Disclaimer: Power Rangers belongs to someone else, Disney, Saban, everyone in their production and management, but not me, damn it, why couldn't I be lucky!

It is the LAST chapter of the last STORY to the TRILOGY! Aren't ya excited and sad! I sure as hell am, excited that is. Another one is finished. Wow, long, long process that is just great for the soul. I love and enjoyed every moment, even the losthours of typing. Thanks to my trusty Christian Castro and Josh Groban songs to get me through the early morning typing sessions. Too all those songs that make your heart flutter, I dedicate a few of those into this story. I love Westlife, they were thevision to this third and final chapter to the long story. And I know when I listen to their songs of love and passions, it confirmes to me, true love exist, you just gotta be willing to look out for it, because sooner or later it will come and bit you in the ass!

I can't believe it is the final chapter. It's the end, guys, the end of the 3-part story! Can't believe this all started from "Home to Me" then onto "Idealistic Daydream" and now here in this moment, "Til the End".

Thanks for all the reviews out there. I really appreciate all the kind words. Thank you all!

Thanks for all the reviewers out there that took the time to leave the notes. I really appreciate and love you guys for all the kind words of encouragement and drive. That's always to my girl, PJ, Natedog, and my TL4Ever, baby, you don't know what you do to me. I can't wait until Vegas. Gives me chills just thinking about it. Of course to my new net buddy and gf, Mili, can't wait to release on the world another one of our madness stories. TwinPower! Hehehe!



Chapter 3: Forever

Tommy ran into the hospital. He had gotten the call that he was needed at St. Mary's Hospital. Tommy arrived in the room and found Kimberly holding a baby. Besides her laid JoAnn. Her eyes closed, no lines or monitors on. Kimberly turned to Tommy, tears in her eyes. Tommy stepped more into the room. The sight caused tears to form in his eyes. Kimberly holding a baby, a baby in a pink blanket, his daughter. His child.

I'll be loving you forever,
Deep inside my heart you'll leave me never

"Kimberly?" She smiled at Tommy. Tommy walked over to her.

"She's beautiful, Tommy." Tommy pulled back the blanket over his daughter's faceand with tears in his eyes, he saw his daughter for the first time. He touched her face.

"She's so tiny."



"JoAnn wanted to call her Elizabeth."

"Is she..." Kimberly nodded.

"Here, hold her. Take your little girl. I think...She looks like her daddy." Tommy took her as she started to cry. Tommy kissed Kim's forehead as she tried to wipe away her tears.

"Hey, Elizabeth. It's your Daddy. You are so beautiful, my precious baby girl." He kissed the baby. A doctor came in.

"Mr. Oliver?"

"That's me," Tommy said looking up from his daughter to the doctor.

"From the accounts of Michael Ryan and Bert Chaplain, JoAnnHarrison gave you, Tommy, all the rights to your daughter." The doctor handed over a will that was written out just tonight. "Before she died, she wanted to make sure of that." Kimberly signature was at the bottom as well. Tommy looked at the document.

"When did she di..uh, die?"

"About5 minutes ago."

"I wasn't there."

"It's okay. She wasn't in pain, it's what she wanted. She wanted her final moments to be with Elizabeth." Kimberly rubbed his back.

"Is she..is my daughter okay?"

"Very much. She is a healthy 6 pounds 2 ounces, beautiful girl. One of the most beautiful babies brought in."

"Can I take her home?"

"Of course. We have checked her out and she is completely healthy. No problems at all. We have called JoAnn's guardian parent, but.."

"Her real parents, they died years ago. She lived with an aunt in Nevada before she, uh, went to UCLA. I should try and..."

"We will contact her."

"We don't have anything at home! No milk! No crib..."

"Calm down, calm down, Tommy. I have some diapers and we can buy milk on the way home and..."

"I'm not ready, Kim. We're not prepared for this. I can't...I mean, I thought at least a few weeks..."

"Most parents aren't prepared months after their baby is born, Tommy. But you have a strong lady here. You two will be fine." Kimberly smiled and nodded. "Now, let's make this all official withthe birth certificate." Tommy went over to the doctor and they did the signing off on everything. "Her name, Tommy?"

"Elizabeth, Elizabeth Rose Oliver." Kimberly smiled and nodded.

