
Summary: Something bad happens to Ponyboy. Two-Bit tries to make it better. contains rape and slash.

A/N: I own no characters.

Chapter 1

Pony's POV

I walked in the door, trying to be quiet but to no avail. As soon as the I walked in Soda and Darry were all over me.

"Pony! What happened? You're home late."

"Were you attacked by Socs?" Soda asked me. Sometimes he can be too perceptive.

I sighed and replied, " Yeah. They jumped me on my way home from school. But it's just some bruises ro somethin'. I'm fine, really." I tried to smile, but Soda didn't look appeased.

"Are you sure? You don't look fine."

"I'm sure Soda. I just need to clean up some. Then I might take a nap or somethin'." And I walked off to the bathroom. I can hear them talking as I walked off. Oh well, best to not let them know what really happened. Sure, I did get beat up but it was worse. Much worse. I stripped off my clothing and walked in the shower. I needed to clean off; I felt so dirty. And I thought this stuff only happened to girls. Guess no one can be right all the time...

I stepped out of the shower and put on some boxers and a shirt. Opening the door so it wouldn't draw attention to my brothers, I went to the room Soda and I shared. I flopped down on the bed and closed my eyes. Thank God there was no school tomorrow.


Two-Bits POV

I opened the door and walked in the house. It didn't seem as if anyone was up. So I sat down on the floor and turned on the tv. Almost 10 minutes later, Ponyboy walked out.

"Hey Pony boy!" I said. That's when I spotted the bruise on his cheek. I could feel the anger rising inside me.

"Hi Two-Bit."

"Socs get you kid?"

"How'd you know?"

I point a finger towards his cheek. " The bruise on yer cheek is kinda obvious, kid"

"Oh. Stop callin' me kid!"

I laughed and sat back down at my spot on the couch. Pony sat beside me, acting stiff. As if he had something t' hide. I sighed. "What's eatin' ya Pony?"

He looked at me with fear in his eyes. "...Can't we talk...outside?" "Sure." We walked outside together. I looked him over. Other than the bruise there didn't seem to be anything wrong with him. My eyes landed on his slightly curved hips, then his face. He wasn't too bad to look at. He looked at me, unsure.

"C'mon. Spill it. Somethin' bugging ya, I know that much. But what?"

"Yesterday I was attacked by Socs..." "I can see that. But what else?"

"They didn't just beat me up. They...Oh God Two-Bit! They raped me!" He turned away; I guess cuz he didn't want to see my reaction. I was in shock. Socs had not only beaten him up but they raped him! Oh they're gonna pay; oh boy are they gonna pay...!

Finally over the shock, I asked him, "Did you tell Darry and Soda yet?" He shook his head. "Why th' hell not!"

"I didn't want them to think...I was dirty..." So that's why he was scared to tell me.

"Oh Pony. I don't they wouldn't think yer dirty. Sure they'd be pissed but not at you. At them damn Soc bastards. Don't worry, I'll make 'em pay." He looked a little shocked at my statements. But he did smile.

"Thanks Two-Bit. You're a pal."