Disclaimer: Power Rangers belongsDisney, Saban, everyone in production, but not me, darn it, why couldn't I be lucky:(

It is the LAST story to the trilogy, aren't ya excited! Thanks for all the reviews and words of encouragement. I really appreciate it all! You guys are superb! This is to my girl, Mili, having wanted this for the longest. Well, here you go, girl!

Summary: Kimberly has gone missing from Tommy. She has disappeared, leaving David along with everyone wondering she has gone to. Will Tommy find her and find out the truth? What about JoAnn and the baby? Do they survive the hardship ahead? And what happens when an old friend comes to town? All that and more, so enough of the delay and get to reading!


Chapter 1: The Hardest Thing

After her final opening act in London, England, Kimberly packed her things up and disappeared. No one had any idea where she was. By the time Tommy made it back up to Kim's room in the hospital, she was gone. He had thought to give her the night and next morning alone, before he would try back again. He pulled back the curtains and was surprised to see another person there.

"Where is my fiancee?" Tommy asked a nurse walking around. She had been there last night.

"Oh, she checked herself out the hospital hours ago, sir."

"Why didn't anymore call me!"

"I'm sorry sir, she requested you not to be informed. She left with that man that was with her." Tommy rushed to the phone. Kimberly lifted her cell phone and found it was Tommy. She simply closed it down.

"I need a new cell phone," she said in the limo with David. They were on their way to the airport. Kimberly wanted to get out of this country as soon as possible. Tommy was able to get a leave from his dig and go up to London. However, he couldn't get back to Kimberly and after her final show, she left, leaving David, her parents, her friends, all wondering where the famous singer disappeared.

I've made up my mind
There is no turning back
It's the hardest thing
I'll ever have to lie
To show no emotion

Kimberly's grandmother brought in a tray of breakfast. Her favorite granddaughter laid in her bed, where she had been since she arrived late night from England 2 days ago. Kimberly's grandparents on her mother's side stayed in Ireland, in their small castle home in the country. Kimberly loved this place, ever since she was a little girl. She would pretend to be the princess of the castle when she visited.

"Tommy called here again. As did your mother and father, Aisha, David, everyone is really worried."

"I don't want anyone to know where I am, Gama. Please, respect that."

"I do, babygirl, I do, but these people are your family and friends and they are sooo worried about you." Kim's grandmother set the tray on the nightstand.

"I'll send an email to everyone, I just don't want move for a while."

"And your baby, do you think he/she would appreciate Mommy being a stubborn brat."

"He or she is simply an embryo, size of a eyelash, you told me you wouldn't push, Gama. You said you would allow me to stay here with you and papa until I am ready to go."

"And you are welcomed here for as long as you want, you know that. But my daughter is extremely worried about her only little girl and that is not right."

"I said I would call them, so leave me alone!"

"You will not take that tone with your Gama, little lady," Kim's papa said standing in the doorway. "We all are very worried about you!"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry to you both for being such a pain in the ass." Her papa came and sat on the bed as Kimberly started to cry.

"You wouldn't be a true O'Brien unless you weren't a pain the ass." Kim laughed through her tears as her grandfather hugged her.

"I just want to make sure you and that baby is okay."

"We are, we will be." Kim kissed her grandmother's cheek. "Because we have you two." She hugged both of them.

David found out from Kim's mother that Kimberly was doing fine with her grandparents in Ireland, about a monthafter Kim's last performance. He wasn't happy that she left him like that. No calls, not even a letter to explain herself. David dropped every business he had and flew out to Ireland to try and convince his star singer to come back to the States and get back on the music scene. Kimberly was out in the garden with her grandmother when a limo pulled up.

"Who in the world?" Kimberly pulled her gloves off and lifted her sunglasses.


"You haven't returned any of my calls."

"How did you find me!"

"Your mother!"

"You wasted a trip, I'm not coming back. Not now. I'm not ready."

"I have been working on setting up shows for you back in the States, you have to come back!"

"David, I quit. I'm pregnant now and I need to think about my baby now."

"You can sing and still be pregnant!"

"I can't...I won't go mainstream again, not being pregnant. All that stress is not good on the baby and I won't endanger my child."

"Fine. We won't do so much..."

"David, no! You need to move on."

"I have a contract and you are obligated to..."

"That was before I was pregnant okay."

"I know this break-up was hard, especially since you deeply love him, but to waste your career like this is a major mistake. You know that."

"My career is over with David! I have a child now to think about! No myself!"

