Later that night Fred, George, and Harry got their brooms and went outside to toss the Quaffle around before dinner. It was just the three of them, as Ron had gone off earlier on a walk with Hermione, which was a relief to the twin's stomachs. Hermione and Ron hadn't stopped making goo-goo eyes at each other since Ron had asked her out, and watching them together was really getting quite nauseating. They had invited Ginny out to play with them, but Mrs. Weasley had made Ginny stay in to help prepare dinner for everyone.

"I still can't believe you got the two of them together," Harry said to the twins as he hovered near the ground on his broom. "I mean, what you did actually worked!" he exclaimed, still in disbelief.

"Was there ever any doubt?" Fred asked, tossing the quaffle to George.

"It was all more or less doubtful through the whole ordeal whether you would do anything helpful," admitted Harry. "Ginny and I pretty much figured you'd screw things up between them forever. But what you did worked, so you guys must have had some desire to actually help Ron."

"We'll take that as a compliment and a congratulations," said George, floating past Harry on his broom at he lobbed the boy who lived the quaffle.

"It was," Harry told them, smiling as he spoke. Both of the twins grinned back appreciatively.

"So Harry," began Fred, catching the Quaffle from George and floating up next to the younger boy. "Since you think so highly of our matchmaking skills, how about letting us help you out in the romance department?"

Fred gestured behind Harry, who turned to see Ginny. She was walking across the lawn towards them, probably to inform them that dinner was ready. Harry smiled at the sight of her, then remember himself and turned around on his broom to face the twins.

"Thanks," he said. "But I think I can handle my romantic life on my own."

Fred shrugged and tossed the quaffle to George. "Suit yourself."

Harry dismounted his broom and began walking away from the twins to meet Ginny in the middle of the yard. Fred and George watched the two as they greeted each other, then turned to head back towards the Weasley's house, walking close. The twins saw Harry's hand brushed against Ginny's as they went, causing boy and girl alike to blush and look away, muttering inaudible apologizes to one another. As they watched the scene before them, slow, mischievous smiles began creeping across the twin's faces.

"Fred," asked George, still looking at Harry and Ginny as they got over their embarrassment and walked back to the house together. "You thinking, what I'm thinking?"

Fred his head turned and grinned at his brother. "Oh yeah."



I finally finished it! It makes me sad though; Fred and George are such fun characters to write. But I've just lost the fuel for writing Harry Potter fics. Perhaps they twins will inspire me again though.

I hope you all enjoyed it-thank you for sticking with me-even when updates were slow!