Kimberly was carrying some clean bottles upstairs when shesaw Tommy standing by his daughter's crib from the steps. It was nearly 4 in the morning. Kimberly had changed the baby and gave her a fresh bottle. They have had Elizabeth for nearly 2 days now. Tommy's parents very excited to see their first grandchild. They wanted to throw a party for everyone to come and meet the baby officially this coming weekend.

You are the sun,
You are my light,
And you're the last thing on my mind,
Before I go to sleep at night



"I thought I left you sleeping," Kimberly said coming into the nursery.

"Yea." Kimberly put the empty bottles away. "You didn't wake me."

"You have had her since we got home. I thought I would let you rest a little bit."

"Are they all like this?"

"Babies?" He nodded. Kimberly laughed. "Yes. Come to bed, Tommy." Tommy rubbed the baby's back and followed Kimberly to their bedroom. He got behind Kimberly on the bed. Kimberly clicked off the lamp. Tommy hugged her and kissed her head.

"You sure she is okay?" Kimberly opened her eyes.

"She's fine, Tommy." Kimberly turned to face him. Kim cupped his face. "She's not going to jump up and run away, she can barely hold her head up." Kimberly smiled. They kissed. "Okay, let's get some rest."

"I know I should, but.."

"Go to sleep." Tommy sighed. Kimberly laid to his chest.

We've had our fun,
We've made mistakes,
But who'd have guessed along that road,
We'd learn to give and take,
It's so much more than I could have dreamed,
Cause you make loving you, so easy for me

His head jerked up after just 5 minutes of resting it to the pillow.

"What was that?"

"Nothing!" Kim laughed. Tommy looked toward the baby monitor.

When trouble's on my mind,
You put my soul at ease

"She is fine you know. Are you going to be like this with our twins?" Kimberly asked.

"Damn right." Tommy kissed her head. "Maybe I should..." Tommy sat up.

"Thomas James Oliver, lay down and hold me or I will strangle you!" Tommy smiled and did it. She hugged him as well. They kissed and fell asleep.

There is no one in this world,
Who can love me like you do,
That is the reason that I,
Wanna spend forever with you

I'll be loving you forever, (forever)
Deep inside my heart you leave me never

I will love you now forever

At nearly sunrise, Tommy woke up on his stomach. He felt around the bed for Kimberly and found her spot bare and cold. On the baby monitor, the lights were glowing on the monitor. He could hear soft singing.

Il vento che soffia piano
Questa notte cambia il mio destino
E sento che il cuore
Ancora si sorprenderà?

La vita ora ha più? senso
Se guardo questo cielo immenso
E la luna inamorata
S'illuminerà? di me
E sarà?
Adesso tutto è? diverso
I tuoi occhi sono due stelle nell'oscurità?

All'improvviso amore
Come il mare
M'invade il cuore e l'anima
E mi salverà?
E sarà? naturale come respirare

Adesso tutto è diverso
Respiro te nell'universo
I tuoi occhi sono due stelle nell'osc

Tommy stood in the doorway as Kimberly sat in the rocking chair, feeding the baby as bottle as she sung to her. Little Elizabeth staring up at her. Kimberly smiled. Tommy came up behind her.


"Hey," Tommy said placing his hand on her shoulder. He bent down and kiss the top of Kim's head. His finger ran along baby Elizabeth's face. "How is she?"

"Hungry." Kimberly pulled the bottle from her mouth and showed it. "Sucking it down fast."

"I see that." Kim placed the bottle back into her mouth. Tommy kissed the baby's forehead.

"You want to finish up feeding her?"


"She's your daughter, of course you can."

"She's your daughter as well."

"I know. I love her just as though if I carried and birthed her myself."

"She loves you so much. You two are bonded and it's only been a few days"

"I just wish.."

"Me too."

They took a little nap after putting the baby down again. Kimberly woke up and found it was just 9 am. As Kim looking for a change of clothes, Tommy turned on the shower.

"We haven't showered together in a while."

"Only because, I'm getting too big for the both of us to fit." Tommy chuckled.

"No, you're not. Come on." They stepped in. Tommy washed his wife down from head to toes. Kim loved the way he would wash her hair. After the shower, he wrapped her into a towel and laid her on the bed. Kim was smiling, as he begun to give her a full massage, from feet to head with lotion before they both got dressed.

