Operation: W.H.O.O.P.

Weird adult

Hijacks plane

Only to

Opine to

Please and Serve Father

Chapter 1: A Failed Attempt

As Father was walking toward the plane, he was being escorted by his Ice Cream henchmen. When they escorted him onto the plane, he sat on his chair in the back of the plane. The pilot was then signaled to take off from the runway. As the plane started its engines, Father noticed something strange about the pilot. As he took a closer look at the pilot, he could tell there was a mask over the face of the pilot.

"Please pilot" said Father, "remove your mask."

"Why whatever are you talking about?" asked the pilot as he turned his head toward Father.

"I mean like this!" shouted Father as he took off the mask.

As Father pulled the mask off from the pilot's head he noticed it wasn't one of his loyal Ice Cream henchmen, but rather a strange white-gray haired man at the controls.

"How did you know I was wearing a mask?" asked the man.

"Let's just say I know a thing or two about spies wearing false identities on them" replied Father.

"Really?" asked the man in an astonished voice.

"Yes" replied Father, "I have had quite some trouble with the Kids Next Door. And you?"

"Let's just say I have also had some trouble with another spy agency which goes by the name WHOOP" replied the man.

Suddenly Father's cell phone rang.

"Yea, what is it?" asked Father as he picked it up.

"Is everything okay?" replied Mr. Boss on the other line, "We thought the plane was being hijacked as it didn't move from the runway."

"Don't worry" said Father, "everything is under control."

Father then turned off his cell phone and placed it back where he took it out in the first place.

"So tell me your name" said Father, "I would make a deal with you which you can't refuse."

"The name is Terrance" said the man as he shook Father's hand, "my goodie-two-shoe brother Jerry is the head of WHOOP."

"Well then, what do you propose we should do about this?" asked Father, "I have had some trouble with adult organizations that have refused to be loyal to me."

"There was a project which WHOOP tried to finish" replied Terrance, "I was trying to destroy WHOOP using the androids and the programs that control them."

"Hmm, androids you say" said Father, "interesting. I think I should have some of my top operatives infiltrate WHOOP and steal whatever data is still available."

"Are you sure your agents can do it?" asked Terrance.

"Absolutely" replied Father, "I have the utmost confidence in them. I am preparing to assign three top operatives to the job."

As the Ice Cream men opened the door to the plane, they saw Father and Terrance standing next to each other. Father then ordered his men to escort him and Terrance back to his mansion. A few minutes later he phoned in Chad, Cree and Maurice to the mansion. As the three entered the main room, Father was sitting on his chair along with Terrance standing beside him.

"I'm glad you three came" said Father as he turned his chair around.

"What's the old guesser doing here?" asked Chad as he pointed to Terrance, "And just who is he?"

"What's your language young man" replied Terrance as he snapped at Chad.

"Don't fight" said Father, "I have called you three here because you three have become my top teenage operatives. You three are to infiltrate an organization only known as WHOOP. You are to steal the technology and any data that's on the robotic android my new friend Terrance has shown me."

"So what do we need something like an android for?" asked Cree.

"Oh you'll see" replied Father.

"I can give you three some falsified identifications from former employees of WHOOP I just stole" said Terrance as he handed them the I.D. cards, "these will get you into high levels of security at WHOOP."

"You can count on us" said Maurice as he saluted to Father.

"Good" said Father, "now that everybody is all peachy with each other, go and complete your mission!"

The three teenagers then bowed their heads toward Father and left the room. As they exited the room, a group of Ice Cream men escorted them to a private plane. As the private plane took off, a few hours passed and it was nightfall already as they reached WHOOP headquarters. The three teenagers then activated their armor and they used jetpacks to hover down on the top of the roof of the WHOOP building.

"Perfect timing" said Cree.

"We should move quickly" said Chad.

"How about we split up" said Maurice, "we'll cover more ground that way."

"Good idea" said Cree.

As the three teenagers split up, they went on their separate ways. Chad went to one area of the roof and slowly climbed down. He then opened a window and leaped in. Maurice meanwhile went down the air vents and started to crawl through it until he reached a room that looked to be top secret by his perspective. He then opened the hatch and leaped out and immediately went to work by hacking one of the computers. Cree went down the stairway and entered another room where she then sat down at a computer and began to hack it.

"It seems Father's new friend Terrance" said Maurice on his communicator to Cree, "might have almost succeeded in destroying WHOOP. It appears it's with this android program that he nearly succeeded it with."

"I'm going to try to hack this computer and download the android program" said Cree as she placed a disk inside the computer, "shouldn't take too long."

Chad meanwhile was on the other side of the building looking at some profiles at some top spies of WHOOP. He then took pictures with his camera at the top ten profiles of WHOOP spies.

"I have found something else you two" said Chad on his communicator, "turns out that Father's friend Terrance's plan failed because of three WHOOP spies that are now on its top ten list of best spies."

"Good" said Maurice, "hand them over to me when we meet back at Father's mansion."

Suddenly as Maurice was about to walked toward a computer, he noticed the doorknob started to move. As the door opened, a man in a suit and sunglasses noticed Maurice.

"Hey, who the heck are you?" asked the WHOOP employee.

"Sorry that I have to do this" replied Maurice.

Maurice then punched the WHOOP employee, sending the WHOOP employee across the hallway and into another room where another WHOOP employee was working over night.

"Uh oh" said Maurice, "that wasn't a smart move."

"Sound the alarm" said the WHOOP employee on the ground in a weak voice.

The other WHOOP employee then pressed alarm button. Sirens throughout the building then began to ring loudly. Cree was just about done downloading the last of the android program onto her disk. As she was waiting for the right time to remove the disk from the computer slot, three WHOOP agents with their weapons drawn busted down the door. Cree then loaded up her weapon.

"Stand back!" shouted Cree, "I'm not about to give up on this mission!"

Cree then fired her weapon at one of the WHOOP agents, destroying that WHOOP agent's weapon. She then leaped and kicked the two other WHOOP agents down and grabbed the third WHOOP agent and threw him to the call. As the disk was ready to be removed from the computer slot, she then took it out and fled the scene as fast as she could using her jectpack.

"Maurice, Chad" said Cree, "let's get the heck out of here!"

"That's a good idea" said Chad on his communicator.

"Same here" added Maurice.

As the three teenagers finally made it up on the WHOOP headquarters' roof thanks to their jetpacks, they then used the jetpacks to reach the private plane they have arrived on. The private plane then took off as fast as it could. Suddenly on the computer screen, Father's image popped up.

"I see your mission went well" said Father.

"Yes" said Cree, "we have everything you need."

"Excellent" said Father, "time to move onto phase two of my plan. Just make sure you bring that android program to me, okay?"

"Don't worry sir" replied Chad, "we'll give it to you."