"You are using this child as an excuse to stay away from him! What happens when he finds out and finds you with his child, a child he thought was dead! And that you lied to him!"

"Go to hell!"


"Leave now!"

"Fine. You may not care about your career and your band, but just remember this was your dream that you are throwing away." He left. Kimberly sighed and turned to her grandmother.

"You lied to him?"

"I don't need this too, Gama," Kimberly said.

"He doesn't know you are pregnant with his child!"

"He thinks I lost it in the accident."


"Because I made him believe that."


"Because he going to have a child with another woman and she needs him!"

"You need him. And he loves you!"

"Well, love sometimes isn'tenough!"

"Love is always enough!"

"Not with this time, Gama." Kimberly walked back inside her. "Not this time."

Tommy had left several messages, still on her cell phone. Kimberly just didn't seem to care about the world, she just wanted to simply waste away. Life and living just didn't mattered right now to her. Only thing that keeps her alive is for her baby, she knew the baby deserved more in life than this, but right now, she just got into bed and cried the days away.

Tommy had found out, after 2 months, Kimberly was back in California performing again. Somehow, David had convinced her to come back and keep on singing. Though the shows were the mainstream as the worldwind tour, she keep to same shows, started out on East coast, before coming home to California. Kimberly and her band was performing again at the Gig. Tommy knew deep down that he loved her more than he could love another person, after many phone calls and letters to her parents, he finally got hold of Kim's grandmother. She decided to intervene and wrote Tommy a letter. He received a letter from Kim's grandmother secretly telling him Kimberly would be going back to America to sing again. She gave him a list of performances. JoAnn wasn't happy to find him going back to Kimberly. She was a little over 6-months along now, with a baby girl. Tommy was very happy to find that out and couldn't wait to hold his little girl, but his heart, the one he loves is back and he won't go any longer without her in his life.

It was about 11am, Kimberly was tuning with the band. Early practice before the show. He walked in and saw a pregnant woman singing. Her swollen belly was the first thing Tommy's eyes locked onto. He couldn't believe she lied to him. She actually lied to him and was going to hide the fact that she was carrying his child. Kimberly was in a lavender tunic with white skirt and black platforms. After the short practice of the show, Tommy sneaked into the backstage room. Kimberly was in the room looking over some lists of song when she felt Tommy's presence. A kick from her stomach caused her to look up. She realized the kick was because of Tommy's presence. Kimberly dropped the papers from her hands as she saw Tommy. Her breath held in her throat as she gasped. David and Larry came into the room and found the two standing there looking at each other.

"What the fuck are you.."

"David, please give us a minute," Kimberly said quickly. She went to the door and tried to shove them out "I'll be fine." She went to close the door, when David's hand stopped her.

"You call me if he.."

"I'll be fine, David. Really, okay." David nodded. Kimberly closed the door and turned to Tommy.

"You lied to me."

We both know that I shouldn't be here
This is wrong

And baby it's killing me
It's killing you

But both of us trying to be strong

"I had to."

"You're carrying MY child!" Tommy said holding her shoulders.

"You're going to have one with JoAnn. Why care about us?"

"Because, it's mine, Kimberly. We created this out of love. How could you lie to me like that! You are carrying my baby...I..!"

"No, not yours, this baby is mine. Not yours, Tommy. I will raise my child alone.. I don't nee.."

"Not without me."

"Yes, without you, Tommy! Go to JoAnn and your baby. Leave us alone! If you love me, like you said, then you should just go. Just go." He shook his head. She went to push him toward the door.

"NO! I won't."

"I don't love you!" She screamed pushing his hands away. "I don't love you!"

"Liar." Tears rolling down her face. She shook her head.


It's the hardest thing
I'll ever have to do
To look you in the eye

And tell you I don't love you

I can't let you see
What you mean to me

"Why are you complicating things? This way, you can have your family with JoAnn and I won't come between it. We just want you to be happy! I want you happy!" She punched his chest as he tried to hug her.

"I was happy with you!" He went to her. "I won't lose you again. JoAnn understand that I will only love you...and.. and now our baby."

"Because of me, she could have died and so could have your baby."

"No, they are doing great. JoAnn is fine, our baby, my little girl is healthy."

"Little girl?"

"Yea, JoAnn is having a girl. Healthy baby girl and I can't wait, but I won't denied my heart Beautiful. I'm not doing it anymore. I want you."


"I want to be with you...any now, I want to be with our baby."

"Tommy, it's babies."


"Twins." His hand went to her stomach. Kim smiled and nodded.

