How Long Can Love Last…

By: Neko1RenChan

Disclaimer: I do NOT any Inuyasha characters!

Note: Yup! I'm back! I totally got inspired! Dont know how i did, and dont really care, main thing is, i did, and i'm back! sorry if i worried some of my reviewers! Hope u can forgive me and enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 17: The Fight of Betrayal, Anger...& Love...


Rin got up and glared at the owner of the poison whip who glared back at her. "Sesshomaru..." Rin groweled. She got up her feet and stood as she looked at the red eyed dog demon that stood a few feet away from her.

"Rin..." Sesshomaru groweled. " This isn't over yet..." And he took a running start, going at full speed, with his poison whip ready to strike as Rin stood her ground ready to block an attack...

End of Flashback...

Rin stood her ground as Sesshomaru charged full speed at her, his hands flexed out and dripping with poison, his teeth bared, and his eyes bloodshot red. And just when he was inches away from her he brought up his arm ready to strike when Rin smirked at him and jumped into the air taking out her sheethed sword striking Sesshomaru in midair, but he managed to dogded it in a split second.

Immediatly after both of thier attacks on eathother failed they both ran to oppisite sides and returned to thier attack possitions.

Rin smirked. "Well...This should be fun. I can't wait to slay you and dispose of your body myself!"

Sesshomaru narrowed his red eyes at her and glared. " Dont start shit with me unless you plan on ending it." Rin glared at him.

"Oh. I plan to."

And with that they both charged at eachother readying to attack again.

Naraku watched with amusement as his apprentice and his enemy faught it out with eachother. But he frowned as he saw Inuyasha and the others looking as though they were about to intefere.

"Inuyasha! C'mon! We have to stop them! They're going to kill eachother if we dont!" Kagome pleaded to Inuyasha. Inuyasha groweled. He wasnt that stupid, he could see that they were going all out on eachother with every bit of thier strength. "Inuyasha!" Kagome continued to plead.

"Kagome! You, Sango, and Ayame, stay here! Kouga, Miroku! Lets go! We have to stop these two from ripping eachother apart!" Miroku and Kouga nodded in agreement, but the girls looked as though they wanted to protest but decided, given the situation, it was best to listen.

Inuyasha, Kouga, and Miroku started running towards Sesshomaru and Rin, ready to stop their death match, but were stopped only seconds after starting to run, when they were trapped within some sortof purple forcefield! They looked around to see that so were the girls.

"What the hell is this!" Inuyasha yelled.

"Inuyasha! Over there!" Miroku shouted as he pointed to a laughing Naraku with his arm stretched out towards them and his hand purple just like the barrier itself.

"Naraku! You bastard!" Inuyasha yelled, groweling.

Naraku chuckled. "I apologize, Inuyasha. But I just cant allow you to stop this fight. You see, I need them BOTH dead. And what better way of killing them than letting them kill eachother themselves." Naraku smirked.Kagome and the girls gasped as Inuyasha, Kouga and Miroku glared. Naraku then turned away from them and watched the battle with a smug smirk on his face.

"Naraku!" Kagome yelled, her bow and arrow ready and aiming at him. Naraku glanced at her and rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the battle. Kagome glared at his back, "Sango, Aya, Inuyasha, Miroku, Kouga! Get out of the way!" They did as told and Kagome shot a sacred arrow at the barrier, but it left no scratch nor did it even show any damage to the barrier. Naraku chuckled...

"Dont waist your energy on something that will have no affect nor benefit yourself. My barrier is much more stronger than your silly miko powers." He said without even looking at them. Inuyasha groweled and unsheethed his Tetsusaiga.

"That doesn't mean we can't try!" And with that each of them, Kagome, Sango, Aya, Miroku, Kouga, and Inuyasha, started attacking the barrier with all thier strength but soon realized it was no use... all they could do was watch in horror as thier two friends battled it out, trying thier best to kill the other...

Rin and Sesshomaru blocked eachothers attacks once again. And just like they had been doing each time they attacked eachother they both went to oppisite sides of the school front field. Sesshomaru on one side, teeth bared, claws flexed, and breathing hard... and Rin on the other, sword ready to defend, and she too was breathing hard from this battle...

For a few moments they didnt do anything but glare at eachother, catching thier breaths. It had been a long battle but both of them still wouldnt give up, Rin had managed to give Sesshomaru a cut with her sword in his back and stabbed him with a small dagger in his arm, and Sesshoomaru gave Rin a severe punch and kick in her stomach and gave her a cut by his claws that took up almost all of her left cheek.

Sesshomaru's POV (Point Of View)

Sesshomaru glared at the girl he had actually considered a friend. And all those times she led him on...

' Damn! I should have known! How the hell could I be so stupid!' Sesshomaru growled at himself and bared his teeth at Rin as his demonic aura grew stronger...

He wanted to kill her so badly right now for her betrayal...for backstabbing them and pretending to be his and everyone elses 'friend', and for making him think that she ever loved much as he wanted to kill her at this very moment...something deep inside his very being made him hesitate at doing so...and made him just want to stop this fighting at felt wrong... and he knew deep down... it was wrong...

