Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Fullmetal Alchemist characters. I also don't own a real mansion, but I do own one in my imagination, and that's where this story is coming from so that doesn't really count.

Note: This is during modern time, but with some strange, more futuristic things. This is my first fanfic, so please don't shout at me. I'm still new to this.

The Guests

"Hey Lali! You done getting the snacks ready?" a girl around 5' 3" with short brown hair shouted toward the kitchen.

No one answered. The girl gets an anime vein, and then goes into the kitchen to see what was going on.

She finds her friend, about 5' 5" with brown hair a bit past her shoulders, named Lali, sleeping with her head on the table, the snacks ready in front of her. She gets an anime drop then grabs an ice pack and presses it to the back of her friend's neck.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Lali screamed, and then she looks over to her friend. "Oh hi, Michi."

"What do you mean 'Oh hi, Michi.'! YOU WERE SLEEPING!" the girl now known as Michi shouted at her.

"Oh, I was? Sorry, hehehe," Lali said with a sheepish grin. Michi does an anime fall. "Well, the snacks are ready, let's take them out to the party room."

They carried the bowls of snacks to the party room. Their other friend, around 5' 4" with dark brown hair a bit longer than Lali's, named Jamie, was in a bean bag chair with a laptop on her lap. She looked up and said, "Finally, the snacks are here."

"Hehe, yeah. I kind of fell asleep," Lali replied. Jamie did an anime fall like Michi.

"How are you going to stay awake throughout the sleepover if you fall asleep while getting some snacks ready?"

"I was up late last night playing my GBA. I'm fine now. I got enough sleep just now."

"I would think so, taking an hour to get snacks ready, but we were too busy with getting the party activities ready to notice the time."

"Oh well, it's 5:30 pm now. Everything is ready. Do you think they're all outside by now?" Michi asked.

"I think 30 minutes is enough time for all of them to get here, if not, I kill them!" Jamie said. Lali and Michi sweat-dropped.

45 Minutes Ago On the Front Lawn

Winry Rockbell steps onto the front lawn in front of the mansion in front of her. "Why did I even come this early when I know there are going to be late people?" she asked herself. She reads over the party invite she got a week ago.


What: Double Sleepover at my place

Where: 1 Lali Imagination Street

When: A week from today at 5 pm

Note: Will not let anyone in until everyone is here. Bring swimming and sleeping gear. And everything else people bring to sleepovers.

"Ed and Al say they got the same invite from the girls. But with Ed, he'll find some reason to be late, and Al's not leaving without his brother. Ughh." Winry finds a place to sit on the grass and waits.

Between 5 and 5:30 pm on the Front Lawn

"Brother, we were going to be late for the party and inconvenience anyone who has to wait outside because everyone has to be here," Alphonse Elric (he's in his real body because I'm so nice) told his older brother, Edward Elric.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. But look, Al, we're the first ones here!" Ed exclaimed throwing his arms into the air dropping his things.

CRASH! A wrench struck Ed, leaving him twitching on the ground. Then a familiar voice shouts, "Am I invisible to you? I've been waiting here for 15 minutes and not one person comes early! Then you go saying you're the first ones here, not even seeing me?"

"Oh. Sorry Winry. Didn't see you there," Ed says getting up. Al gets an anime sweat drop, and Winry does an anime fall, gets up, gets an anime vein, and throws her wrench at Ed.

"Can't you two stop that?" Al half shouted. "Let's just wait until the others show up."

"Well, knowing the girls, they probably invited some bunch of weirdos," Ed said crossing his arms. (A/N: Letting me clarify, as opposed to the first version of this chapter, since I have been getting "disrespectful" reviews about why the heck the fma crew would go to an anonymous sleepover, I have decided to change that part of the story. I am sick and tired of these reviews, so now, the fma crew woke up one morning, and suddenly all remembering old female acquaintances that were being any logical thought. If you think the explanation was too short, think how much more logical this sounds.)