"Twins?" He smiled. They kissed. He bent down on his knees infront of her stomach. He kissed her stomach. Kimberly giggled as he started talking.

"Hey, how's it going in there? Just you wait, we're going to spoil you guys soo much." Tommy got up and kissed her again. "Twins." She nodded. "Oh, you make me so happy."

"I love you, Tommy."

"I love you, shrimp!" She slapped his chest. "We should get married." Kimberly smiled.

"Never done that before," Kimberly said.

"Oh.." She grabbed his hand and put it to her stomach. "They just started today. It's never been this strong until today." He felt as his babies were lightly punching and kicking away. "Twins usually don't start this early, I guess they felt their daddy near." She giggled as Tommy made faces and baby noises to her stomach. He felt a stronger hit.

"Wow. That's a good hit. They are going to be great karate boys?"


"Yeah, they're going to be boys."

"No, girls."

"Let's let the doctor tell us."

"No! I want to be surprised."


"Tommy! I haven't known now. I think I can handle another 4/5." His hands caressed her stomach.

"This is so different."

"Different from what?"

"That way I was feeling with JoAnn. I mean, don't get me wrong. I can't wait for my daughter, but this is...truly amazing. This time, it's.."

"I don't want her apart from us. She needs you, Tommy. Your baby and JoAnn needs you."

"I know. You have too much of a heart to let me forget about them."

"I won't quit singing until I have the babies either..."

"But you need to cut back on performing. I won't have my future wife putting herself in any stress."

"Future wife?"

"Yes, I will marry you, and soon."

"And what's makes you think I want to marry you so soon, Mr. Thomas James Oliver?"

"Because, I know you."

"Oh, you do."

"Yes, we are getting married soon."

"I think I will really love that." Tommy kissed her again, and they walked out together holding hands.

For the next few weeks, Tommy was moving Kim's things into his new house. He had brought the home since he was finishing college and knew he wanted a nice urban home raise his daughter in. Tommy wanted to continue his field working on dig excurations, but eventually, wanted to become a teacher. Kimberly loved the house, with the perfect backyard and pool. From the first moment, she walked into the doors, she fell in love with it. It was perfect for a family. Just perfect. Kimberly was struggling with her khaki pants. Tommy came in and found her. Tommy laughed.

"It's not funny!" He went to her.

"Well, my boys need a little more room." Tommy said holding her stomach.

"Oh, you know that I will be cursing you in that delivery room if these baby are over 6 pounds."

"Oh, you'll be cursing me out if they are 4."

"Damn straight! Now, help me!" After 10 minutes, Tommy stepped back.

"I think those should go in the post-labor pile, because there is no way you are getting those zipped."

"AHHH, I hate this!" She threw them down. She put on her green tank with flyaway back. It was more comfortable because the back being open left room for her stomach. She grabbed some blue denim shorts that were actually Tommy's shorts.

"So, what's on the list today?"

"Well, we still need to figure out what color the nursery will be."

"Haven't we fought enough with that?"

"Come on, Tom." She held his face and kissed at him.

"Kimberly, I told you. They're boys. Blue, green, manly colors." "

HA! And what if it's one boy, one girl!"

"Then we'll add a little pink and purple."

"Why not just a rainbow of colors?"

"What do we want? Gay children!"

"TOMMY!" She threw a pillow at him. They were fixing their bed.


"You are ridiculous. I love the rainbow."

"You are a beautiful woman, and a painter. Of course you love the rainbow." Kimberly sat down after bending down to pick up a pillow. "What's wrong?" He said coming to her side.

"My back." He lifted her legs to the bed. Kimberly smiled. "You okay?"

"Yeah, can you hand me my vitamins, with some pickles..oh and some wafers." He kissed her forehead.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Thank you, honey." They kissed.

They went to the paint shop. Once they got back around noon, Tommy had a message on the phone. It was from Jason.They both listened in.

"Hey, bro, it's me, Jason. Gonna be in town for the next few weeks, I don't know. Maybe a hell of a lot more. So I was just wondering if you want to get together today or tomorow. Whatever. Call me at--"

Kimberly smiled. "Wow, haven't seen him in ages. Let me see when did I see Jason last? Since the show," Kimberly said. Tommy called Jason back. They set up a lunch date, Tommy told him he had 2 surprises for him. They met around 1pm. Jason nearly fell out of his chair to see his long time best friend pregnant and holding hands with Tommy.

"When did this happen again! I thought you were still vanished!" Tommy and Jason hugged.

"She has reappeared." Jason touched Kimberly's belly then hugged her. "How have you been, bro?"