"Honey, we have to decided on what color for the nursery."



"What? I told you, they are boys."

"And Elizabeth? Besides, you don't know that for sure if these are boys."

"Oh, but I do. Boys. Twin boys. We haven't hardly even thought of names," Tommy said realizing that.

"I was thinking, Thomas Samuel or Jonathan Thomas for boy, and Trisha Ann or Rose Christine. Oh, and you know I love Samantha for a girl too."

"You want to name our girl after my mom?"

"Of course, she's your mother, she was and will forever be special to you. Plus Trisha is just Trini and Aisha combined since I always promised to my girls, we would name our first girl after each other. How about Rose Trisha Oliver."

"I was thinking, maybe, Jason for one boy and TJ, Tommy Junior for the other."

"You know you have to pick a godfather."


"And Rocky?"

"Rocky will understand."


"Jason, is my bro, Beautiful."

"Fine, you can break Rocky's heart."

"Come here." Tommy pulled her by the waist as he sat on the bed. He rubbed her belly. "Jason may be their godfather in letter, butour boys..." Kimberly looked up at him quickly. "Or girls will have many godfathers and godmothersas well. Plus, Rocky had already got the Uncle Rocko stickers all around the place." Kim laughed. "It'll all work out."

"I know."

"You do?"

"Of course!"

"I have you right." They kissed.

"That you do."

Tommy was painting the nursery as Kimberly laid in their bed, playing with Elizabeth. She was rubbing her stomach and head. Tommy came into the room in just overalls, multiple paint on his pants.

"How's it coming?"

"Great. I'm done. I'm gonna go shower." Tommy pulled his clothes off. Kimberly lifted Elizabeth and feed her some more of her bottle. Tommy came out and slipped on some boxers. He got on the bed behind Kimberly.

"She's gotten so big this last month."

"I know." Elizabeth held his finger. Tommy reached over and kissed her hand. He took over holding the bottle. Kimberly's hand came back and held his head. They kissed.

"I love you, Tommy."

"I love you too. Always and forever," he said.

Tommy decided that he wanted to marry Kimberly before the babies were born. He had planed the wedding for December 15, but pushed it back to later. Kim woke up, pregnant and not happy much. It was Christmas Eve.

"Come on, honey. Time to wake up," Tommy said shaking her.

"Tommy! It's Christmas Eve, I'm still pregnant and tired. Leave me alone."

"Can't do that, now come on."

"Why!" Tommy helped her out of the bed. He lead her downstairs. The house was decorated for Christmas, with a huge tree with tons of gifts under it. "Where are we going?"

"Come on," he said leading her to the back.

"What's going on?" Tommy opened the backdoor and Kim gasped. It was decorated as if it was a wedding. Tears started falling down her cheek.

"I thought you were throwing a party?"

"Oh, yeah, Rocky was suppose to lead you to believe that. It was planned."

"You are soo wonderful!" Kim said hugging him. Trini and Aisha took her arms.

"Let's go get you ready," Kim's mother said.

"I can't fit into any wedding dress."

"We got the best one for you," Aisha said. They went inside and Kim got into a dress almost exactly like the wedding dress she wanted after the babies were born, but especially fitted for her now.

Kim and Tommy stood up with all their family and friends surrounding them. The priest began to ceremony. Tommy held Kim's hands tight, never taking his eyes off her for too long.

"And now for the vows." Kimberly went first.

"I have always wanted to marry a prince, but I found someone better. This maybe a cliche, but I knew from the first moment I saw you, you were the love of my life. There never will be another man, I love more than I love you, Tommy." Tommy couldn't help it and cupped her face. Everyone laughed as he kissed, unable to hold back one. Tommy wiped away her tears.

"Suppose to wait for the signal," Jason said nudging him.

"Sorry." Kim laughed. "Go on."

"I joyfully give myself to you today, to be your wife...your...I find myself so lucky that I found someone better than any prince. You are the true love of my life and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life as Mrs. Oliver."

"And now, Tommy."

"You are a short lady, I promise I won't hold that against you if our children are short too." Kim smacked his chest hard. "Ow." Everyone laughed.

