Kagome." Sango said and Kagome felt everything come crashing down on her. "I'm so sorry," Kagome could hear that Sango was crying and hope filled her chest.

"So," Kagome sat up on her bed a little. "You didn't mean it then?"

"No, I meant it..." She said softly. "But it doesn't mean that I'll love any of you less."

"Sango, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that maybe we should take a break from each other." She said with a sad sigh.

"NO!" Sango let some more tears fall down her face and she shook at the pain in Kagome's voice. "You have got to be kidding me! We've worked so hard for our friendship and now you're just going to throw away?"

"Yes," She said and Kagome screamed in anger because that was all she could do.

"Fuck you!" Kagome said after a minute had passed.


"No, fuck you bitch, nobody cares what the fuck you fuckin' do anymore. I'll just talk to Inuyasha and Miroku and see what they think about this."

"They're here." Sango said and Kagome's eyes widened.

"Hey Kagome," The two boys said at the same time.

"Holy shit," She laughed crazily. "You two agree with Sango?" When no reply came she almost lost it. "Holy shit," She repeated and they all looked at each other, knowing she'd take it badly but it had to be done.

"Kagome we," Inuyasha began but he couldn't seem to finish his sentence. "Kagome I will always love you. So, trust me." He said and Kagome laughed.

"Fuck you too, asshole. I'll never 'trust' you again." She cried as she wiped at her dripping eyes and nose. "Oh my fucking..." She couldn't breath. "You guys I can't believe-" She took three deep breaths and tried to finish her sentence. "I can't believe you're doing this to me... To us! Why, please tell me why." She begged.

"How about we tell you in person?" Miroku asked and Kagome looked over at her window and there they were.

"What the-?" Kagome closed her phone and walked over to her window. "What are you doing here?" She asked them and they all came inside. Sango walked over to her and hugged her tightly.

"Shh!" She whispered quietly and Kagome almost passed out.

"What the hell?!" She wondered out loud in a harsh whisper.

"We'll explain, just come with us." Miroku told her quietly and Kagome shook her head.

"You guys suck!" She said angrily, folding her arms.

"Come on, you'll forgive us once we explain!" Inuyasha said softly and Kagome broke down and just cried. "It's okay..." He rubbed her back.

"I hate you guys!" She said miserably. In truth, she was just happy they hadn't meant what they'd said. "No," She said, wiping at her eyes. "I love you guys!"

"We know!" Sango said, helping her friend up. "We love you too, now come on!"

"Okay," Kagome got up and stopped before she walked out her window. She looked down in the driveway and saw her mother driving away. "Where's she going?" She wondered but they all looked at her and she hurried out her window. Once they were all one the ground they hugged Kagome to them. Inuyasha kissed her forehead and begged for her forgiveness.

"I'm so sorry Kags!" He said to her and she smiled into their hug.

"Okay, okay!" She said, still smiling. "I forgive you guys." She looked at Sango and frowned. "You practically killed me, you know that, right?"

"Mhmm," Sango said, her eyes brimming with tears. "And I'm so sorry for that Kagome." Then they all walked over to Inuyasha's car and got inside. Inuyasha quickly drove away.

"Explain please," Kagome said sweetly and their hearts broke the second time that night.

"We needed to get you out of there and if your mom thought that we were ending our friendship with you it would be easier. She wouldn't think that you were with us right now or any other time that we hang out." Sango told her and Kagome nodded her head in understanding.

"Plus, you can't lie," Inuyasha said and they all laughed. "Which was why we needed to trick you."

"Oh," Kagome said and she looked out her window. It was already dark out and she was very tired. "Where are we going?" She asked them with a yawn.

"To Miroku's. Call your mom and tell her you're sleeping over a random girl's house. Tell her to call your cell if she needs you." Inuyasha directed her. Kagome got out her cell phone and called her mother on hers.


"Yep, it's me." Kagome said with a sigh and her mother made a small, sympathetic noise in the back of her throat.

"Honey, is everything alright?" She asked. She, of course, was under the impression that Kagome was very upset about losing her friends.

"Yes," Kagome bit out. She was so angry at her mother for pretending to care. "Everything is fine."

"Good." Her mother said lightly. "So, guess where I am." She said in an excited tone and Kagome sighed again.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the grocery store." She said with sarcasm and Kagome laughed.

"That's nice." Kagome said and her mother laughed as well.

"Oh sweetie," She sighed out. "I love you."

"I know mom." She said, tears filling her eyes for what seemed the millionth time that night. "I love you too." She shook them away then got down to business. "Anyway, I'm sleeping over my friend Kairi's tonight. That okay?"

"Oh sure!" Her mother said happily. "Just make sure you take everything you need." Kagome could hear her mother turn up the radio, that was her cue to leave.

"Um," Kagome knew she was forgetting to tell her something, "Oh, right! Call me on my cell if you need me." She grinned sheepishly at Sango who was sitting beside her and Sango rolled her eyes, holding in her laugh. "Well, talk to you later mom! Love yooou." Kagome said and her mother smiled. Things were going back to normal.

"I love you too, bye!" She said then hung up.

"Wow, I guess you can lie." Inuyasha snickered and Kagome smiled but punched him jokingly in the arm.

"I'm really just too tired to care right now." She muttered in a sarcastic yet serious tone. Then she leaned on her arm and stared out the window. Moments before it had begun to rain. And minutes before she'd been in her room, crying her eyes out. Now she was in a car with her best friends on their way to Miroku's. She sighed and shut her eyes, letting the rain wash everything away. Letting the rain take away any doubts in her mind that what they were was wrong.

A/N: Yeah, I know, it ended kind of stupidly. But I had to end it there or I would've never finished this chapter! Lol, anyway I hope you liked it. I'll update the next one as soooooon as I can, I promise! Thanks for reading now please review.