"Well, the invite says it starts at 5 pm, so the others should be getting here," Winry said looking at the invite.

A minute later, there was rustling behind a big bush, and then Riza Hawkeye comes out with her gun at the ready. She looks around, spotting Ed, Al, and Winry, and looks around some more. After her little inspection, she calls toward behind the bush, "Okay! Everything is clear, sir!" Roy Mustang, Jean Havoc, Heymans Breda, Kain Feury, Vato Falman, Alex Louis Armstrong, and Maes Hughes came out of the bush looking around cautiously. Ed, Al, and Winry were watching silently until….

"MUSTANG? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Ed cried out in surprise and rage.

"What? Can't a military officer take a break?" Roy answered with his annoying smirk.

"That's not what I mean! Who would invite someone like YOU?" Ed shouted pointed at Roy.

"Why hello there, Edward," Roy waved.


"No, just simply greeting you," Roy replied. Ed huffed.

"So, you knew these girls too, Colonel?" Al asked.

"Yeah, I woke up one morning just suddenly remembering them, and then in the mail I had an invite to a party from them. Strange, I know…" Roy explained.

"That's kind of the same with us," Al said.

"Hmm…" Mustang thought for a moment before turning to Edward. "I see you haven't grown much, as usual, Fullmetal."

"Why you!" Ed yelled. He turned his automail arm into a dagger (me: yup, still has the old automail Winry: IT IS NOT OLD! Me: whatever…) and started going after Mustang.

"You would attack you're commanding officer?" Mustang asked.

"We're in a different world now. So you're not my commanding officer!" Ed shouts. Roy replies by snapping his fingers. A fight between Ed and Roy starts. No one tries to stop it because it's a bit too uhh…. destructive for anyone to just run into and it was good entertainment.

While no one was paying attention, Scar had come but he wasn't killing anyone… yet.

5:31 pm still out on the Front Lawn

Lali pokes her head out of the door, but no one notices because the fight is still going on. She looks around to see that everyone is there. She says kind of loudly, "Ummm, hi?" Everyone stops what they were doing and looks toward the door. "You can all come in now." She sticks her head back in, then opens the door even more. Everyone steps in hesitantly because they weren't sure what was going to happen.

They see two other girls with the girl they just saw, and they start asking questions. Ed is the one who speaks first.

"Ok, why did you invite us here for a party just suddenly one day when we haven't seen each other in… just about forever?" Ed demands.

"Well, we were just looking through our old albums, and we saw you people in the pictures, and we decided we got reacquainted," the taller one of the other two girls replies.

Before Ed can reply, Roy asks, "But we don't really remember you girls. Not even names… all we know is that many of the things you do defy logic."

"Oh great, that's how they remember us," Lali whispered to her friends.

"But technically they don't remember? We snuck in their rooms while they were sleeping and used the memory adding thing that we 'borrowed' from some scientific research center so they wouldn't be suspicious of coming here," Michi whispered to her friend.

"I was just being sarcastic… I know how we got them here," Lali said.

"What are you girls whispering about?" Mustang asked.

"None of your business, Colonel Mustard," Jamie replied.

"What did you call me?" Roy says with a glare and an anime vein getting ready to snap his fingers. Lali presses a button on a remote control right before he snaps his fingers. There was a spark, but no big boom. "Huh? What happened?" Roy asked dumbfounded. Everyone looked at the three girls also confused.

"This button stops all alchemy in the house, which reminds me, I better put up the force field," Lali answered while pressing another button.

"Can we get your names, please? We don't remember you all too clearly," Havoc asked a bit annoyed.

"My name is Lali, and these are my two best buds, Michi and Jamie, and we kind of share this mansion," Lali answered pointing at her friends.

"Lali and Michi? Those are strange names," Ed says.

"Brother, that's rude!" Al says quietly nudging his brother.

"They're nicknames, you have a problem with that?" Michi said to Ed with a glare.

"They're nicknames? Then what are your real names? And why doesn't Jamie have a nickname?"