"Okay, okay. I love you, Beautiful. And I might not be that prince charming, but I will spend the rest of my life making sure you are a queen..." Kim smiled and wiped away the fallen tears down his cheek. "And as I am here with you Kimberly, looking at you, looking into your eyes and I am stunned..." Kimberly reached up and kissed him. Everyone laughed again.

"Go on." Tommy noddedto her.

"From the first moment I met you, I knew you were special. From the first kiss, I knew no one else could come within miles of that feeling. You ignited me, and that fire has never left me adn will never leave us. Nothing in this world compares to what I see, to what I feel right now. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life in your arms and waking up besides you. I love you for all eternity, Beautiful."

"And now for the rings. Do you Kimberly Ann Harte, take this man, Tommy James Oliver to be your husband, for better or worse, in sickness and health, till death do you part?"

"I do." She put the ring on his finger.

"And do you, Tommy James Oliver take this woman, Kimberly Ann Harte to be your wife, for better or worse, in sickness and health, till death do you part?"

"I do." He put the ring on her finger.

"By the powers infested from God and the state of California. I now pronounced thy, husband and wife...you may" Tommy bent down and kissed Kim quickly. They didn't stop, Kim wraped her arms around his neck, while Tommy hugged her.

"You may now continue to kiss your bride." Everyone laughed and cheered, but Kim and Tommy didn't care.

"Save some for the honeymoon," Jason said nudging Tommy, who finally pulled away. Everyone clapped. Tommy picked up the end of her train, Kim held it as he lifted her into his arms. Everyone was throwing rice as they walked down the aisle as the new Mr. and Mrs. Oliver.



Tommy came into the house to find Kimberly sitting around with Aisha and Trini. Trini was rocking the now, 3 month old Elizabeth. It was now after Christmas. Kim's babies were supposed to be due around by now, but now it was nearing New Year's Eve and no end in sight. Doctors were thinking inducing her pretty soon, probably after the holiday

"Hello my beautiful ladies!"

"Hey, Tommy," everyone said, but Kimberly.

"Hey, baby," Tommy said kissing his daughter before going over to Kimberly. She moved away when he went to kiss her. He missed and hit the back of her head. "Okay. I brought the lunch you all order."

"Great." Aisha took the bags.

"10 days Tommy! Tommy fucking days!"

"Hey! Hey, not around Liz!" Trini said covering the baby's ears. Kim rolled her eyes.

"Did you go by the studio?" Tommy asked pulling out the food for all of them. He placed it on the table.


"What happened?" Tommy said taking the baby so Trini could eat.

"They kicked me out."


"They said I was being too bitchy and to go home until the babies are born." Tommy smiled. Aisha laughed.

"It's hasn't been too long, Kim. Just wait, our babies will be here soon."

"Yea, yea. That was sweet the first few times. Now you're just damn annoying. Go away." Tommy sighed and placed the baby into her playpen. He covered the now sleeping Elizabeth.

"Want anything else ladies?" Tommy asked.

"Get me a muffin and juice." He nodded and went to kiss Kimberly again, but she pulled away. He held his hands up in defense. He came out with a blueberry muffin.

"I don't want blueberry!" She shoved it away making a face. "Cranberry orange! OH! I'll just get it myself!" She tried to get up. "Ahh! Damn it! Damn you two! Get out, get out, get out! GET OUT!" She yelled at her stomach. Everyone looked at each other.

"Yea, that's sound good."

"Great idea," Aisha said following Trini's lead. Trini and Aisha took their food into the kitchen. Tommy followed them. Kimberly sighed and sat there trying to calm down. She struggled and got up. She walked over to Elizabeth's crib. She rubbed the baby's back and kissed her head.

"Your Mommy is such a brat ass...pain." Kimberly went into the kitchen. Tommy looked up from his food and smiled at Kimberly. She hugged him. "I am soo sorry. I know, I haven't been the best person over the last week and..." Tommy hugged her back.

"And month," Aisha quietly added. Trini laughed.

"It's okay, Beautiful. We all understand. It's not easy carrying babies, especially overdue twins." Kimberly nodded.

"Well, can't say they aren't like their father. Always running late," Aisha said. Kimberly glared at her. Tommy feed her some of his pasta. They kissed.



