Series: Chobits
Rating: PG
Word Count: 276
Warnings I suppose mild ones for volume 8 of the manga.


That was all he needed.

Her smile would light up the room when he came home from work and she would bounce up to him, the envelope with her paycheque made out to "Motosuwa Chii" in her hands. She would throw her arms around him and he would hold her tightly, feeling the softness of her skin pressed against his and think, this is enough.

None of the couples around him were really…well, sex-mad. Not like he'd been, with the porn (he blushed) and he was the only virgin of the group. He wondered, occasionally, if he was actually missing anything so great at all. Shimbo and Ms. Shimizu seemed content to do what he and Chii did, at least in public, and Yumi and Ueda were the same. So maybe, despite what the magazines and his co-workers said, there really wasn't much to wonder about. And even if there was, well, Hideki didn't know about it. So that was okay.

Hideki closed the door to his apartment and dropped his keys onto the ledge. He entered his bedroom, pulling his coat off as he went. "Tadaima!"

Chii dropped down from the rafters. "Okaeri!" she replied cheerfully, hugging him. Hideki buried his face in her hair, pressing his lips to the top of her head in a chaste kiss.

"Love you," he whispered. Her arms around him tightened fractionally.

"My someone just for me," she murmured back and Hideki felt his mouth curve up into a blissful grin. He probably looked like a complete idiot right now, he knew, but he didn't care.

As long as she smiled like that, all was right with the world.