"Jamie just doesn't have a nickname, and for our real names, you don't need to know."

"So what's up with the force field?" Al asked trying to stop the arguing.

"It keeps you all from leaving, and keeps the fan girls out," Lali explained.

"I have…. fans?" Roy asked with a smirk. Riza puts up her gun.

Michi looks at the gun and says, "Which reminds me to confiscate any dangerous belongings." She takes the remote control from Lali.

"WHAT?" everyone shouts.

"Don't worry. You'll get them back after the party."

"That's not what we mean! We were never told about this 'security check'!" Ed shouts.

"Too bad," Michi said while pressing a button on the remote, freezing everyone in the room except her, Jamie, and Lali. Michi starts "confiscating" the dangerous belongings. First, Roy's gloves, and any extra gloves he might carry around with him. Next, Winry's wrench, and checked to see if she happened to have another wrench with her, which she didn't. Then, the other military officers were checked for guns, especially Riza, and they all did have guns. Armstrong was rid of his gauntlets that allow him to do that powerful alchemy. Hughes was ridden of his knives and pictures of his daughter. One more item was taken and the fma characters had something done to them.

Michi pressed the unfreeze button. The fma crew was toilet papered while they were frozen. They took about 10 minutes trying to get out because they couldn't use alchemy or anything because they were confiscated, and the girls did some major toilet papering. Jamie recorded the whole thing on her camera, but she hid it right away when they were done un-toilet papering themselves. They checked their pockets and found out that they had been confiscated. Hughes whined that he didn't have his pictures of his daughter anymore. Then Ed noticed something.

"WHERE'S MY RED JACKET?" Ed shouted, and noticed that Michi was wearing it, and then Roy noticed that she had his gloves on. "GIVE ME BACK MY RED JACKET!"

"GIVE ME BACK MY GLOVES!" Roy shouted. Michi just pressed another button. "And what does that button do?" Roy asked annoyed.

"It keeps you from taking back your stuff," Michi replied simply with a smirk that made Mustang's smirk look wimpy.

"THAT IS SO NOT FAIR!" Winry exclaimed.

"YEAH!" Ed agreed.

"Shut up, Fullmetal Pipsqueak," Lali told him.


"You…. duh. Anyways, the next train comes in about 5 minutes, I got a ticket here," Lali says while holding up a train ticket.

"Oh sure then…. Wait…. I DON'T NEED A TRAIN TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!" Ed shouted in more rage.

"Oh, you don't? What a shame. And I thought you would need this ticket." Lali said calmly.

"NO I DON'T! BESIDES, WE'RE THE SAME HEIGHT!" Ed shouted some more.

"But I don't have temper tantrums like a certain blondie here," Lali answered calmly.

"So, I bet you're older than me. I don't remember your ages. How old are you and your friends? 16? 17?" Ed asked still a bit red. Lali and her friends looked at each other, back at Ed, looked at each other again, and started laughing like crazy. "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING ABOUT? I JUST ASKED YOU A SIMPLE QUESTION AND YOU LAUGH LIKE YOU'RE MAD!"

"You… hahaha… You need to…. HAHAHA…. You need to work on guessing ages… HAHAHAHAHA!" Jamie said trying not to laugh too much.

"Maybe he has….. hahaha… trouble…. hahaha…. 'cause he's so short." Michi said also trying not to laugh.


"Ok then," Lali said laughing. "I'm 13… hahaha…. along with Michi…. hahaha…. and Jamie's 12….. hahaha." Everyone's jaws dropped to the floor, and Ed started twitching.

"So…. You're 13 and about the same height as the Fullmetal?" Roy asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, so?" Lali replied calming down finally over the laugh.

"Well, it's just that Ed is 15 and you're…. hey why are you making a disgusted face?" Roy started saying, but looked over Lali's shoulder, well, kind of her head, and saw Michi with a disgusted face.

"GOD! Your stuff smells like SHIT, Ed!" Michi exclaimed. Everyone started laughing except Ed.