Inside the hospital, Tommy stood beside Kimberly. She was crying against another round of contractions. He pressed his lips to the side of her forehead, as she breathed deep through contractions. She had been in labor now for over 34 hours now. She was already 12 days overdue and was more of a pain than ever before. She wanted to go without any pain medication, which would turn to a big mistake by her accounts.

"Does it have to be this nosy? I don't remember it being this nosy? Why is it sooo noise?" Kim groaned.

"They are just doing their job, okay, don't mind them," Doctor Carter said. Some rooms down, people were celebrating their babies being born, and that the New Year's countdown was coming up shortly.

"It's going to be okay, sweetie," Tommy said.

"Don't talk."


"Shhh," Kim said covering his mouth as a contraction hit. Pushing his face away when he tried to talk.

"Why do I have to..."

"Just be quiet!" She yelled and groaned. Tommy closed his mouth. After a few minutes, Kim breathed deeply and grabbed Tommy's hand. "I love you," she said. She kissed his hand repeatly. She held his face and kissed him. Tommy mouth the same to her and her stomach. He kissed her forehead, then on the lips again.

"What are you doing? Why aren't you talking?"

"Wha…now, I can talk?"

"Oh, yes, yes, baby." She held his face and kissed him again. "I just can't take your voice during a contraction." She kissed his hands then kissed on the lips again.

"Oh," he said. "Well…I..you are doing soo..."

"Oh, shut up!" She said pushing his face away again. Outside, both parents stood with friends sitting down as well. It was New Year's Eve. About a half an hour from the countdown. They were at the party, when they heard Kimberly had finally reached 10 centimeters, so they rushed to the hospital to welcome the baby into the world.

"Okay, doctor, I'm ready. I'm ready for the drugs."

"Oh, Kimberly, it's far too late for them now."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Well, there's a window for the time the drug can be administrated, and well, you said no, then and when I asked you at 7 centimeters, you said no again. Now it's over with you can't have them."

"No, no, I want the drug. Give me the damn drug! Give me the bloodly drugs now!"

"The window is closed, sorry." She changedmore gloves and fixed her mask back to cover her mouth.

"NO, open, open the window. Open the fucking window!Tommy, tell her to open the window!"

"It's closed," the doctor said.

"Honey, its…"

"No, open it, break it down, tear it open! Do somethin..anything…please," Kim moaned as another contraction hit. Tommy grabbed her hands. "Tommy, go get the drug, please."

"The doctor said…"

"I don't care what she said! She's fired, now go!"

"Come on, Kimberly, time to really push."


"PUSH! KIMBERLY!" Kim screamed out.

"I HATE YOU!" She turned to Tommy. "YOU ARE SO IN TROUBLE MISTER!" Tommy nodded and held her hands tighter, as she gripped his hands just as tight. He kissed her forehead.

"Just push, Beautiful. Hate me later."

"AHHHH! That does it! OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!" She yelled. The doctors smiled. Kimberly pushed harder. "Come on, Kim. You are doing so well," the doctor said. Kim shook her head and collapsed to the bed. She had been doing about 3 rounds of pushing and nothing.

"No, I can't…I can't do it anymore, Tommy." He kissed her forehead.

"Yes, you can, Beautiful. Come on. Push."

"No, no, no, please, no more." She buried her face in his chest and cried. "I can't…it hurts! I can't…" He rubbed her back and arms.

"Come on, Beautiful, don't you want new year's babies?"

"NOOO! I can't…it hurts…Tommy, please…" she said threw the tears. "Help me."

"I'm here, Beautiful. I'm here and I am not going anywhere. Now push!"

It was just 1155 pm. Jason and Rocky brought some cake, champagne, and snacks so everyone can celebrate new years even though they were in the hospital.

"Tommy, I can't…please, Tommy, make it stop," she was crying harder.

"You are the strongest woman I know. You can do this." He kissed her on the lips, but she shook her head. "Now, push!" She looked at him and shook her head. "Beautiful, look at me." Kim looked up. "I love you, I love you so much, now push." He gave her a kiss on the lips. He helped her sit up a bit and she pushed down. They could hear the countdown outside as Kim was pushing.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" could be heard, along with the screams of the new addition to the Oliver family. Tommy cut the cord and the baby boy was taken away by a nurse. Less than a minute later, the second baby was born, another boy as well. Kimberly cried with Tommy. The first baby was placed on her chest.

