Title: Cycles
Author: Anchansan
Character/Pairing: Seiichi/Tomoki
Challenge: Seasons
Disclaimer: All characters and situations wherein are property of Yuki Shimizu.
Warnings: Spoilers if you don't know who Seiichi and Tomoki are, I suppose. Slight sexuality.

There are cycles in every relationship.

In spring, things begin to grow. Tomoki smiles, scared and finding it difficult to hide. Seiichi is gentle, stilling his touches until the trembling subsides and Tomoki pulls him down again. When they've finished, Tomoki curls into Seiichi's side and they fall asleep together.

In summer, they blossom. Seiichi quits the Blue Boy and buys dinner. They sit on the porch and eat while the sun goes down. Tomoki looks at Seiichi all the time and keeps touching him, as if he isn't quite sure that he's real. As if he isn't quite sure that either of them are real. They don't have sex that night but just kiss and kiss and sleep.

There is no autumn. They don't have the time.

In winter, everything dies.