"Here Michi, I'll put it in the wash for you. It should be done after dinner," Lali suggested.

"Ok," Michi replied throwing the red jacket to Lali. Then she puts up her hands, in a snapping position, with Roy's gloves on her hands. "So I just snap, right?"

"NO!" Everyone of the fma group yells.

"Michi, you can't do alchemy, the alchemy button is off," Jamie reminds Michi. Everyone sighs. "But I bet Lali will turn it on for you," Jamie says evilly with a smirk like Michi's. Everyone's eyes widened to the size of tennis balls. Lali pressed the button without saying anything. Michi snapped, there was a big boom, and Lali pressed the button again but no one of the fma crew saw.

When the smoke cleared, Mustang's hair was mostly burned off. Mustang had an anime vein, Everyone started laughing.

"OI ROY! Hahahahaha…. Those girls got you good… hahaha." Hughes said trying to control his laughter.

"Well, Mr. Colonel, do you have anything to say about us taking your stuff now?" Michi said to Mustang with a smirk.

Then, Mustang smirked and then said, "Hey, Fullmetal, quick, they still have the alchemy button on! Get our stuff and that remote!" Ed jumped at the command, but he quickly clapped his hands and touched them to the ground. Nothing happened.

"Uh… What happened?" Feury asked.

"Didn't you see me turn the alchemy button off right after Michi used alchemy?" Lali asked with a slight smirk. Everyone's jaws dropped.

"You kids have this well planned out don't you?" Armstrong said with his little sparkles.

"Teens… well, almost for me… and yes," Jamie replied.

"So… how exactly do these things work?" Lali asked with Riza's gun in her hand, looking at it carefully. Everyone's eyes widened.

"You're not old enough to handle a gun are you?" Breda asked with a scared look, well, everyone had a scared look, except Michi and Jamie.

"Does Michi look old enough to handle fire?" Lali asked positioning the gun to point at the painting of a target a few yards in front of her. Everyone took huge steps back from the painting.

"Eh, no," Hughes answered.

BANG! BANG! Lali shot at the painting, but both went a bit too high. "Hmmm, need to work on my aim," Lali said thoughtfully.

"What about you don't work on it at all?" Ed said still a bit shocked from the gun shots.

"Whatever, I don't do too much damage to anything anyways, that's Jamie's job," Lali answered back. The fma crew looked at Jamie, who now had Winry's wrench in her hand. She glanced at Ed, and gave an evil smirk. Ed's eyes widened, and he was about to run, but it was too late, the wrench had knocked him out unconscious.

"Wow, that did more damage than Winry usually would have done," Al said a bit amused standing over his brother. Lali started poking him with a gun.

"Don't poke him with a gun!" Winry shouted. Lali got an amused smirk, and pulled the trigger. "NO!"

Nothing happened. "Don't you all recognize a water gun when you see one? Do you think I'm that stupid to poke a person with a gun?"

Everyone of the fma crew opened their mouths and said, "Well…"

"Never mind don't answer that," Lali said with a grumble.

"It's about time to order pizza isn't it?" Jamie asked. It was already 6 pm. At the mention of food, Ed immediately woke up.

"Yeah, let's get our guests into the eating hall so we can order," Michi agreed.

"Yup, everyone follow us," Lali said with a hand motion that told them to follow.

"This is going to be a one hell of a party," Ed grumbled. Everyone mumbled in agreement.

(A/N: This was rewritten for the fact that the "disrespectful" reviews "disrespectfully" kept on telling me how my early 13 year old logic was out of wack, and I wasn't too happy with it either, BUT THOSE PEOPLE COULD HAVE SAID IT NICER, GEEZ… So I changed it kind of a lot, but it's basically just the fact that the fma crew's brains were messed with so they think that they knew the girls, ok then… And I'm sorry if there is anything that I forgot to change because of the slight change in story, and if you would tell me nicely what I didn't change, I'll fix it as soon as I can…. Now… I really need to work on my other fanfics… )