"He's beautiful Kimberly."

"He looks like me a little."

"He does," Tommy said.

"And here is baby 2." A nurse placed the second hollering baby into Kim's other arm. She cried harder. Tommy kissed both his sons and Kimberly. Tommy ran outside to tell everyone. Everyone jumped up, but Tommy's mother who was holding Eliabeth.


"Boys! Boys! We have sons!"

"OH!"Kim's mother hugged him tightly.

"How's Kimberly? How's my baby!"

"Okay. I better go back before she yells..."

"TOOMMY!" Everyone laughed. Tommy looked back.

"GOOO!" Aisha shoved him back inside.

After they cleaned each newborn and dressed him in the clothes, Kimberly brought, everyone was allowed into the room. They all piled in to get a close look of the babies. They all stood in the room, watching Kimberly with the newborn sons.

"They are so perfect, Tommy. Our sons," Kimberly said as she rocked and kissed them.

"Our sons." Tommy kissed her head. Tommy took one so the others could see them better.

Everyone went closer around the bed, as Kimberly held one son up while in bed, while Tommy held his other son. Everyone was taking pictures.

"Well, what are their names!"

"Tommy and I decided on, that this little one," Kimberly said as she removed more blanket from his face. "He will be Alexander Thomas Oliver."

"And he will be Christopher James Oliver," Tommy said rocking his son. Everyone nodded.

"Ahh! You two have a Liz, Alex and Chris now." Kimberly smiled and laughed at Aisha's comments. Kim's mother took one son again.

"Perfect names. They are so beautiful. I am a grandmother. I feel old." Everyone laughed. Tommy handed his son over to his mother. Elizabeth in Trini's arms after Trini handed one baby around to another person.

"Oh, he looks a little like Kimberly." Tommy sat on the bed with his wife. He put his arm around her.

"They are too gorgeous! You two are so lucky." Aisha took one baby again. It was a little game call ring around the babies. Everyone took their turns holding the boys, each savoring in the moment.

"We know." Kimberly looked up to Tommy. "I am the luckiest woman in the world."

"I know how you feel." They kissed.

"Thank you, Tommy."

"No, thank you, Beautiful."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Beautiful. So much." Tommy lifted her chin and they kissed again. Many pictures taken of that moment, along with the camera still going on. It hasn't been turned off since Kimberly arrived to the hospital. Kimberly and Tommy looked around at their family with their sons.

Some find it in the face of their children
Some find it in their lover's eyes
Who can deny the joy it brings

To know that I can say I love you
In any given time or place
It's little things that only I know
Those are the things that make you mine
And it's like flying without wings

And you're the place my life begins
And you'll be where it ends

I'm flying without wings
And that's the joy you bring
I'm flying without wings

Tommy looked at Kimberly and nodded. She touched his chest and nodded. He bent down and they kissed.





the end, oh sweet mercy the end! I am soo happy, little sad, just a wee bit, but man, do I love this. Now, I get to start other stories. So, thanks once again, so thankful to be given this chance to put my work and a part of myself out there onto the world. I hope you all have enjoyed yourself through these 3 stories, I know I have. Thanks and love ya

until next time

catch ya on the flipside

and any other way to say goodbye



Special Thanks

Cranelove, my sister, my twin, love ya girl, gonna miss you next week
Danhyde girl, thanks for sticking with me through all my tales
Giggles, love drama too, so much in my life, might as well accept it and write about it
Kyla, thanks, I like my stories too
Devin, thanks, bawling too,
Taylor, Regan, True Romantic, Baby-Prue, Zila1200, thanks Margieboots, cool name, Margie is my fave Simpson
Hansongirl14 (you know Hanson suck, just playing :)
LeoGurl876, thanks also for coming on the ride to my madness
Chanelle Summer, especially thanks
Jedi4jesus19, you rock dude

Thanks to you all for sticking with me and continuing to leave reviews with great notes of inspiration. I really appreciate it and love you all very very VERY much for it.

And to those that don't review, shame, shame on you! Don't you see how your name will be idolized in gold(well, not gold, you get the point) Anyways, thanks for reading it as well, at least you didn't flame me :)

Thanks to all, I'll be writing soon!

Babye :)