Alright, everyone, this is the last installment of my 'Ode'. That's right, last chapter, last chapter! And this one will be devoted to a facet of Mary Sues that often goes unnoticed: their male counterparts. That's right, the Marty Stus of the world are going under the microscope. I hope you enjoy, and be sure to leave reviews! This is your last chance to do so and tell me what you think.
I once thought,
There could never be
Something more repulsive than my ever-loathed,
Mary Sue.
But now I have come across,
A brand new atrocity.
A mutated, cleverly-disguised form of Sue,
That sickens me all the more,
Since I am a yaoi fangirl at heart.
It wasn't enough to create a legion of whiny female brats, was it?
I say this to all the Suethors out there,
Who thought it necessary to branch their evil ways out,
To include,
The little known,
But ever so crucial,
Marty Stu.
Also known as:
Murray Stu
Harry Stu
Gary Stu,
And the even rarer "Airy Ooh".
Male characters have it hard enough,
Dealing with all the dopey anime girls out there,
Always shouting, "KAWAII!" at the top of their lungs,
And pulling on clothes that leave less to the imagination,
Than a Harry Potter book.
But now,
They have been absorbed into the hateful, brainless world of Mary Sues,
And even into my own special yaoi universe.
That is a sacred line that you have crossed, Suethors,
And with this poem,
I like to think,
That as much as you have made me suffer,
I have made you suffer as well.
Do you think it's okay,
To create a male character,
For the soul purpose of making him jealous of Inuyasha,
Or any other cannon male, for that matter?
Do you really like the thought,
Of breeding your OCs like junkyard bunnies,
For as stupid of a purpose,
As that?
They litter my fiction like half-formed thoughts,
Never appearing for more than a chapter at a time,
And more often than not,
Changing personalities halfway through a fic.
Wasn't that Marty Stu seething with rage just a paragraph ago?
If so,
Why does he claim to be,
Kagome's best friend now?
Is it some plot twist?
How can it be a twist,
When it's ever so predictable?
Miroku will be jealous of Sango's 'interest' in a Marty Stu,
And again,
And again.
Surely you can think of something new?
Or maybe not.
And for the few Marty Stus,
Who actually appear in yaoi,
I pity them.
Those poor,
Man whores.
They live in Naraku's harem,
Or lie at Sesshoumaru's feet.
They're even less important,
Than the Mary Sue sluts,
Who at least manage to win their man in the end.
If you can call it winning.
I call it ludicrous.
But now,
I must refrain from commenting further on the subject.
My IQ has suffered enough as it is.
As a final note,
To you lovers of Mary Sues:
Your plot lines are redundant,
And your hair is not really purple.
And for all you Marty Stus out there,
Be strong.
The teenage fangirls who create you for stories,
Will surely tire of your whorish ways soon,
And possibly let you out of Inuyasha's closet,
Any minute now,
The End.