Disclaimer: Don't own, get used to it. Sigh.

Ok, I have gone through the story, and have fixed as many spelling mistakes as I can find, I'm not promising that they're all gone, because I'm absolutely terrible at it, but I tried, if anyone wishes to offer themselves as a beta reader then feel free, I need all the help I can get.

Now, to explain for those of you new to the story. This is very much an AU, Sirius and Narcissa are, for the purposes of this story, third cousins (if you don't like it I don't care) Harry and Draco are brothers, because it's an interesting premise. Draco is a year and a half younger than Harry, because I felt it was needed for the story. There will be a slash pairing in this story, not the children, but I'm sure you'll guess who pretty early on.

This is going to be my only pre chapter ramble, unless I feel the insatiable need to communicate with you all again. So read, review and enjoy yourselves. And don't worry, I will get round to updating this, just gotta get back into the story first.

Disclaimer: Don't own.

P.S: my novel has been recently released, so if you would all buy it and read it I would be very happy. It's good, I promise (if you like my writing that is).

Land in Mist

BML Hillen-Keene.

Now, on with the story.



On the night of the Potters deaths three things happened. Sirius Black arrived at Godrics Hollow to find the gruesome scene, finding baby Harry crying in his cot while his mother lay dead, blank eyes staring at the ceiling, and instead of letting his temper get the better of him, as he usually would have done, he realised he had a godson to look after and protect, so he took Harry from the house and waited outside for the Aurors to arrive.

In a mansion in the country, the Malfoy manor to exact, a raid that had been planned for months was proceeding. Aurors stormed the manor, where a number of known Deatheaters were said to be hiding. As luck would have it most of the Deatheaters managed to escape. But Lucius Malfoy was not one of them, and he and his wife Narcissa were taken into custody.

And finally, it was discovered that Voldermort was dead-and the whole of the wizarding world rejoiced.

Two days later Sirius was in his house at Grimuald Place, listening to his mothers portrait howl at the fact that he had brought a child of none pureblood home with him. He tried to ignore it; vaguely wondering if the was a way to burn the damn thing. He had one year old Harry sitting on his knee, bouncing him up and down to distract him. Trying not to think of what had happened to James and Lily. He hadn't read a paper in two days, and he didn't intend to. Voldermort might be dead, but he had taken with him two of the kindest, most loving people he had ever known.

There was a loud knock on the door, sending the portrait into another stream of howls and curses, and from the ferocity he knew it had to be Remus at the door, his mother never got so worked up over anyone else-not even muggleborns. Hoisting Harry up on his hip he got up to answer the door, letting Remus in in silence.

"Siri." Remus said softly, his heart hurting to see Sirius so wracked with pain and guilt over what had happened. "I would have got here sooner Siri." He said softly.

"I know you would have Remus. It's ok. At least Harry's ok." Sirius smiled. But it was forced and very much strained.

"Oh Siri! This wasn't your fault. You do know that don't you?" Remus asked.

Sirius shrugged and turned to go back into the kitchen.

Remus watched him for a moment before following. He took the seat Sirius waved him to. He didn't offer to take Harry from him as he made a pot of tea awkwardly one handed. Sirius needed something solid to hold onto, something real. Remus knew he thought Harry would just disappear if he let him go.

"Siri, have you read the papers yet?" Remus asked when he was halfway through a cup of tea.

"No, I can't look at it." Sirius said with a sigh.

"No, Siri, there's another story I think you should look at." Remus pressed, pulled a page from the 'Daily Prophet' from a pocket. "Just read it, or you could be too late. They're thinking of sending her to Azkaban."

"What?" Sirius asked, taking the paper and unfolding it to see a picture of Lucius Malfoy being led away by Aurors, behind him, half hidden by smoke was a sobbing Narcissa Malfoy. Sirius' breath caught. He looked up at Remus. "What do you mean, send her to Azkaban? She's not a deatheater!"

"There's no sign she was under imperious-the Aurors say that while she might not be an official deatheater, she was too involved not to be part of the group. They'll send her if she doesn't give them some information. Name some names. She could probably name them all."

Sirius scowled. "But she won't-because of that bastard Malfoy. Damnit! He took her from me once-he won't do this to her. I won't let him." He declared, getting to his feet.

Remus smiled slightly, this was the Sirius he knew, he followed him to the fireplace and from there to Auror headquarters.

Sirius Black had been in love with his third cousin, Narcissa Black from he was twelve. They had spent most of their summers together throughout childhood. She was his best friend within his family from forever. When he turned twelve he had realised that he loved her. And though she was in Slytherin and he in Gryffindor they continued to be very close friends. Until Lucius Malfoy, three years older than them, had taken an interest in her, and Sirius could do nothing to stop him, and it had torn him up inside, which had led to his increased torment of the only Slytherin he could find-one Severus Snape.

