This story's just an attempt of me writting Fred and George. Basically, in the story, Fredand George try to help their dear brother Ron confess his love to Hermione.

I don't own Harry Potter, or any of it's characters. Though I do think Fred and George would make awsome amigos to have.

Constructive criticism is welcome, as long as it isn't mean or about my spelling (I know my spelling sucks). Also any corrections about points in the story that I have messed up.



Fred and George Weasley sat upstairs in their room, which was currently filled with cardboard boxes containing merchandise for Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes. Each was sitting on one of the many boxes, looking out of the window in their bedroom with eager anticipation at the space below them, in front of the front door of their house. They had been waiting for this moment for months, ever since the end of their last year at Hogwarts.

"You think Dad is running late at the ministry again?" Fred ask his twin impatiently. "I mean, they should have been here by now!"

"Calm down!" George said to him. "They'll be here any minute, you know Dad! Probably wanted to make sure that everything was in order before he left the Ministry!"

"True, true," Fred conceded. "Still, it isn't fair that we have to wait this long! I mean, it's been a whole two months already! The anticipation is killing me!"

"As it is I," George said sympathetically. "But in the long run, it's going to be worth it! The look on his face when he finds out..." George grinned. "It will be priceless! Brilliant! Timeless!"

"Stop it!" exclaimed Fred, covering his ears and cringing in angst. "You're just making the wait harder!"

"Sorry," George apologized. "I forgot myself."

"You're forgiven." Fred replied. "I just wish they would get here! I don't know how much more waiting I can take!"

"Ron's the same way I bet," said George. "He's been looking forward to her coming too, although not for the same reasons were are. He didn't hear her tell Ginny. He doesn't know what we know."

"Serves him right for not confiding in us about his little secert!" exclaimed Fred. "I mean, we're his brothers! What reason would he have not to trust us?"

"Well, there was that one time we turned him purple..."

"And he looked lovely! Is it our fault he couldn't appreciate his new plumlike appearance?"

"Of course not!" George replied. "I just ment that if he couldn't appreciate our helpful efforts then, why would he appreciate them now?"

"True, true..." Fred nodded. "But this is our area of expertise! I mean, the wisdom we could have passed onto him! The knowledge we could have handed down! Like a flaming torch of experience, passed down from Weasley brother to Weasley brother!"

"Your getting philosopical again."

"Sorry," said Fred. "Result of the shock. I'm still not over the fact of our brother's distrust in us."

"I know," said George, patting him on the back. "It's still a shocking blow to me as well. But still." He grinned maliciously at his twin. "He'll get his conupence. Right after he finds out she went to see him."

Both brothers smiled happily at this thought.

Suddenly, they heard a crack from below them and their two heads snapped forward as they jumped up and leaned out the window, peering at the ground below. Standing in front of the door to their home, was their father, who had just Apparated home from work. But he was not alone. With him stood a teenage girl with bushy brown hair, clutching a suitcase in one hand and an orange cat in the other.

Fred and George grinned at each other.


Well how was that? Part two will be posted as soon as I finish writting it! Until then, feel free to comment!