"Good good! Look at Mrs. Thing!" He hugged her again. He could still pick her up with ease. "I've missed ya, Kim. I was so worried about you, lil sis."

"I'm sorry for that."

"But you are here now. And pregnant, wow! You are pregnant? How did that happen?" Kim laughed.

"A little bit of yea and uh huh." Jason laughed at Kimberly.

"I think Jason knows the mechanics of baby making, Beautiful."

"You sure as hell love it," Kimberly said as Tommy held her chair out. Kimberly sat down.

"What I meant is, when Tommy last called me, crying like a baby, he said you lost the baby."

"Yea, that's a long story, so sit and I'll explain that." Jason nodded and sat down. Tommy pulled up another chair.

"Now let's eat," Kimberly said picking up a menus after she finished the story.

"Little demanding, aren't ya."

"It's the hormones, man. Trust me, I have learned 2 things in the least weeks. Never be in the path of pregnant woman's cravings and never disagree with Kimberly." Jason smiled.

"Thanks for the tip, bro." Kimberly laughed and kissed Tommy's cheek. They ordered lunch.

"So, where are you staying?"

"Hotel on Sunset."

"No, no, you can't do that. You are welcome with us, bro," Tommy said.

"Nah, don't want to get in the way of couple's bliss."

"Couples bliss?" Kimberly asked.

"Walking in you two..doing your..."

"AS IF!" Kim slapped Jason on the chest. Jason laughed.

"No way, Jason. We have a spare room." Tommy and Kim's new house had 4 bedrooms, each with their own bathroom. Tommy took one room already set up for the twins and JoAnn's baby, when she is born. "You have to stay with us."

"You better," Kim said.

"Kimberly..." Jason tried to talk his way out of it.

"Remember those rules, bro."

"Okay, okay. I will."

"I feel up for shopping, don't you?" Tommy groaned.

"Shopping?" Kim smiled.

Tommy was helping Jason carrying all the things Kimberly brought on her shopping spree.

"You know, this is ridiculous," Tommy said putting the multiple bags in the room.

"Yeah, girl. What all did you get?"

"Lots of baby things. We're going to have twins, so that means twice as much."

"Yeah, well, we're going to be broke before they get here."

"No, we won't! I have so much money put away for them, plus my album is selling great, David told me."

"Yes, I heard about that." Kimberly went into her closet.

"Here you go. I was going to mail it to you, but.."

"Oh cool. Ms. Kimberly Ann Hart's new CD."

"And not the last," Tommy said as he hugged her.

"So, what are doing to do tonight?"

"Well, I gotta get to bed pretty early, searching for another dojo site."

"Oh, really man."

"That's awesome, Jason. Hey, Tommy, maybe you can help."


"Actually I was hoping to join up with you, you know. Jason and Tommy dojo. We always had that dream to start a dojo together."

"Well, Tommy isn't into teaching karate anymore, he wants to be a science teacher."

"What!" Jason said looking at him.

"I know, scary huh?" Kimberly asked putting away another bag. "I thought so too."

"Actually, I was thinking about going back, after I get my degree, you know, do some side work at a dojo. I really miss teaching karate." Kimberly smiled. They kissed.

"Man, I remember how you two were always kissing when you think no one was watching."

"Yeah, I guess, we knew it, huh."

"I know I did, I always had this attraction to you, even back then," Tommy said.

"Me too," Kimberly said smiling.

After putting away most of the bags, Kimberly was resting and eating. "How much a day does she eat bro?"

Too much." Jason laughed at Tommy's remark.

"Hahah, big boys! You think it's funny. I would love to see you two pregnant."

"We were blessed never to have to experience that." Kimberly threw her apple at Jason.

"What the hell is that?" Jason asked as Kimberly made her plate. Kimberly had apple marshmallow mush, peanut butter, and hot dogs.

"You know, the doctor told you to eat healthy."

"Ah, what does she know?" Kimberly bite into her hot dog. She put peanut butter on it.

"Ewwck." Jason said. He made another face as Kimberly feed Tommy some marshmallow mush.

"Man, cravings that strong." Tommy made more microwaved marshmallow apples for her.

"Will you have room for dinner?"

"Ahh, she'll have plenty of room for that."

"Don't make me flatten you two!" Tommy laughed and sat on the couch with her. Tommy sat at her feet, massaging them. Jason was watching tv. Kimberly fell asleep, after finishing most of the food. Tommy lifted her from the couch, and carried her upstairs. He covered her up and left her alone.

Reviews always welcome!
