Pairings: Inu/Kag Mir/San and maybe more.

Disclaimer- I do not own Inuyasha…. I just make fanfics to pretend I do….

Kagome Higurashi walked to school as any other day with her books clutched to her chest. Other people were walking around her, but she didn't really notice them. Her mind was on something else, someone else. She then heard footsteps behind her and out of the corner of her eye she saw someone.

"Hey!" a girl's voice said.

"Oh, hey Sango!" said Kagome to the girl.

Sango was wearing tight jeans and a nice hot pink shirt that said, "You know you want it!" and on the back it said, "I'm just not a giving person." Kagome was, like every day, wearing black loose jeans and a large white shirt that was cool and good for the weather but hid her figure.

"So, what's up Kags? I haven't seen you at school lately." Sango asked her best friend.

"Oh nothing really, same old thing every day. Just you know the whole under cover spy thing is a little bit of a hassle." Kagome heard Sango giggle at the joke.

Then out of no where two boys were headed their way, Inuyasha Takahashi and Miroku Priest. Inuyasha had amazing golden eyes and odd long silver hair all the girls drooled over. He was a hanyou but he kept his ears hidden because if he didn't he would be picked on. He looked awesome in red. Miroku had sky blue eyes and always looked good in violet. He also had short black hair in an annoying small ponytail in the back that no matter what, grew on you in a very odd way that made you like it and you couldn't see him in any other hair due. Kagome heard Sango sigh a heavy sigh. Then Kagome felt an arm around her and she stiffened.

'He always does this,' thought Kagome.

"Hello Inuyasha," she said and then relaxed because he had taken his arm off her. Then both Inuyasha and Kagome turned to see Miroku groping Sango. They both hung there head and sighed. Those two always did this. Then Sango slapped Miroku and he landed on the ground. Inuyasha always smirked and Kagome always laughed but in a bored way now because it always happened so it got… boring. This time was different though.

"MIROKU, we have done this every day for TWO years! Can't you get it through your thick skull that's what's going to happen every time YOU touch MY ASS!" Sango screamed in Miroku' s face.

Miroku looked up in mock hurt and said, "My darling Sango you never give me a chance. You always hurt me brutally and I haven't touched anyone else's behind besides yours for TWO years." Inuyasha and Kagome watched them "fight" verbally for about two minutes when they both finally cracked and started to laugh.

Inuyasha wiped his eyes from laughing so hard and said, "Oh my God! You guys are sooo weird!" he said while still laughing.

"I've never seen something more, well funny!" Kagome spoke up. Both Miroku and Sango were looking at the two and their eyes were twitching madly.

"Umm…You guys okay?" Sango asked in concern. This just made them laugh harder. Still laughing, but quietly and occasionally stopping then thinking of the moment laughing to themselves as if it happened years ago, they walked on.

"Hey we should get going, school doesn't wait even if you wanna go." Kagome said sarcastically while chuckling.

They continued walking then Inuyasha, just then processing what she said about school, said, "I don't want to go to school." they all laughed. He was pretty foolish and dense sometimes. Kagome was indicating that they didn't want to go.

The four only had to turn the corner to get in front of the school. Inuyasha and Miroku glanced at the girls and they glanced back.

"Bye," they whispered to each other and Inuyasha and Miroku crossed the street. This also happened every day. They weren't allowed to hang out together. Family orders. All their lives, in the past and now, they didn't get along. Everyone at school knew it too.

With Kagome and Sango

Kagome started talking to Sango, "I'm sick of this."

Sango nodded her head and said, "Yeah but they've changed, look at them they're different." There was a hint of sadness in her voice when she said that.

"No, they're just older." Kagome said. They both looked over and saw them flirting with girls.

"HA! Yeah they are just 'older.'" Sango said coolly and sarcastically. Kagome just laughed. But, she saw them too. She saw them and how they changed and it was so strange. They were best friends and now they were changed in so many ways. They continued walking and started to 'girl talk.'

With Inuyasha and Miroku

Inuyasha and Miroku looked over at the girls when the sluts left.

"Hey Miroku what's up with them?" Inuyasha asked.

"I don't know. I guess they've changed." Miroku answered. They looked at them again and they were laughing and pointing to some guys.

"HA! Yeah whatever you say Miroku 'Oh Great One Who Thinks He Knows Everything.' They have changed, they look at guys now and it's freaking me out." Inuyasha said in a matter of fact tone looking back at them again.

"Inu we look too," Miroku said quietly. "maybe they aren't the only ones who have changed."

Inuyasha slapped him on the back in a friendly way and said, "No way, we're the same, we just look at chicks differently. Especially you." They both laughed and walked towards the school entrance.

In Homeroom

"Okay, another day ofhell beginning." the teacher said quietly to herself as students gathered into homeroom.

She cleared her throat then said, "Class good Morning!" she said happily.

'Here we go again, no one's listening!' Mrs. Kaede thought silently.

"Quiet down everyone! Quiet Down!" still no one listened.

"QUIET!" every eye in the room was on her.

She smiled cheerily then said, "Please sit down, I have some announcements." Kagome and Sango looked at each other and smiled ear to ear. Their teacher was crazy! They loved it.

"Ok, uh today you will be going to the auditorium first, second, and third period, wow that's way to much, for an important meeting about child abuse and drugs and what to do if you get pregnant and…" she went on but Sango and Kagome just blocked her out like most of the kids. No one ever went to those things. These meetings for the school were usually the time Sango, Miroku, Kagome, and Inuyasha would go to there favorite hang out. It was outside the school. They made it when they found out they couldn't hang out together. They had a meeting with their family and they fiercely said they couldn't be friends. They became best friends immediately. Sango looked over to Inuyasha and he looked back. He gave her a quick thumbs up and a small smile. She smiled back and waved bye real quick. Kagome raised her hand, this signaled she'd go too.

"Yes Kagome, dear, what is it?" Mrs. Kaede asked, her glasses a bit askew.

"Oh, sorry Mrs. Kaede I was just stretching. Did it look like I was asking a question?" Kagome asked innocently. Then Miroku 'stretched' to indicate he was going too. Now they had their plans.

A Slow beginning BUT I'll get better! Well please read and review!