Title: An End
Pairing: TatsuhaxTaki
Fandom: Gravitation
Theme: #23. Candy
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters or this series and I don't profit from this work.
Notes: Mostly dialogue, with some description. Slightly Ma-kun centric

When Ma-kun had gotten the call, it was all he could do to keep from hanging up. Even though the voice was a little different and not as rough, it still sounded like Eiri Yuki, moments before the man broke Ma-kun's ribs with a sick smile. Right now, there was a lot of shit being spewed at him about how the thing at Taki's place had been a big misunderstanding, blah, blah, blah. Fear had finally given way to seething anger.

"Listen kid, whatever it is, I don't want to hear it. Tell Taki that he can fuck up his life all by his lonesome."

"Dude, listen. Just what is your problem anyways?"

"My problem? My fucking problem?"

"Yeah. Spill. I'm not psychic." It sounded like he was smacking his lips and Ma-kun couldn't resist a strange surge of irritated curiosity.

"What are you doing?"

"Having a few sugar daddies." He seemed to pause at that moment to savor one and the sound would have been erotic if it was coming from a girl. "I'd offer you one, but yeah."

"What's your game?"

"Nothing man. So, are you going to tell me why?"


"Listen, dude-"

"I don't know what Taki's after, but stay the fuck away from him."

"Uh dude, trust me, he's done nothing."

"Hahahahaha! You really are fucking clueless, aren't you?"

The threat had been coming since the conversation started, but it still hardened the lump in Ma-kun's throat when the kind finally issued it. "Do I have to go and ask my brother how he knows your blond ass?" He inhaled deeply, knowing that the boy couldn't possibly miss the sound.

"You shit. Your brother nearly killed me, that's all you need to know."

"You must have done something-"

"No you little punk. Taki did something. Just ask Shindou." Normally Ma-kun would have been cursing his big mouth, but even though it was belated, he was suddenly tired of the whole thing. Taki, Yuki Eiri, the lies, the paranoia, this boy, none of it mattered anymore.

"Listen if you'd just-"

"Figure it out for yourself." He slammed the phone down, satisfied at the harsh clicking noise it made. Picking up a worn black book, he began to thumb through it until he found the number he was looking for. He swallowed what little guilt he felt and began to dial the number, not caring about the consequences.