Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam SEED or any other stuff about that. I just wrote this story... wow, this is the second time in my life that I have written a disclaimer. And let's please keep it at that.
Ok... now back to the story. Anyone solved the mystery of what can unlock the locket or what is inside? Well there's a big clue in this chapter... hope you'll know!
"What the heck is Gleetown? What a rip-off… what a stupid name for a stupid town…" I rambled as I went back to Kira's room. "Kira! WAKE UP!" I yelled. But still, he lay there like a baby.
"KIRA?" I looked at him.
"Oh well… maybe he'll wake up when I tell him that I'm gonna use his gundam!" I yelled, making Kira hear what I just said. But still, he lay there.
"Oh well… I'll just have a joyride then…" I smirked as I got to the launching gundam thingy. "What makes you think you can ride Kira's gundam there, Princess Cagalli?" I looked around, seeing Athrun smiling.
"But Athrun…" I seemed to look at him strangely.
"No fair, Athrun. You ride your gundam the whole war and you don't even get to have fun… so please, let me have fun!" I asked, pouting.
"Ok, ok! Nobody could resist that look. But as your bodyguard, I'll ride my aegis gundam with your brother's gundam, ok?" he said, riding his gundam.
"Ok…" I nodded. Is he overprotective or what? So I just hopped in my brother's gundam and blasted off to the sky.
"Cagalli, you're going to fast!" Athrun said, chasing after me.
"What? No fair! You do this too, so back off!" I said.
"But Cagalli…" It was too late. A ZAFT soldier suddenly burst in and shot Athrun's aegis.
"ATHRUN!" I yelled as I blasted missiles, lasers… all the stuff that I could press on the gundam's control thingy. "TAKE THAT YOU LAMEBRAINS!" I yelled. I really didn't know what I was firing, but it worked, for they suddenly exploded.
"Athrun… are you ok?" I asked as his gundam fell into the waters. "I yanked him out of the water and took the gundams back to the blast-off place.
"I'm ok, Cagalli… just a bruise…" he said, but he could barely even walk.
"Athrun!" I yelled. I tore off a piece of my sleeves and wrapped it around his waist.
"You're hurt… because of protecting me… I can't believe you're idiotic enough to follow me! Now here you are, hurt… and your Aegis gundam needs repairing… I'm so sorry…" I hugged him in my arms as my tears flooded over my face.
Athrun was just there, lying as if he didn't care. "C-cagalli… it was really my fault, I let you get out there in the first place…" he said, but I didn't reply. I just continued hugging him.
"C-cagalli? Athrun? What are you guys doing in here?" Miri asked surprisingly as she entered. "Oh, nothing…" I said as I pushed away from Athrun.
I blushed as if I liked him. But what if I really did? I looked at Athrun, he's lying helplessly on the floor bleeding.
"Did you two fight?" Miri asked, pointing to his wound. "No… he just… uhh… stumbled… because I pushed him… it was my fault." I said.
"Oh." Was the only thing she could say and then she left the room. Hey Athrun, where did you get this necklace?" I asked as I saw an emerald crystal hanging on his neck.
"Oh this little thing… it's something that you pass on from generation to generation… it was passed on to me by my father." He said.
"It looks beautiful…" I said, gasping at its beauty. It didn't look like a normal emerald… it looked as if it was molded into a certain shape…
"Cagalli?" Athrun suddenly interrupted my thoughts. He always does. "What is it now?" I asked.
"It wasn't your fault you know…" Athrun said, trying to get my guilt away.
"You don't have to comfort me. You know it was my fault, now shut up because I have to bring you up in your room before some people realize we're gone… like your girlfriend, Lacus." I yelled.
He looked shocked when I reminded him that his girlfriend is on board with us. "Lacus… darn!" he yelled, suddenly running past me, clutching his wounded arm. "Now what was wrong with him?" I asked myself, walking towards the exit.
I walked around. Somehow, saying that name also angered me. Lacus. What does she have that I don't have?
I suddenly shook my head. "Why am I so jealous of her?" I yelled, attracting people to look at me. I just smiled and ran off to some shop.
Ok... well did you spot the clue? LOL it might have something to do with... ! Ok, I'll try to update as soon as possible... thanks for the reviews for the past chapters guys!