Rin's POV (Point Of View)

Rin tightened her grip on her sword. It had already been more than a few hours since thier battle started...she watched as Sesshomaru's demonic aura grew stronger... he was on the verge of killing her by now...and she was on the same verge to kill him...for so many reasons...

He had made her believe that he loved her... made her feel special... but most of all... breaking her heart... She was scared of him when he first told her he cared about her... because she knew that she couldnt be with him... it was wrong...they were enimies! But... at the same time... she hated him and was so angry with him... because he had stolen her heart... it no longer belonged to hers...but she hated him even more...for making her care about him in return...

End of Point Of Views

Rin stopped thinking silly thoughts about 'feelings'...thats what got her in this stupid problem in the first place...So she took a running start towards Sesshomaru at full speed with her sword ready to strike him...

Sesshomaru saw this and his bloodshot eyes widened...' not right...' He closed his eyes then opened them again, his eyes now back to thier soft amber color...
Rin was just meters away from him and getting closer every second...
Sesshomaru lowered his hands to his side as his claws lessened thier tense, his nails growing shorter and no longer dripping poison...
Rin got ready to strike as she stopped right in front of him, bringing the sword over her shoulder ready to swipe at him and slay him...
Sesshomaru looked straight at the girl in front of him and said softly, so only she could hear, " I'm sorry..."

Rin stopped her attack...her sword just centimeters away from his neck...Her eyes wide and staring straight into the eyes of the man she hated... and yet he was also the man...that she, as much as she didnt want to admit it...loved...

Naraku watched with uneasiness as the two just stopped thier battle... he groweled... Rin had stopped her fighting. She could have easily killed Sesshomaru with just one swift move had she not stopped...

Inuyasha and the others also, watched, as the two just stopped. Rin was about to kill him... but she stopped her attack just in time! Why she did, though, they knew not. And now everyone just watched as silence fell over the entire scene...

Rin just stared at him...Sesshomaru... she didnt know what to say... he had said he hated her... and right in the middle of battle, he lowers his guards and says that hes sorry for saying it all... She snapped out of her thoughts and quickly tightened her grip on her sword and held it right at his neck...

"What are you talking about, Sesshomaru... Fight!" She demanded, trying to sound as harsh as possible and trying to put as much hatred as she could into her voice...but her voice came out uneasy... and she could feel tears forming in her eyes...

Sesshomaru shook his head, " I can't do it... I won't fight, you, Rin..." He then looked at her... then at the sword that was only centimeters away from being able to slay him...then he looked back at the girl that decided his fate... should he live...or should he was up to her, now.

Rin's eyes widened but then she shut them tight, and then looked at him with tear full eyes, "C'mon!" She took the sword away form the side of his neck and brought it to the front of his chest, and motioned him to fight back. " C'mon! FIGHT!" Rin yelled at in a desperate vioce...But Sesshomaru just looked at her, shaking his head...his eyes looking right into hers... tears started to fall from her eyes... "Sesshomaru... we have to..." She shook her head as tears streamed down her face...

"I dont want to... and I'm sure you dont want to either..." Sesshomaru whispered to her...

" Dont say that! Dont you see! We're enimies! We have to fight!" Rin yelled at him, with tears in her eyes.. She looked at him and his eyes too, showed sadness...

"I wont fight you, Rin...but if you truely wish to slay me...then go ahead...nothings stopping you..." Sesshomaru said looking down at her..." If you hate me as much as you say you do... then it should'nt be a problem for you to kill me." And with that he closed his eyes, waiting for her to make her decision.

Rin stared at him in disbelief... he was allowing her to kill him...

Rin lowered her arm to her side...then dropped her sword to the dirt ground... she fell to her knees with her hands out infront of her, crying (Basically, shes on her nads and knees infront of him, crying) . "Damn you...Sesshomaru...for making me care about you..." She whispered...

Sesshomaru opened his eyes, and looked down at the crying Rin infront of him..."Rin...I lo-" He started but was cut off when a giant root plunged itself right inbetween the two of them.

Sesshomaru and Rin jumped out of the way just in time, and looked to see Naraku's arm transformed into an enormous root, but neither of them knew that this was going to be the end...the final battle...

Oh, and for those of you who r slow, Sesshomaru was going to tell Rin that he loved her. But Naraku cut him off with his attack. Ok, i just wanted to make that clear!

Ok...i'll end it here... I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry to my reviewers! I never meant for it to take me this long to update! Hopefully not all of u will hate me for it, Anyways, the next Chapter is called, "How Long Can Love Last..."

Summary: Naraku is displeased by Rin's behavior and instead of doing things as he had planed to, he decides to just kill them himself. Inuyasha and the other are no longer trapped by Naraku's barrier (you'll find out how in the next chapter!) and tell Rin the truth about Naraku... and Rin fights back by Sesshomaru's side against Naraku with the greatest power on thier side...friendship. But since Rin has betrayed Naraku and has gone against him, he goesto kill her first...but what happens when Sesshomaru saves Rin's life...using his own...

NOTE: Might be last chapter! (Dont worry! I'll make it a happy ending!...unless...u guys want a sad one...tell me in reviews!)

Neko1Ren-Chan - I'll update as soon as I can! I promise!