Disclaimer: These Character are not in any way mine.
Authors Note: Thank you for the people that reviewed. I want this story to focus on Mimi and Taichi only. So I don't think I'll put any other couples in here. I will most likely make other stories with other couples. But, just not in this one.
At the train station. . .
"Taichi?" Mimi exclaims.
I stand on my feet and embrace her with out any thought. She is caught off guard.
I think to myself. This isn't an illusion she is real, her smell is real and sweet.
I pull away from her to meet with her eyes. She seems bewildered and surprised.
"Mimi, sorry for the sudden hug. I've missed you. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in New York? Why didn't you tell me you were coming." I desperately ask.
She reaches down to retrieve her suitcase she dropped during my grasp. I felt guilt for not immediately recovering it for her.
"I came to visit, Sorry for not calling. I wasn't sure if you wanted to know." she explains.
As usual she still has the habit of staring at the floor while speaking to me.
"What are you taking about?" I ask.
She remains silent, and drifts off leaving me feeling awkward. I notice Mimi is clenching her hands while griping her suitcase. She must be cold.
"Listen, its really late. We shouldn't be here at this hour. Don't you have to be home?" She shyly asks.
She is different. Something about her has changed and yet I can't figure it out.
"Do you want me to leave or something?" I bluntly ask.
She reaches out to grab my arm almost immediately after I finished my sentence, reassuring me that she wants me to stay.
"No Taichi, its not that. I don't want your parents to worry." Mimi answers.
She releases my arm and blushes. I find that very cute.
"I pretty sure they won't mind. I'm eighteen years old already." I proudly gloat.
She giggles and I smile. Before I am able to say another word she looks at her watch and interrupts me.
"I have to get going already. The hotel I am staying at is pretty far from this train station. I have to take the train to get there."
"What time does your train arrive?"
"In five minutes."
I am disappointed. I haven't seen her in six months. I want to tell her tonight how I feel. This will surely be the last chance I'll ever get in my life.
"You're not going by yourself, are you? It's late and it's dangerous by yourself." I inform.
"Well of course, what did you want me to do?" Mimi tells me raising her eyebrow.
"At least, let me walk you. You know, just to make sure nothing happens to you."
How could I ask that? She'll probably laugh at me. I shut my eyes. Please don't say no, please don't say no.
Once again I here her giggle. I open my eyes and see her smiling. I laugh sheepishly.
Before she is able to give me an answer we both look up at the sky and the crescent moon, as snow starts to descend from the sky.
Mimi quickly grabs my hand and runs to the train which, just arrived.
"Come on, Taichi! We don't wanna miss the train." She shouts.
She leads me, taking me in one hand and her suitcase in the other.
At the hotel. . .
The train ride went so quickly I wasn't aware when It was over. On the way over here Mimi was explaining all the sites and sounds of New York.
I couldn't believe that already we were climbing the stairs to one of the most expensive hotel in japan.
"Do you know the room your staying in?" I ask.
She gives me a condescending look and stops in the middle of the hotel hallway, searching her pockets.
"Of course, my dad made me the reservation a long time ago. I even have the card key. Its somewhere in here." She says with pride.
"Sorry. I was just making sure." I apologize.
After what seemed like ten minutes she finally found her card key.
"What room does it say?" I ask.
"Lets see, 183. It should be on this floor, somewhere around . . .here! There it is."
Mimi walked over to her room and open the door using the card key. I was ready to confess my feelings and say good bye when she interrupted my thoughts.
Taichi would you like to come in for some hot tea? I know you must be cold. She asks.
Inside I am excited but I don't want to look stupid so, I try to act natural and answer. . . "yes."
I follow her inside the spacious hotel and I'm amazed at the luxury.
There's a living room, kitchen, a bedroom and a lot more. Mimi's family is pretty wealthy so, she is used to the best and being treated like a princess.
I take off my coat and hang it on the coat hanger near the doorway. I then take off my shoes, out of good manners. My hair and skin are still damp from the snow.
When I turn to her it seems she already took off her coat and carelessly threw on a nearby couch. She also discarded her shoes.
"Would you mind waiting for me in the kitchen? I want change out of my wet clothes?" Mimi asks.
"No, go right on ahead."
She disappears into the bedroom along with her suit case.
I am still shocked and awed by this hotel. I mean it was bigger than my apartment. I take my seat at the small kitchen table. Minutes later, Mimi reappears dressed in a loose long sleeved shirt and a plaid red skirt. She puts the kettle of tea to boil and pulls up a chair at the small table across from me. Resting her head on her hands.
"Aren't you cold, Mimi?" I ask in sympathy.
"No the heaters on. Besides I always dress like this around the house."
"Why? There's no one around to impress."
She shoots me an annoyed look.
"That's not the point. The point is always be fashionable no matter what!" She lectures.
That's typical Mimi.
She smiles and I nervously laugh. I clench my fists and my palms begin to sweat.
I always lose my sense of time. So I am suddenly surprised at the kettle whistling. Signaling that it is ready.
She hurry to turn off the stove and grabs the tea kettle without a mitten.
She makes a hurt squeaking noise and pulls away from the kettle.
"Mimi are you hurt?" I quickly stand from the table walking over to her aid.
I take her hand and examine it. She is slightly burned.
"You shouldn't touch the kettle while it's still hot."
I don't know why but, she quickly takes her hand back. As if I offended her.
Is she mad at me? She's not her usual self. I am frustrated and return to my seat to rest my head on her table.
My head ache is returning
"Taichi? This is awkward"
"Mimi, there something about you. You're not the same." I admit.
I'm confused. When I took her to the summer carnival, she was happy and bright. Now, its as if she doesn't want me near her. But earlier, she grabbed my arm protesting that she didn't want me to leave. Why isn't she direct with the way she feels?
She returns to the tea kettle and pours my tea once it has cooled down. I raise my head from the table and she hands me my tea in a mug.
Finding her way to her chair she sits with a frown on her face.
"Taichi." she softly says.
To occupy myself I drink from my mug in silence. I can't find the words to say. This is so complicated.
" I returned to Japan to visit some relatives. I wanted to visit you, I really did. But, I was so sure that you forgot me. So I chose to keep my visit a secret. Sora and Miyako have probably found a new friend so they won't care about seeing me." Mimi explains.
I don't know what to do or say. I don't know if any of the others cared if she visited her. But, I did. I was torn without her. How do I show her the way I feel about her? I lapse into thought.
Here she is upset because she thinks I don't care. How wrong she was, It is now that I have to take action. I'll never get this chance again. I won't let my fear keep me from confessing my feelings.
frantically I stand up.
Being surprised at my action she also stands.
"Taichi-san? What's wrong?"
This is it, my chance. I don't know what she will do or say but, I am no one to pass this up.
I walk over to her, putting my hands on her shoulders. I whisper "Mimi-chan. I really care about you." Shut my eyes and . . .
Kiss her.