A/N: Here's a new story, I hope you like it. It's been kicking around in my head a lot lately, so I figured I would get it out. It is not an AU fic, though it may seem like it at first. All will become clear soon, though, or at least less confusing.
If anyone has an idea for a title, it would be much appreciated, I'm horrible with them.
Currently Untitled
Chapter 1
Garfield Logan took a drink from his bottle of soda as he poured over his biology text. He looked up when he heard someone settle into the seat across from him at the small table. "Hey, Raven. How's things?"
The goth pulled her own biology text out of her bag as she answered. "Fine. You?"
"Great. How's your studying coming?"
"I still haven't quite gotten cell mitosis."
"That's simple." Gar said with a grin.
Twenty minutes later, Raven leaned back in her seat, staring at the diagrams that he had drawn on a sheet of notebook paper to go along with his description. "You got that?" he asked.
Raven stared at the drawing then stared at him, "Not a word of it. I don't see the point in taking this stupid class, anyway, I'm a writer."
"And I have to take an English class, even though I'm in a vet program." He started rummaging through his book bag, "Speaking of which, I need help with a poem. I still can't get the iambic pentameter down."
"Iambic pentameter? That's simple." She was interrupted when her watch beeped. "But I've got to go, in fact I'm going to be late." She shoved her books and papers into her bag and finished off her tea, "See you in class tomorrow."
"Yeah, but what's going on?"
"Nothing big, but I can't be late."
Gar returned his attentions to his textbook, but was interrupted again when someone else settled into the seat across from him, "So, man, when are you gonna tell her about the crush you've had since day one?"
Gar looked up at one of his two room mates, Richard Grayson. "Hey, Dick. When are you gonna tell Kori about how you feel?"
Dick shifted uncomfortably in his seat, "Alright, I won't bug you about it."
"Besides, she's way out of my league."
"What are you talking about?"
"I just don't think I stand a chance, that's all. She's just too... I don't know." His voice held an almost defeated not at the end.
"You might as well ask her, what's the worst that could happen?"
"She could tear out my heart and toss it in a blender."
"Right. Well, you'll never know if you don't try."
Gar stood. "I'll think about it. I've got to go work on my poem, though. It's due tomorrow and..."
"I don't want to here about it, you spend most of your time playing video games."
Raven furiously scribbled her notes out, copying everything on the board and much of what the professor was saying. She looked over at the seat next to her and saw Gar sleeping. She shook her head and turned back to the biology professor. Finally, the class was dismissed. She shook Gar's shoulder before she shoved her notes into her bag. "I envy you, Gar."
"Yeah? What for?"
"You sleep through this class every day and then ace every test."
"This stuff is a cake walk."
"Yeah, I'm sure. You just have to read the assignment and then you've got it."
"Actually I don't have the book."
Raven gaped at him, "How do you do it?"
"My parents are scientists. I learned all this stuff a long time ago. Heck, I could probably teach this class."
Beastboy stood and they began to make their way out of the building. "Why did you even take it?"
"Some weird thing with a grant I got, not testing out of any class. I don't mind so much, let's me sleep in."
"Right." They arrived at the common's building where they had held their study sessions almost since the beginning of the semester. "Oh, I meant to mention it earlier, I can't come today."
"Why not?"
"My dad wants me to get home after classes. Sorry."
"Yeah, that's okay."
Gar watched as she walked down the path until she was down the street and out of sight. With a dejected sigh, Gar turned to Park hall and his room. Silently he walked up the stairs to the second floor and walked down the hall to where the "L" shaped building turned sharply to the right. He stood for a moment, in front of the door that would let him into the triple room, being assaulted by waves of loud music. Finally he opened the door, raising the sound levels drastically and walked in.
Gar saw Dick laying back on his bottom bunk, his foot idly moving to the blasting heavy metal. Vic Stone, a huge African American with a penchant for electronics, was hunched over his computer and seemed to be growing visibly angrier as he tried to work. Finally he turned, "Dick, turn that junk down! I'm trying..." He fell silent as Beastboy grabbed the volume knob and turned it down drastically.
"Hey, man, I was listening to that." Robin said, sitting up, "Shouldn't you be studying with Raven?"
"Yeah, she couldn't come." He dropped his book bag next to his desk and dropped into the seat. He hit the button that would turn his computer on and waited as it booted up. As soon as it was on, he turned on an instant messenger, hoping that Raven would sign on.
"Dude," Vic said as he turned, "even if she left when your class got over, she ain't gonna be home yet."
"Yeah, I know, just wanted to check."
"Aw, ain't it cute, Dick?"
"Sure is, young love." Dick answered with a smile.
"Lay off me, guys. She's just a friend."
"Yeah, whatever."
"Are all systems functioning properly?"
"Yes, milord. The containment units are operating perfectly."
"Good, see that they stay that way."
"Sir, are you sure it is wise to collect any others from this world, the last one..."
"Silence! The last was a fluke, he was not even a native of that world."
"One of your recent collections is Tamaranian."
"I realize that. Does it pose a problem with the equipment?"
"No milord."
"Are there any foreseeable problems?"
"Well, I hardly see the need in mentioning one thing."
"Something has interfered with the program."
"In what way?"
"We are currently unsure."
"What effects will it have?"
"Again, we do not know. The chances of it causing a total system failure, though, are slight."
"Discover what you may about it. For now, set course for Antares."
"As you wish, milord."
A/N: Who is this mysterious villain who has captured the Titans? If you can figure it out, you get... well... universal acclaim.
Hint: He's not a Teen Titans villain.