Disclaimer: Don't own them.

A/N: Since some of you wanted me to keep my other fic, Snickers even though I'm not going to. I will write you one of your own. Thanks to my Banana Peel for the Beta. hugs

Chapter One: Is Everything Ruined

"Are you sure?" Nick sat on the bench while he made sure everything was in his vest. He looked up at Sara who had her back to him. He didn't mean to ask her that question but she caught him off guard. Now she stood in there crying. He could tell she was scared. When he heard her finally tell him that she was sure beyond any doubt, he did the only thing he could think of. He stood up and walked over to her. He turned her so she was facing him. He pulled her into his arms and ran his fingers threw her hair. "Sara, I don't know what to say; but…I think this is great." Kissing the top of her head he just held her. "Hey look at me." He pushed her back so he could look into her eyes. "I love you. You know that right?" His hand fell on her face and his thumbs ticked her cheek. Then pulling her lips to his, he kissed her softly.

Sara was grateful he was taking it so well. She threw her arms around him while they continued to kiss. She let him lead her so her back was against the locker. She never got use to how good he felt. Even when things looked horrible all he needed to do was hold her. So they continued to stay in their embrace until Sara felt his hands slide under her shirt. "Nick, not…" She stopped when she noticed his hand just rested on her abdomen. "So you're really okay with this?" She placed her hand over his. "I know we didn't plan for this and I know it has ruined…"

"It didn't ruin anything, gorgeous." He kissed the top of her head. "If anything, it made it a whole lot better." Running his hands threw her hair, Nick and Sara stood lost in each others eyes. He couldn't wait until he could tell his parents. In that moment he knew it was time to ask her to marry him. The next morning he would go shopping for the right ring and plan the night that he would ask her. He wasn't sure how long they were standing there, because they didn't notice Greg walk in.

Greg stopped in his tracks when he saw Nick and Sara. His heart sank in his chest; he wished it was him holding her attention like that. Every time he saw them together the green eyed monster would come to surface. Most people in the lab knew they were together, yet Greg never could seem to get use to it. Standing in the doorway Greg remembered when he, Warrick and Catherine found out about the relationship.

It was four weeks after Nick had got buried alive. The gang decided to have a party. There was no real reason for it other than that they just wanted a night to spend time with each other. That hadn't really done that since the team got broken up. Everyone had shown up, even Grissom. Sara was standing at the kitchen counter talking to Catherine when Nick walked in and wrapped his arms around Sara from behind. "Cath, do you mind if I borrow Sara for a moment?" Not waiting for Catherine to answer him he pulled her out of the room; then out the back door.

Warrick had walked into the kitchen after passing Nick and Sara in the hall. "You do know what they are up to, don't you." Warrick laughed while popping a piece of candy into his mouth. Noticing a confused look on her face, he took her hand and they snuck to the window that overlooked the back yard. "Take a look." He pointed to the tree were the couple were making out. "Can you see them? I don't know when this happened but its fun to spy on them." They both jumped when Greg walked in and asked what was going on. "Take a look." He waved him over and all three stood there watching the couple going at it.

Before any of them knew mostly everyone at the party was staring at Nick and Sara. Their eyes all widened when they saw Nick undo Sara's pants. For a moment there they all thought they were going to get a free show, until she stopped it from going any further. They saw her whisper something into his ear, then turn back to the house. He held her tight against his body as they slowly walked back inside. He looked up at the house and laughed. Then they waved at the people staring out the window.

They all took off and went back to the party. They were all questioned about where they all had gone, but before they could answer Nick and Sara walked back in. She was blushing as everyone looked at them. Mia and Catherine grabbed her and pulled her away, while Warrick and Greg took Nick off. In two different parts of the house the two were being asked hundreds of questions. Neither of them seemed to be listening to the questions they were being asked, for the fact that they were staring at each other. After all the questions were answered they were left by themselves.

Seeing Sara alone, Grissom downed his scotch and walked over to her. "You look beautiful tonight." He was shocked when she didn't smile at him. He wanted to kiss her. Pull her lips to his, he wondered how they would feel against his own. Grissom smiled at her and took Sara's hand in his. "Look Sara, I wanted to ask you something." When she pulled her hand from his he let out a sigh. "Do you want to take a taxi to my townhouse and I will make you breakfast or something?" He looked around and saw that everyone was leaving. If he was a betting man he would've thought she might have jumped on the offer. To his dismay she shook her head. "Alright well what about…lets have dinner sometime?" He stormed outside when she turned him down once more. He hadn't heard what everyone else was talking about. So he didn't understand why she kept turning him down.

Everyone watched as Grissom fled and then turned to look at Sara. Nick walked up to her and pulled her into his arms. "What's his problem? Does he really think I will go running to him whenever he feels like it?" To say she was angry was an understatement. At this point only Warrick, Catherine, and Greg remained at the party. Nick kept trying to calm her down as they all cleaned up. "He just makes me so angry." It just figured, she moved on and found happiness with Nick and now Grissom thinks he can just walk in and expect her to be with him. She had news for him, it didn't work that way. She knew if he tried anything again she would have to hurt him.

After everything was clean and in order once more, they all sat down and talked. Time seemed to fly by and before they knew it the sun was beaming through the windows. They finished their coffees then left Nick and Sara to be alone. As they pulled away from the house Greg sighed. He could see Sara and Nick were happy together, but still he wished it was he and her that were happy.

Now he stood watching them by the lockers. "You know if Grissom sees you two he will blow his top." Then that is when he noticed where Nick's hand was. "Sara, are you…I mean." He started to stumble over his words. "You're pregnant?" He didn't need them to answer he could tell by the look on their faces that she was. He knew now that it was very serious between the two. "Congratulations are in order I believe then." Being a man that he was he shook Nick's hand and then gave Sara a hug. "If it's a boy you're going to name him Greg right?Oh wow I cannot believe you are going to have a baby."

"Who's having a baby?" Catherine butted in as she and Warrick walked in. Nobody had spoken up when she asked about the baby so she just looked at everyone. "Hello anyone hear me I asked who…" She stopped when it clicked to her. "Sara?" She almost pummeled Nick to the ground as she ran to Sara giving her a hug. "How far are you? So when's the baby due? Are you going to find out what it is? Do your families know yet? If so how'd they take it?" She didn't give them time to answer before she asked more questions.

"Cath give the girl time to talk. I'm sure when they are ready to tell us everything they will. Now let me give her a hug doll." Warrick pulled Sara into a hug of his own. They all stood there talking and laughing. "You know, this calls for another party." That made everyone laugh even harder. It was great that they were now back on the same shift. "Hey we're all going to be late if we don't get going; and they way Gris has been lately he won't me to happy." Warrick put is arm around Catherine and they walked out together.