When Lucius had left school he had asked Narcissa's parents for her hand in marriage when she turned sixteen the next year, and they had consented, overwhelmed by the fact that the great Lucius Malfoy wanted to marry their daughter. They had never liked the amount of time Narcissa spent with Sirius. So That next summer, when Narcissa turned sixteen she was made Malfoy's bride. She completed school, but Malfoy had ordered those in Slytherin house to keep her away from Sirius, so he barely saw her. And now that she was married there was nothing he could do.

Then, as soon as he left school Sirius became part of the war against Voldermort, he had known Malfoy was a deatheater, had known from the moment he laid eyes on him. Almost six years had passed since school; he had heard nothing of Narcissa in all that time. He had never forgotten her, or what she meant to him, he just never had the chance to hear about her; though it had been he who had orchestrated the raid on Malfoy manor. In addition, had he not have had the overwhelming feeling he should go to Godrics Hollow he would have been there, he would have been able to whisk Narcissa out of harms way.


When he arrived at Auror headquarters he quickly made his way to the chief, kicking a chair out of his way when he got into the office, ignoring the stares of everyone, all their eyes resting on the baby he carried. Remus followed, smiling apologetically to everyone.

"Where is Narcissa?" he demanded, banging the door open to Hunters office.

"You mean Mrs. Malfoy; she's in a holding cell. Why Black?"

"I want to see her Hunter. This is important. She's not part of this, I know she's not. She doesn't deserve to go to Azkaban for being married to a bastard like Lucius. And I can prove it to you, if you'll just let me talk to her, for five minutes." Sirius said.

Hunter studied him, reading more from that open face, those pleading eyes, his entire body language than the words themselves. Finally, he nodded. "Ok Black. I believe you. She doesn't seem to be part of this. Nevertheless, it is precisely because she is married to Malfoy that we've had to keep her in, and the fact that she's so closed mouthed about it is the reason we can't let her go. If you can get her to tell us even a few of the names of the Deatheater's in the manor when we raided I would let her go today."

"Is that a promise sir?" Sirius asked.

Hunter nodded, leading them out of the room. "That is a promise Black." He led Sirius and Remus quickly through the maze of desks. Through the bustle of Aurors and prisoners, down to the holding cells. He stopped at the door of number 12 and opened the door. "If you also get her to testify that Malfoy is a deatheater it would be a big help. He's got the best money can buy working to get him out."

"I'll see what I can do." Sirius said, handing Harry to Remus with a little hesitation, steeled himself and went inside.

Narcissa was sitting in the corner, knees drawn up, her beautiful blond hair unwashed and grimy. Darkened by clinging smoke.

"'Cissy?" Sirius said softly, using the old nickname. She looked up at him, and her eyes widened.

"Siri!" she breathed.

"Yes, it's me 'Cissy. Are you ok?" Sirius asked. "You're not hurt? Nobodies hurt you?"

She shook her head dumbly, lowered her knees and held out her arms to him, her distress very obvious. Never one to leave her in such distress Sirius gathered her up and held her close.

"'Cissy, I can get you out of here, today, but you have to do something for me." He looked at her. "You have to tell me the names of the Deatheater's at the manor, and you have to agree to testify against Lucius. Will you do that?"

She immediately shook her head, and Sirius' heart sank. "Why not? Do you love him?" she shook her head again. "Then why not 'Cissy? You can send him away, be free of him." He held back the 'come live with me'

"I can't… Siri, he knows about the baby-if I say anything against him he said he'll kill the baby!" she whispered hurriedly, her eyes were wild. "I can't let him hurt my baby Siri, I can't…"

Sirius tightened his hold on her. "Where's the baby now 'Cissy, we can find it and take it somewhere safe, where he can never find it."

"Inside me Siri, the baby's inside me. It's due by Christmas." she said softly, pulling his hand over to rest on her stomach. "He's the only one who knows. If I do anything against him--get him sent away he'll just get someone to kill it. Please Siri; I'd be better in Azkaban than to let him kill my baby."

Sirius studied her. "I could protect you 'Cissy, you and the baby--please. I love you too much to ever let you go to Azkaban. Please."

She looked at him, her pale blue eyes shimmering with tears. "Could you live with raising a child of a Malfoy's? Siri I know you, you'd hate it."

"It's not Malfoy's Narcissa-it's yours. And that makes it perfect. Please." If he had to beg he would, anything to get her out of here, and home, with him.

Finally she graced him with her smile, the one she reserved just for him, And nodded. He pulled her into a tight hug happily. "Thank you Narcissa, thank you so much!"

And that, as they say, is history.

Narcissa gave the names, she testified against the husband she had never loved and had him sent to Azkaban for life, was granted an annulment of her marriage to him and she and Sirius were married in a magnificent winter wedding, attended by Dumbledore, Remus, a few Aurors, the members of the Order of the Phoenix. Even Serverus Snape put in a brief appearance to wish Narcissa well.

Two days before Christmas the Black household was graced by the presence of a little boy, who Narcissa insisted had to be named after her grandfather, and so he was called Draconis Black. And he and Harry Potter-the boy who lived, grew up as brothers.

And that is where our story truly begins.